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Punto di partenza You have already learned some prepositions and prepositional contractions in Italian, such as di to show possession and alle when referring.

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Presentation on theme: "Punto di partenza You have already learned some prepositions and prepositional contractions in Italian, such as di to show possession and alle when referring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Punto di partenza You have already learned some prepositions and prepositional contractions in Italian, such as di to show possession and alle when referring to time. Prepositions show the relationship between two words in a sentence. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

2 Nico cammina per la città. Nico walks through the city.
Il regalo è per il papà. The present is for Dad. Il tre sta fra il due e il quattro. Three is between two and four. Arriva fra tre mesi. She will arrive in three months. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 2

3 Articulated prepositions, or preposizioni articolate, are formed when certain prepositions contract with a definite article. a + il al to the to the in + la nella in the in the © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

4 © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

5 As you have seen, di is used to express possession
As you have seen, di is used to express possession. Di can also be used to describe a person or item, while da reflects an item’s purpose. il professore di spagnolo the Spanish teacher la partita di calcio the soccer game il costume da bagno the bathing suit (the suit for bathing) la racchetta da tennis the tennis racket (the racket for tennis) © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

6 Di and da can both describe origin or provenance, but their use depends on the main verb in the sentence. Sono di Roma. Vengo da Firenze. Arrivano da Milano. I am from Rome. I come from Florence. They arrive from Milan. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

7 Use da + [noun] to mean at [a person’s] place or home.
Andiamo dai miei genitori. Studio da Cinzia oggi. We’re going to my parents’ house. I’m studying at Cinzia’s today. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

8 As you learned in Lezione 2A, both a and in can express destination or location. Use the articulated preposition when the noun is modified. nella bella Toscana alla Roma di Pasolini in beautiful Tuscany in Pasolini’s Rome © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

9 In many cases, the use of a or in is idiomatic
In many cases, the use of a or in is idiomatic. Note that many expressions with a or in do not use the definite article. a casa at home al cinema at/to the movies al mare at/to the beach/sea a mezzanotte at midnight a piedi on foot a scuola at/to school a tavola at the table a letto in/to bed a teatro at/to the theater in autobus by bus in bicicletta by bicycle in macchina by car in treno by train in banca at/to the bank in biblioteca at/to the library in centro in town in montagna in/to the mountains in vacanza on vacation © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

10 Su has idiomatic uses as shown in the following examples.
sul computer su Internet sul giornale on the computer online/on the Internet in the newspaper © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

11 In contrast, use a for the radio, and a or in for television.
C’è una bella canzone alla radio. Il fi lm è alla (in) televisione. There is a pretty song on the radio. The movie is on television. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

12 1. Il libro è (sul / sulle) tavolo.
Circle the correct form of the preposition. 1. Il libro è (sul / sulle) tavolo. 2. Andiamo (ai / a) Roma l’anno prossimo. 3. Ci sono venti studenti (nella / negli) classe d’italiano. 4. Studiamo (per / per il) imparare bene. 5. Domani andiamo (da / da’) Elena per giocare a calcio. 6. Non c’è la nuova moglie (di / dello) zio. 7. Qual è la professione (dell’ / del) suocero di Gianni? 8. Fa sempre bel tempo (in / nei) Australia? © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

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