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Early Foreign Language Learning. 0. Introduction 07/02/2011 Mª del Carmen Alario Trigueros Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura E.U.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Foreign Language Learning. 0. Introduction 07/02/2011 Mª del Carmen Alario Trigueros Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura E.U."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Foreign Language Learning. 0. Introduction 07/02/2011 Mª del Carmen Alario Trigueros Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura E.U. de Educación de Palencia. Universidad de Valladolid.

2 Education means providing tools to develop what our students bring within a given society. Act & value, assume new challengesAct & value, assume new challenges Think, negociate and shareThink, negociate and share RespondRespond Observe the world and life: explain it with wordObserve the world and life: explain it with word Language, Culture & Life. Communication y representation

3 Representative Función Communicative Function LANGUAGE & DEVELOPMENT: FUNCTIONS Language helps building images/symbol of the world/experience in our mind.Language helps building images/symbol of the world/experience in our mind. Regulatory Función Informational Función Language regulates behaviour-rules-self-control-Ethic DLanguage regulates behaviour-rules-self-control-Ethic D Language helps us to share information.Language helps us to share information. Language help us to participate in a coommon taskLanguage help us to participate in a coommon task Symbolic Function

4 SKILL, COMPETENCES & CAPACITIES Listening and understandingListening and understanding (Knowledge required: chunk and associate meaning to the oral steam) Responding and SpeakingResponding and Speaking (Knowledge required: Using social and communicative skills in the interaction. Pourposeful usage of gaze, non.verbal language, paralanguage and sentences) Oral InteractionOral Interaction ( : saber cuál es su papel en el contextos, identificar y usar las reglas sociales de participación, reconocer y adaptarse a la estructura textual.) Reading and understanding/ reading interactionReading and understanding/ reading interaction (identify the intention, generate a previous idea –identify, localize, select and verify information) Writing and written InteractionWriting and written Interaction (expresing ideas, feelings, events, wishes in and organized way. It requires: – Planning, selecting, organizing and following a structure)

5 Vygostky’stheory of Language Vygostky’s theory of Language InnerspeechInner speech Verbal thought Verbal thought Public speechPublic speech Private speechPrivate speech 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- Order the terms according to Vygostk’s theory of LANGUAGE AND THOUGHT.

6 Review your achievements Can you answer using this thinking organizer, the question we asked ourselves on Monday? How can I (adult/ carateker) help the development of children’s competences and capacities through communication/ oral interaction?How can I (adult/ carateker) help the development of children’s competences and capacities through communication/ oral interaction?

7 Now, decide your targets

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