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Máster en Relaciones Internacionales y Comercio Exterior Módulo Unión Europea “5 debilidades de la Unión Europea” “Sandra Marcos Hidalgo” Profesor Alberto.

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1 Máster en Relaciones Internacionales y Comercio Exterior Módulo Unión Europea “5 debilidades de la Unión Europea” “Sandra Marcos Hidalgo” Profesor Alberto Romero Ania Marzo de 2010 Página web del trabajo : Página web del trabajo : ttp://

2 Welcome !

3 EUROPEAN UNION “Weaknesses of the EU” “Sandra Marcos Hidalgo” Lecturer Alberto Romero Ania Aliter, March 2010

4 Introduction La crisis actual está poniendo al descubierto las debilidades de la Unión Europea. 5 Debilidades 1. Torre de Babel 2. El viejo Continente 3. Los sin Papeles 4. Falta de Cohesión Social 5. Complejidad Institucional

5 Torre de Babel The European Union is composed of 27 countries and has 23 official languages. In the article 22 of the charter of the fundamental rights in the European Union it is said that the linguistic diversity has to be respected The article 21 prohibits the discrimination for the reason of the language.

6 Torre de Babel Main Problem : A lot of money and time for: translate documents interpreters in the meetings Solution : Choose one common language

7 Torre de Babel Proportion of pupils learning foreign languages in primary school, by language, 2006 (1). Source: Eurostat Unesco, OECD

8 El viejo continente Three factors are at the heart of Europe’s ageing society: Persistently low fertility rates High life expectancy Baby-boom generations that reach higher ages.

9 El viejo continente Source: Eurostat (tps00010) Population by age class, EU-27 (1997)

10 El viejo continente The population in Europe estimated for 2050 will be the oldest in the world The question is : who will pay the pensions of this entire people? The answer : the immigrants

11 Los Sin Papeles The migrations are mainly produced by economics, politics and social events The economic development of the EU makes it more attractive to people from countries less developed The most numerous groups come from Turkey (2.3 million), Morocco (1.7 million), Albania (0.8 million) and Algeria (0.6 million)

12 Los Sin Papeles Net migration (including corrections), EU-27 (1) Source: Eurostat

13 Los Sin Papeles "we should thank the European immigrants that we had pensions“ Felipe Gonzalez. El País The EU has to control the illegal immigration and help them to integrate in our society.

14 Falta de Cohesion Social The EU is composed of 27 countries To get a social cohesion between all the countries is a very complicate issue The eurobarometer on the social climate in the EU found large differences between countries. People in the Nordic countries and the Netherlands generally most satisfied with their personal situation.

15 Falta de Cohesion Social The highest level of satisfaction was reported in Denmark, (+8.0), with Sweden, the Netherlands and Finland also having high levels. The lowest levels of satisfaction were reported in Bulgaria (-1.9), followed by Hungary, Greece and Romania.

16 Complejidad institucional The EU has a very complex institution structure. The citizens in the Union do not know how it is working. Especially young people With the treaty of Lisbon the Union has tried to simplify the structure by removing the three institutional pillars

17 Conclusions The EU is still under construction The EU still needed some years to solve all this weaknesses Needs to improve its migration policy Needs to choose one language for the meetings and for the documentation Has to simplify its complex institutional structure The Social Cohesion will come out

18 Thank you for your Attention!

19 Have a nice day !!!

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