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DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati1 CARE D ISSEMINATION A CTIVITIES O. Napoly (CEA/Saclay) Chair of CARE Dissemination Board ( by interim )

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Presentation on theme: "DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati1 CARE D ISSEMINATION A CTIVITIES O. Napoly (CEA/Saclay) Chair of CARE Dissemination Board ( by interim )"— Presentation transcript:

1 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati1 CARE D ISSEMINATION A CTIVITIES O. Napoly (CEA/Saclay) Chair of CARE Dissemination Board ( by interim )

2 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati2 CARE Dissemination Activities Web Sites Network Meetings Deliverables Publications

3 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati3 CARE Web Site CARE Web site : Many thanks to the Webmaster : Bernard Mouton (LAL Orsay)

4 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati4 CARE Web Site CARE Web Site includes List of Participants Description of Work : Annex I Annual Reports 2004, 2005 List of CARE Deliverables, with linksDeliverables Links to 7 Activity Web sites Activity Technical Description Activity ‘Quarterly’ Reports Work-Packages Calendar and Meetings Publications Temporary Positions

5 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati5 CARE Network Meetings 2006Network ELAN ‘Electron Linear Accelerator Network’ BENE ‘Beams for European Neutrino Experiments’ HHH ‘High energy High intensity Hadron beams’

6 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati6 CARE Deliverables A serious issue: Deliverables are Contract Obligations to the EC. They are posted on the CARE Web site Deliverables (file)file CarEx All programs are continuing, we are a bit slow in delivery.

7 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati7 CARE Publications CARE Publication Policy defined in includes mandatory EU Acknowledgment: We acknowledge the support of the European Community- Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 “Structuring the European Research Area” programme (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395)

8 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati8 CARE Publications CARE Publication Database thanks to Catherine Desailly and Angèle Séné, CEA/Saclay includes : CARE Note, Pub, Conf and Report categories Templates for Activity Documents and CARE Notes  CARE Activity Documents in activity web repositories (ELAN, HIPPI, NED )ELAN HIPPI

9 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati9 CARE Publications 2004 PubsConfsNotesReports ELAN261 BENE15 HHH81 SRF11861 PHIN2621 HIPPI1191 NED22 All1 Total454398 Status

10 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati10 CARE Publications 2005 PubsConfsNotesReportsThesis ELAN2123 BENE4 HHH1823 SRF132963 PHIN? 61 HIPPI11574 NED24 All111 Total215727281 Status

11 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati11 CARE Publications 2006 PubsConfsNotesReportsThesis ELAN213 BENE4 HHH1+32233 SRF15482 PHIN1214 HIPPI2095 NED51 All1 Total65118333 Situation as of November 15, 2006

12 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati12 CARE Conference Publications EPACLINACHALOBIWRPIA ELAN2 BENE HHH1223 SRF311 PHIN1 HIPPI1024 NED All Total283613 Situation as of September 12, 2006

13 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati13 CARE Journal Publications 2005

14 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati14 CARE Journal Publications 2006 CARE-Pub-06-001: CARE-Pub-06-002: CARE-Pub-06-003: CARE-Pub-06-004:

15 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati15 CARE Thesis 2006 CARE-Thesis-06-01: HOM in TESLA cavities, R. Paparella, SRF CARE-Thesis-06-02: Nb3Sn dipole design, H. Felice, NED CARE-Thesis-06-003: RF Couplers, H. Jenhani, SRF

16 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati16 CARE Dissemination : Conclusions Dissemination Activities are mandatory and rewarding However, they are very demanding and time consuming. eg. : HEP promotion and outreach activities have been left out in 2005. Therefore, Dissemination should be left to full time professional people

17 DAPNIA 15 November 2006CARE'06, Frascati17 CARE Dissemination : a candidate The new EURISOL project leader, Yorick Blumenfeld from IPN, has asked me to contact you to find out what rules you follow for CARE publications considering the public availability of published notes, conference contributions and journal articles. The EURISOL admin team insists on a EU contract interpretation which means most EURISOL publications are protected by password (resulting in that no-one submits papers to through the EURISOL web site). We would like to change to your system as you are very successful in encouraging your community to publish results. I would be grateful for your advice. Best regards, Mats

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