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Ms. Mariella Valdez SPANISH AS AN ADITIONAL LANGUAGE (SAL) Ms. Fiorella Perazzo

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Mariella Valdez SPANISH AS AN ADITIONAL LANGUAGE (SAL) Ms. Fiorella Perazzo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Mariella Valdez SPANISH AS AN ADITIONAL LANGUAGE (SAL) Ms. Fiorella Perazzo

2 Class time: Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6: 40 minutes Wednesday: 30 minutes - We want to create a non threatening environment - Teach in a fun way: games, songs, role play, movement, bingo, etc. How do we teach Spanish? SPANISH AS AN ADITIONAL LANGUAGE (SAL)


4 - Your help and communication is extremely important. - Please e-mail us anything that you think we need to know to help your child be happier at school. if it’s too hard for your kid. if he/she didn’t understand something. if homework hasn’t been completed (and there is a good reason for it…) - Emotional component: it is important for the kids to see you happy in Peru…

5 - Bring everyday the green bag to class with materials needed - Respect: others & materials - Good behavior - Responsible: class & home - Speak SPANISH !

6 - Monday to Thursday - Check homework (“Homework pocket”) - Spanish/English dictionary at home ( Korean / French / German / Dutch / Hebrew / Hindi / Swedish … ) - Reading in Spanish is very important - If they do not bring their homework...  20 to 25´ Spanish 25 to 35´ English (TOTAL = 45 to 60 minutes daily)

7 - Individual and group work - Working on-line: Internet (check webpage and play to learn)Internet - Will send home unfinished work - Teaching rotates around working on projects (outline deadlines), researching on a topic + writing

8 - Vocabulary: colors, shapes, numbers, family members, parts of the body, clothing, food, etc. - Regular verbs AR/ER/IR ending (present) - Some reflexive verbs (present) ( “gustar”, “doler” ) - Correct gender, use of articles + pronouns (agreement, nouns, pronouns, adjectives) - Basic Peruvian history / Pre-Inca & Inca Empire

9 - For fun / pleasure (in September) - Share parts of the book they liked the best - Write down 5 words (notebook) - 2nd. Semester: write a little about the story (main character, beginning, the end, etc.) SPANISH AS AN ADITIONAL LANGUAGE (SAL)

10 Reading Club Booklets: - Vocabulario SAL - Folleto de Concordancia y errores ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? ¡Adelante!

11 Listen to and read simple conversations and respond to comprehension questions Retell a story, answer comprehension questions related to the story Participate in small group discussions Present projects and oral reports Role playing

12 Informal reading: newspaper headings, and advertisements Read short stories, dialogues, poems, geography and Peruvian history Identify characters, facts and different situations Establish proper sequence of a story; develop creative different endings Identify the most important event in a story, secondary ideas and details Use of a dictionary to find meaning of words

13 Encourage creative writing: write scripts for sketches, dialogues, plays and cartoon strips, commercial advertisements Write stories, poems, autobiographical narratives, summaries, etc. Apply the writing process

14 Apply grammar concepts to written and spoken language Subject-verb, article-noun, noun-adjective agreement Use articles, pronouns and prepositions in context Identify and recognize meaning of antonyms and synonyms Use of most common verbs -regular and irregular-, gerunds and reflexive verbs Use of question and exclamation marks at the beginning and end of a sentence

15 Appreciate and value diverse cultural aspects of Latin- American / USA / Peru. Identify Spanish-speaking countries and capitals on a world map. Learn about the main geographical aspects of the Peruvian territory, language, customs, etc. We work in coordination with homeroom teachers to reinforce the PYP Program.

16 ACTITUDES - Curiosidad - Tolerancia - Compromiso - Cooperación - Independencia - Integridad - Apreciación - Confianza - Entusiasmo - Respeto - Creatividad - Empatía PERFIL DEL EDUCANDO - Investigadores -Pensadores -Buenos comunicadores -Audaces -Informados -Con principios - Solidarios -De mentalidad abierta -Equilibrados -Reflexivos

17 Curriculum / Objectives ANY QUESTIONS ? SPANISH AS AN ADITIONAL LANGUAGE (SAL)  Practice is the key to success ! … invite friends (Spanish speakers) over to your house

18 ¡ Somos Colegio Roosevelt !

19 Nuestra misión es ofrecer a nuestros alumnos las herramientas necesarias para que persistan en su pasión por el aprendizaje, sean íntegros y tengan la capacidad de crear soluciones socialmente responsables.

20 nuestra Comunidad Celebrando

21 Piensa VERDE, actúa VERDE

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