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CSCTFL 2015 Martha Halemba,

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1 CSCTFL 2015 Martha Halemba,

2 * Explain the difference between proficiency and performance * Identify examples of proficiency and performance * Explain the different levels of proficiency * Explain why, when, and how to assess both proficiency and performance

3 Proficiency to communicate meaningful information in spontaneous interaction understandable to native speakers does not mean perfection Performance performance in familiar contexts practiced and rehearsed connected to specific curriculum

4 My second year students Skyped with a student from the D.R. They had practiced questions and knew vocabulary that we had learned in class dealing with classes, schedules etc. They felt very comfortable. When the Skype actually happened, the vocabulary was slightly different, the questions he had were phrased in a variety of ways. They went to one word answers and struggled to form the questions they wanted to ask.

5 What is our ultimate goal? Proficiency How do we get there? Performance

6 * Novice * Intermediate * Advanced * Superior * Distinguished


8 * LOW a baseline performance for the level; sustained but skeletal for the level; “Just hanging on” * MID solid performance for level; quantity/quality for the level; may have some features of the next level * HIGH sustained performance close to the next major level

9 In the heart of practice = performance What they remember = proficiency Where they begin

10 * Interpretive * Interpersonal * Presentational



13 Example of an exam Goals for the chapter Describe travel plans Distinguish between the preterit and imperfect tenses Use present progressive Understand the metro and other tourist attractions Are we testing this? interpretive interpersonal presentational

14 Example of test Fill-in verb, adjective = look at subject or noun and put the correct ending…. Comprehension? Multiple choice Listen for the one word that gives the clue….comprehension? Vocabulary fill- in Reading Writing Listening

15 Speaking Maybe evaluated once a quarter? Culture If we have time Extra credit In English Test created by book and/or after lessons are completed

16 Let’s finish the bridge and cross over.

17 Vertical Alignment AdvancedIntermediateNovice Know where you are going Align yourself Align your department Align your state

18 Start with the assessment goals / SLOs I can... talk about a trip I took tell my friends where to go (that is give them directions to my house ) tell my Grandma all about the things I saw in Madrid ETC. Whatever captures your students’ interest according to their age and likes/dislikes

19 Interpretive * Reading- Metro web page for finding stations and basic information (Doc)Metro web (Doc) * Listening- Couldn’t find authentic, so used the book testing but changed the format so they would have to listen and understand Presentational * Write a letter to Granny about where you went what you saw (spontaneous, not practiced)letter Interpersonal * Talk to your friend on the phone. Tell him/her where you went and what you saw so far, what you are doing now, and give him/her directions to the dog groomer.

20 The grammar * Preterit (PowerPoint) * Familiar commands (Scavenger Hunt in HS) * Present progressive (PowerPoint) Vocabulary * Public transportation words * Direction vocabulary * Transition words * ETC.

21 * Vocabulary assessments- Recognition/Production Vocabulary assessments- * Preterit assessments * Present progressive assessment * Etc.

22 * iPads with places to go in Madrid and metro stops (interpretive/presentational)metro stops * PowerPoints with info / examples (interpretive) PowerPoints * Command sheet (interpretive) Command sheet * Scavenger Hunt (interpretive)

23 * Give directions to your partner (interpersonal) Give directions * What time do you…(presentational/interpersonal) * Tic tac toe Tic tac toe * Trip list (presentational)

24 Vas a participar en un juego de búsqueda para conocer mejor la escuela. Vas a visitar algunos sitios de la escuela. Empieza en W204. En cada sitio, busca el QR-Code para recibir las direcciones al próximo lugar. Tienes que volver a la sala de clase en exactamente 30 minutos después de empezar la búsqueda. Si llegas tarde, no vas a ganar los puntos. Escribe los sitios en el papelito. Cuando vuelvas a clase, tienes que mostrarme la historia de sitios en tu móvil. **Nota: En cada sitio tienes que empezar las próximas direcciones con tu espalda al QR-Code.

25 IPA (interpretive, presentational, interpersonal) Question: Is it performance or proficiency? Performance When to we use performance assessments? * Repeatedly throughout the year * Each chapter / unit / topic


27 IPA (interpretive, presentational, interpersonal) What makes it different from performance? * Not chapter/topic specific * August and April

28 anceDescriptorsLanguageLearners.pdf Learning-Standards/Foreign-Language/World- Languages-Model-Curriculum/World-Languages-Model- Curriculum-Framework

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