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© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-1 Punto di partenza The verbs dovere (to have to/must; to owe), potere (to be able to/can), and volere (to.

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Presentation on theme: "© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-1 Punto di partenza The verbs dovere (to have to/must; to owe), potere (to be able to/can), and volere (to."— Presentation transcript:

1 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-1 Punto di partenza The verbs dovere (to have to/must; to owe), potere (to be able to/can), and volere (to want) are irregular. All three are commonly used in two-verb constructions with infinitives to express what someone has to, can, or wants to do.

2 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-2

3 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-3 Dovere is normally used with other verbs to express obligation. Use a conjugated form of dovere + [infinitive] to express what has to or must be done. Devo scaricare il documento. I must download the document. Dovete comporre il numero. You have to dial the number.

4 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-4 In addition to obligation, dovere + [infinitive] can imply probability. Non risponde! La segreteria telefonica deve essere spenta. Theres no answer! The answering machine must be off.

5 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-5 Dovere also means to owe. In this case, dovere is used without another verb. Devi cento euro alla mamma? Do you owe Mom 100 euros? Non dobbiamo niente. We dont owe anything.

6 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-6 Like dovere, potere is normally used with other verbs. The verb that follows potere must always be in the infinitive form. Puoi salvare la password? Are you able to save the password? Non posso accendere la TV. I am not able to turn on the TV.

7 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-7 Potere can express either ability (the equivalent of can in English) or permission to do something (may in English). Non posso trovare il telecomando! I cant find the remote control! Posso usare il tuo cellulare? May I use your cell phone?

8 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-8 Volere can be used either with nouns or with verbs in the infinitive form. Vuoi comprare un computer? Do you want to buy a computer? Sì, voglio un nuovo computer. Yes, I want a new computer.

9 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-9 In Lezione 2B you learned the expression avere voglia di. Use this expression to mean to feel like having/doing something; use the verb volere to express to want. Hai voglia di guardare la TV? Do you feel like watching TV? Vogliono navigare in rete. They want to surf the Web.

10 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-10 Volere followed by the infinitive dire (to say; to tell) expresses to mean. Use the expression Cosa vuol dire...? to ask what something means. Note that the form vuole is commonly shortened to vuol in this construction. Se squilla, vuol dire che funziona. If it rings, it means its working. Cosa vogliono dire queste frasi? What do these sentences mean?

11 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4A.1-11 dovere 1. Tu ________ tornare a mezzogiorno? 2. Virginia ________ mangiare alle dodici e trenta. 3. Noi ________ dare alla mamma venti euro. potere 4. Io non ________ lavare i piatti (dishes) stasera. 5. Tu ________ comprare i biglietti per il cinema? 6. Gianna ________ andare alluniversità in bicicletta. volere 7. Voi ________ andare al ristorante domenica? 8. Anna, ________ un caffè o un cappuccino? 9. I professori ________ preparare un esame facile. devi Completa ogni frase con la forma corretta del verbo indicato.

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