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A CMOS circuit for Silicon Drift Detectors readout

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1 A CMOS circuit for Silicon Drift Detectors readout
in exotic atom research L. Bombelli, C. Fiorini, T. Frizzi, A. Longoni Politecnico di Milano and INFN, Milano, Italy Work supported by Italian INFN and EC (SIDDHARTA project)

2 What it as ‘exotic’ atom?
Hydrogen atom Kaonic Hydrogen n=1 p p n=2 n=1 K- n=25 e- K- 2p->1s (Ka) X ray of interest

3 Shift ε = ≈ 300eV Width Г= ≈ 450eV (DEAR experiment) Main measurement issues: - peak stability (< 1‰) - E resolution (< 150eV FWHM) - background suppression by triggering with Kaon monitor


5 The Siddharta collaboration: LNF-INFN Frascati, Italy
Frascati-LNF-INFN DAFNE collider The Siddharta collaboration: LNF-INFN Frascati, Italy MPI, PNSensor Munich, Germany Politecnico–INFN Milano, Italy IMEP Wien, Austria IFIN-HH Bucarest, Romania ...

6 on-chip JFET and feedback cap
SDD board detector +readout module readout board 3 SDD (1cm2 each) with on-chip JFET and feedback cap

7 Chip architecture

8 Features 8 analog channels Charge amplifier
Shaper (3us, 1.5us, 750ns, 680ns) Fast Shaper & PileUp Rejector BLH Peak Stretcher LT and HT triggers Digital section Address LT (real time) Differential Analog MUX Acknowledge input 33mm2, AMS 0.35mm

9 “Drain feedback” Charge Preamplifier configuration
Rg: dynamic resistance of the ‘weak’ avalanche reset mechanism -A I0 Isignal CF Rg Pre out C1 R1 A1 Cgd Detector chip high-freq. loop low-freq.

10 -A I0 Isignal CF Rg Pre out C1 R1 A1 Cgd high-freq. loop low-freq. Preamplifier response well approximated by a single pole: tdecay = K A1 R1C1 K = Cf Cgd tdecay independent from Rg, therefore from leakage+signal current Pole/Zero compensation possible by means of A1 (exploited in the chip)

11 The CMOS implementation
15 V compatible devices in the 3.3V-0.35mm -A I0 Shaper Isignal CF Rg Pre out C1 Detector chip Gm RA R1 RZ CZ gain adjustable transconductance amplifier Ibuf CMOS chip Cgd voltage gain A1 = GmR1 t = K C1 R1 GmR1 K = Cf Cgd adjustment of the decay time

12 The main amplifier VOUT = Iin·R·l  RA = R·l Isignal RA CF gmVin
Pre out RA Ibuf gmVin voltage gain = gmJFET·RA > 5000  RA ~ 10MW VOUT = Iin·R·l  RA = R·l low-noise current de-multiplier C. Fiorini, M. Porro, IEEE TNS, 2004 R.L. Chase, et al., NIM A409,1998

13 The adjustable pole-zero network
not precisely known a priori RZCZ = tpreamplifier fixed adjustable Isignal RA CZ Ibuf CF -A Shaper I0 Pre out RZ IS the role of RZ is to provide a current IS=VOUT/RZ which is already available in the transimpedance stage and need just to be duplicated and sent to the shaper

14 Implemented baseline holder (BLH)
Vbaseline CB RB C1 R1 Vdrain Ireset Rg Gm Isignal RA CZ Ibuf CF -A Shaper I0 Pre out RZ The JFET Drain voltage drifts due to changes of the reset current Drain, preamplifier output, shaper output are all DC coupled Required Drain DC shifts are provided by the BLH whose extended action back to the preamplifier stabilize also this last one Low-pass filter guarantees unchanged signal processing

15 The shaping amplifier shaper preamplifier 4 selectable peaking times
Rz C Req Cz 6th order unipolar shaping shaper preamplifier 4 selectable peaking times ( ms)

16 Experimental results Cstray Cload = Cstray +33pF
SDD detectors Siddharta CHIP Analog output Digital output 8 channel input Cstray Pre out Cload = Cstray +33pF Cload = Cstray (~10pF)

17 external continuous control of the decay time of the preamplifier…
1.8V … and of the pole-zero adjustment of the shaper waveform

18 Spectroscopy measurements
Temperature: -20°C 5mm2 SDD

19 Linearity Integral non- linearity error at the Multiplexer output within ±0.1% in the 2-20keV range

20 Multiplexer logic


22 1° event amplitude (on channel 0)
1 1° event amplitude (on channel 0) 2° event (on Channel 4)

23 1° event amplitude (on channel 0)
2° event (on Channel 4) amplitude out of range: amplitude discarded event occurrence and address both recorded 1 1

24 Pile-up rejection this events are directly rejected inside the chip
two photons detected by 2° fast shaper this events are directly rejected inside the chip

25 Different events close occurring on different channels
20ns OUT+ LT ACK lost events occurring on different channels at a rate of 100kcounts/s/channel: ~ 3% (foreseen) (to be compared with about >5% pile-up rejection on each single channel)

26 Conclusions A 8 channels prototype of CMOS readout chip for the Siddharta experiment with pre-shaper, fast MUX readout, channel address and timing signals has been developed and tested Functionalities and noise performances are satisfactory Deeper tests are on the way at LNL-INFN and installation in the experiment is foreseen in early 2007

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