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Reflexive Verbs Avancemos 1 Spanish 1
What’s a Reflexive Verb?
Reflexive verbs and reflexive pronouns show that the subject of a sentences both does and receives the action of the verb. The reflexive pronouns in English end in –self or –selves. Ejemplo: She dries herself with a towel Ella se seca con una toalla
Using Reflexives Me lavo Nos lavamos Te lavas Os laváis Se lava
Use reflexive pronouns with reflexive verbs when the person doing the action also receives the action. lavarse Me lavo I wash myself Nos lavamos We wash ourselves Te lavas You wash yourself Os laváis Y’all wash yourselves Se lava He/she washes himself/herself Se lavan They wash themselves
Let’s Take a Closer Look
Me lavo I wash myself Nos lavamos We wash ourselves Te lavas You wash yourself Os laváis Y’all wash yourselves Se lava He/she washes himself/herself Se lavan They wash themselves **Did you see that unlike ‘gustar’ the endings change! The pronouns in blue look like the pronouns we use when we use “gustar” Me gusta nos gusta Also, the “él/ella/Ud” and “ellos/ellas/ustedes forms both use the pronoun “se”
With Body Parts… When using a reflexive verb, DON’T use possessives “mi, tu, su, nuestro, vuestro, su” Instead, just use the definite article: el, la, los, or las Anita se lava la cara Anita washes her face
Be Careful! Verbs will mean different things based on whether or not they are reflexive Anita se lava vs. Anita lava los platos Dormirse=to fall asleep dormir=to sleep Ponerse=to put on (clothes) poner=to put/set
Acostarse* to go to bed Me acuesto Nos acostamos Te acuestas
I go to bed (I put myself to bed) Nos acostamos We go to bed Te acuestas You go to bed Os acostáis Y’all go to bed Se acuesta He/she goes to bed Se acuestan They go to bed
Afeitarse to shave oneself
Me afeito I shave (myself) Nos afeitamos We shave (ourselves) Te afeitas You shave (yourself) Os afeitáis Y’all shave (yourselves) Se afeita He/she shaves (himself/herself) Se afeitan They shave (themselves)
Bañarse to take a bath (bathe)
Me baño I bathe (myself) Nos bañamos We bathe (ourselves) Te bañas You bathe (yourself) Os bañáis Y’all bathe (yourselves) Se baña He/she bathes (himself/herself) Se bañan They bathe (themselves)
Cepillarse los dientes to brush one’s teeth
Me cepillo I brush (myself) Nos cepillamos We brush (ourselves) Te cepillas You brush (yourself) Os cepilláis Y’all brush (yourselves) Se cepilla He/she brushes (himself/herself) Se cepillan They brush (themselves)
Despertarse* to wake up
Me despierto I wake up Nos despertamos We wake up Te despiertas You wake up Os despertáis Y’all wake up Se despierta He/she wakes up Se despiertan They wake up
Dormirse* to fall asleep
Me duermo I fall asleep Nos dormimos We fall asleep Te duermes You fall asleep Os dormís Y’all fall asleep Se duerme He/she falls asleep Se duermen They fall asleep
Ducharse to take a shower
Me ducho I shower (myself) Nos duchamos We shower (ourselves) Te duchas You shower (yourself) Os ducháis Y’all shower (yourselves) Se ducha He/she showers (himself/herself) Se duchan They shower (themselves)
Lavarse to wash oneself
Me lavo I wash (myself) Nos lavamos We wash (ourselves) Te lavas You wash (yourself) Os laváis Y’all wash (yourselves) Se lava He/she washes (himself/herself) Se lavan They wash (themselves)
Levantarse to get up Me levanto Nos levantamos Te levantas
I get up Nos levantamos We get up Te levantas You get up Os levantáis Y’all get up Se levanta He/she gets up Se levantan They get up
Maquillarse to put on make-up
Me maquillo I put on makeup Nos maquillamos We put on makeup Te maquillas You put on makeup Os maquilláis Y’all put on makeup Se maquilla He/she puts on makeup Se maquillan They put on makeup
Peinarse to comb one’s hair
Me peino I comb (myself) Nos peinamos We comb (ourselves) Te peinas You comb (yourself) Os peináis Y’all comb (yourselves) Se peina He/she combs (himself/herself) Se peinan They comb (themselves)
Ponerse (la ropa) to put on clothes
Me pongo I put clothes on (myself) Nos ponemos We put clothes on (ourselves) Te pones You put clothes on (yourself) Os ponéis Y’all put clothes on (yourselves) Se pone He/she puts clothes on (himself/herself) Se ponen They put clothes on (themselves)
Secarse to dry oneself Me seco Nos secamos Te secas Os secáis Se seca
I dry (myself) Nos secamos We dry (ourselves) Te secas You dry (yourself) Os secáis Y’all dry (yourselves) Se seca He/she dries (himself/herself) Se secan They dry (themselves)
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