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Question Words. qui who Qu’est-ce que what quand when.

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Presentation on theme: "Question Words. qui who Qu’est-ce que what quand when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question Words

2 qui who

3 Qu’est-ce que what

4 quand when

5 où where

6 pourquoi why

7 comment how

8 combien how many

9 quel which

10 Verbs

11 aimer to like

12 aller to go

13 arriver to arrive

14 avoir to have

15 boire to drink

16 chanter to sing

17 choisir to choose

18 commencer to start

19 danser to dance

20 dire to say

21 dormir to sleep

22 écouter to listen

23 entendre to hear

24 être to be

25 faire to do / to make

26 finir to finish

27 jouer to play

28 lire to read

29 manger to eat

30 marcher to walk

31 nager to swim

32 parler to talk

33 partir to leave

34 penser to think

35 porter to wear

36 prendre to take

37 regarder to watch

38 se brosser to brush

39 se coucher to go to bed

40 se couper to cut

41 se doucher to shower

42 se fâcher to get angry

43 s’impatienter to get impatient

44 se laver to wash

45 se lever to get up

46 se maquiller to put on makeup

47 se peigner to comb

48 se raser to shave

49 se réveiller to wake up

50 sortir to exit

51 téléphoner to call

52 visiter to visit

53 vendre to sell

54 venir to come

55 voyager to travel

56 Nouns

57 un cadeau a gift

58 les cheveux hair

59 chez moi my house

60 les chiens dogs

61 les dents teeth

62 les devoirs homework

63 les élèves students

64 les enfants kids

65 en retard late

66 une histoire a story

67 les mains hands

68 le matin the morning

69 le père dad

70 les profs teachers

71 la salle de bains the bathroom

72 le soir tonight

73 les vacances vacation

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