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1 st Grade Science-2nd Six Weeks Unit 3, Lesson 2 CScope Vocabulary Words 2008-2009.

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1 1 st Grade Science-2nd Six Weeks Unit 3, Lesson 2 CScope Vocabulary Words 2008-2009

2 observe to watch closely and carefully observar examinar con atencíon

3 part a piece of a system parte una piesa de un sistema

4 plant living thing that makes their own food planta seres vivo que hace su propia comida

5 needs things we need to live such as food, water,and air necesidades cosas que necesitamos para vivir tal como comida, agua, o aire

6 light anything serving as a source of illumination luz cualquier cosa que sirve como fuente de iluminación

7 water liquid that is necessary to all living things agua líquido que es necesario para todos los seres vivos

8 air the mixture of gases that we breathe aire la mezcla de aire que respiramos

9 characteristic details of living things característico detalles de seres vivos

10 large above average in size or number grande mas grande de lo normal

11 small limited or below average in number or size chico mas chico que normal

12 tall not short alto no corto

13 short not tall corto no alto

14 cold low temperature frío temperatura baja

15 hot high temperature caliente temperatura alta

16 windy plenty of strong moving air ventoso haciendo mucho viento

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