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1rst1rst Period 2 nd Period 3 rd Period 4rd Period 5 th PeriodPeriod Puebla PORTAFOLIO DE EVIDENCIAS INFORMATICA 1 REALIZADO POR Miriam Belen Jimenez Aguilar.

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Presentation on theme: "1rst1rst Period 2 nd Period 3 rd Period 4rd Period 5 th PeriodPeriod Puebla PORTAFOLIO DE EVIDENCIAS INFORMATICA 1 REALIZADO POR Miriam Belen Jimenez Aguilar."— Presentation transcript:

1 1rst1rst Period 2 nd Period 3 rd Period 4rd Period 5 th PeriodPeriod Puebla PORTAFOLIO DE EVIDENCIAS INFORMATICA 1 REALIZADO POR Miriam Belen Jimenez Aguilar Grado 1ro Grupo A Profesor Jose Luis Carrillo Valdez Puebla, Pue 4 de Marzo de 2013

2 Evaluation criteria Practices The prezi Presentatio of invention Prezi technology Prezi invention power point Prezi mental map Word Maps Becoming certified brohure Computer brochure Video Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Topics

3 Evaluation criteria Topics Evaluation criteria Evaluation Criteria Topics

4 Evaluation criteria Topics Evaluation criteria Evaluation Criteria Topics

5 Evaluation criteria topics Pre practice Mario Bros Cartoons World Free Cube Topology Advertisment manufacturing Animation, gift lego Our company Pacman Evaluation criteria Evaluation Criteria Topics

6 Evaluation criteria Topics Evaluation criteria Evaluation Criteria Topics

7 Exam Participation/UCE Project Laboratory Homework 35% 20% 15% Evaluation Criteria

8 1. Introduction of Computer Science 2. Uses of the computer 3. Parts of the computer 4. Input/Output Devices 5. Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) 6. Operating Systems 7. Common problems using the computer 8. Network: Internet 9. Browsers 1rst Period TOPICS

9 Personal entertainment Communication systems Manufacturing Transport New Technologie 4rd Period TOPICS

10 Exam Participation/UCE Project Laboratory Homework 35% 20% 15% Evaluation Criteria

11 In this practices I learn to do gifs. Pre practice, practice 1 and 2

12 Practice 3, 4 and 5 This practices help me to understand how work with gif and with power point

13 With this practice we can do advertisements for the people Practice 6 and 7

14 With this practice I learn how to make special gifs Practice 8, 9 and 10

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