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Hello, we’re Ana and Leyre. We are going to explain some things about Tapia de Casariego, it is a fantastic village (fishing village) it’s very tourist.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello, we’re Ana and Leyre. We are going to explain some things about Tapia de Casariego, it is a fantastic village (fishing village) it’s very tourist."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hello, we’re Ana and Leyre. We are going to explain some things about Tapia de Casariego, it is a fantastic village (fishing village) it’s very tourist and it’s very beautiful. It has a lot of beaches and one part of the beach is all of stones and a small river.


4 Tapia de Casariego has: A lot of beautiful beaches; for example: Playa Anguileiro Playa Figus Playa Mexota Playa Serantes Many routs: Ruta del hierro y el oro Ruta de la senda encantada Ruta al pico faro


6 Palacio de campos o casona de los magdalena Palacio de cancio donlebun Palacio de los hermanos cotarelo Villamil La casa de reguero La iglesia parroquial de san Esteban Faro

7 The important party of Tapia de Casariego is the Festival interceltic. In this party they play a lot of tradicional music, they prepare conferences, exhibitions, screenings, workshops, parades… This party is celebrated in between the 15th and 21th of August.

8 Among his dishes we can find a variety of fish and shellfish, typical gastronomy of Tapia de Casariego. They may also enjoy desserts such as rice with milk or curd, both of manufacture homemade. Typical food

9 Tapia de Casariego has three important rivers Tapia de Casariego has three important rivers : PontafolgueiraPontafolgueira TolTol PorcíaPorcía And it has a important lake: Lake Salave or SilvaLake Salave or Silva

10 Tapia de Casariego hasn´t got important mountains, because it has a uniform landscape.

11 The main economic resources Of Tapia de Casariego are the fishing and the livestock.

12 D. Fernando Fernández Casariego y Rodríguez Trelles, is the first “marques” of Casariego,he was a busisnessman in Spain of century XIX

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