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Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper that you can hand in to me! You don’t need to write out the questions, just the numbers. 1) Why is education.

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Presentation on theme: "Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper that you can hand in to me! You don’t need to write out the questions, just the numbers. 1) Why is education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper that you can hand in to me! You don’t need to write out the questions, just the numbers. 1) Why is education important? 2) What will your education do for YOU in the long run? 3) What are three long-term goals you have for yourself? To give you an idea, my answers would be... 1) Education is important because it’s a way to better life for yourself and for your family. I think education is the key to success in this country because you are taken most seriously when you have a strong education to back up your ideas and opinions. 2) In the long run, my education will make it possible for my siblings and for my children to follow in my footsteps. My education will give me expanded opportunities, such as higher paying jobs and the ability to impact other people. My education will make me competitive in any field I want to enter. 3) Three long-term goals I have for myself are to start a family, buy my mom a house, and get a PhD in whatever field I love the most.


3  On the next few slides, you will see images with different steps of daily routines. As a group using your notes from last class, conjugate the reflexive verbs for the subjects provided. You will have 1 minute and 15 seconds for each slide, and you will need 12 complete correct sentences total to get 5 bonus points on your Pasaporte! Each error is -1 bonus point.







10 Using a full sheet of paper (lined or copy), draw out eight boxes and make your own tira cómica. In each box, draw a figure of yourself (stick figure is a-okay) and write out eight different steps of your daily routine in Spanish in the present tense. First, I wake upThen, I get up I brush my teeth my hairetc.

11  All of our vocabulary is REGULAR in the preterite tense.  In the preterite, reflexive verbs still need reflexive pronouns. -AR Preterite -é-amos -aste -ó-aron -ER/-IR Preterite -í-imos -iste -ió-ieron

12 Traduje las frases sigiuentes. Escribe en inglés y en español. Ejemplo: I washed my face.  Yo me lavé la cara. 1. You showered yesterday. 2. Carlos bathed last night. 3. This (Esta) morning, Ana and Cristina brushed their hair. 4. Yesterday, I shaved. 5. This morning, my sister and I woke up at 6 AM. 6. Last night, Jimena washed her face.

13 1. You showered yesterday. Tú te duchaste ayer. 2. Carlos bathed last night. Carlos se bañó anoche. 3. This (Esta) morning, Ana and Cristina brushed their hair. Esta mañana, Ana y Cristina se cepillaron el pelo. 4. Yesterday, I shaved. Ayer, yo me afeité 5. This morning, my sister and I woke up at 6 AM. Esta mañana, mi hermana y yo nos despertamos a las seis. 6. Last night, Jimena washed her face. Anoche, Jimena se lavó la cara.

14 Using your tira cómica, modify your eight steps into the preterite tense in Spanish. You may write the new sentences on the tira cómica or on a separate sheet. When you are done, practice saying/pronouncing the steps of your routine with someone near you. Classwork grade today: 5 points: Tira cómica in present and preterite tenses. 5 points: Telling me in Spanish three steps of your daily routine (without looking at your paper) Bonus 5: Both activities completed

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