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Speaking Test “La Granja” Español 2. Today you will create a note card to help prepare for your speaking test.  This is for you to use your picture/

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking Test “La Granja” Español 2. Today you will create a note card to help prepare for your speaking test.  This is for you to use your picture/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking Test “La Granja” Español 2

2 Today you will create a note card to help prepare for your speaking test.  This is for you to use your picture/ writing to help you study for the speaking portion.  You will turn in your notecard before you speak but you can use it to prepare once your farm has been turned in.  The following items are what I expect you to be able to talk about.

3 Demonstratives and ¿Dónde quedan? (Where are things located on your farm?) Choose 3 items and/or animals describe their location with respect to one another. Use 3 sentences. You may choose to speak about different items or give additional descriptions for the same two items. Strategy: Use prepositions such as:  in the center  to the right  to the left  above/ on top  below/ beneath  between  near to  far from  inside/ outside of Use Demonstratives such as this/these That/those That and those over there.

4 Ordinales… (use at least 3) Los Animales y el granjero Strategies:  List the animals in order using ordinal numbers – use an adjective for each (color, size, pretty, ugly, etc. - Watch your agreement masculine/ feminine Examples: El primer animal es un toro guapo. Se llama Raúl. La primera oveja es blanca y tiene lana bonita. You may also describe the order in which the farmer feeds the animals like you did in your writing.

5 ¿Qué hacen los animales? Here you will tell me about what the animals do, are doing, or did in the past. Be prepared to use at least 1 examples of the following: Present Present progressive 1 regular Preterit 1 Spock 1 Cucaracha verb

6 Rúbrica Bien hecho 5 puntos Te faltan algunos conceptos 0-4 pts Use of Ordinal NumbersCorrect agreement and included at least 3 ordinals Missing 1 or more elements/ Incorrect agreement Prepositional Phrases and Demonstrative Adjectives Correct use of demonstratives and prepositions. Gave at least 3 descirptions. Missing 1 or more elements. Incorrect use of verb, agreement, etc… Included each of the following: Present Present progressive Preterit Spock Cucaracha Correct conjugation and included all 5 verbs Missing 1 or more of the verbs/incorrect used of the verbs Vocabulary UsageStudent uses a variety of vocabulary from this unit. Student uses minimal vocabulary Pronunciation exceeds GA standards for SP2 Student is easy to understand and has zero to 1 errors in pronunciation. Student has errors in pronunciation

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