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To talk about what you and others are like 1.Artístico, -a Artistic 2. Atrevido, -a Daring 3. Bueno, -a Good 4.Deportista Sports- minded 5. Desordenado,

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Presentation on theme: "To talk about what you and others are like 1.Artístico, -a Artistic 2. Atrevido, -a Daring 3. Bueno, -a Good 4.Deportista Sports- minded 5. Desordenado,"— Presentation transcript:


2 To talk about what you and others are like 1.Artístico, -a Artistic 2. Atrevido, -a Daring 3. Bueno, -a Good 4.Deportista Sports- minded 5. Desordenado, -a Messy 6. Estudioso,-a studious 7. Gracioso,-a Funny 8.Impaciente Impatient 9. Inteligente Intelligent 10. Ordenado, -a Neat 11. Paciente Patient 12. Perezoso, -a lazy

3 To talk about what you and others are like 1. Reservado, -a Reserved, shy 2. Serio, -a Serious 3. Simpático, -a Nice, friendly 4.sociable Sociable 5. Talentoso, -a Talented 6. Trabajador, -ora hardworking

4 To ask people about themselves or others 1.¿Cómo eres? What are you like? 2. ¿Cómo es? What is he/ she like? 3. ¿Cómo se Ilama? What’s his/her name? 4. ¿Eres…..? Are you…..? 1. Le gusta…. He/ she likes… 2. No le gusta… He/ she doesn’t like… To talk about what someone likes or doesn’t like

5 To describe someone 1. Soy I am 2. No soy I am not 3. Es He/she is 1. El amigo Male friend 2. La amiga Female friend 3. El chico Boy 4. La chica Girl 5.La familia Family To tell whom you are talking about

6 1.yo I 2. Él He 3. Ella she 1.A veces Sometimes 2. Muy Very 3. Pero But 4. Segùn According to 5. Segùn mi familia According to my family Other useful words

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