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Hoy es: martes, 22-10-13 How to make nouns and adjectives plural & how to conjugate verbs.

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Presentation on theme: "Hoy es: martes, 22-10-13 How to make nouns and adjectives plural & how to conjugate verbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hoy es: martes, 22-10-13 How to make nouns and adjectives plural & how to conjugate verbs

2 Making Nouns Plural If a noun ends in an unstressed vowel (or in a stressed “e”), add an “s” to the ends of the word.  El cuaderno de la clase de español becomes Los cuadernos de la clase de español.  La pluma becomes las plumas  La calle becomes las calles  Una muchacha becomes unas muchachas Notice the article also changes from singular to plural!

3 Nouns ending in a consonant or in a stresed “a”, “i”, “o”, or “u” If a noun ends in consonant (or in a stresed “a”, “i”, “o”, or “u”), simply add “es” to the end of the word.  La ciudad becomes las ciudades  La canción becomes las canciones  Un camarón becomes unos camarones. Exception: if the ending is “s” or “x” and the last syllable is not stressed, “es” is not added and you use the plural article.  El oasis becomes los oasis.

4 Nouns ending in “z” When a noun ends in “z”, change the “z” to “c” to make the noun plural and still add –es at the end. Ejemplos:  Root in Spanish is la raíz las raíces  Voice in Spanish is la voz la voces  Pencil is Spanish is el lápiz los lápices  Actress in Spanish is la actriz las actrices

5 What about Spanish adjectives?

6 Adjetivos Adjective (adjetivos)- a word that describes a noun or distinguishes it from a group of other nouns. In English an adjective comes before the word it describes and has one form. Ex: the red carthe red cars Before car it has the same form even though there are more cars. In Spanish, adjectives come after the noun and must agree with it in number and gender. Ex: la niña fea. Los muchachos altos. La mujer feliz.

7 Ejemplos (examples) CingularPlural MasculineAltoAltos Femeninealtaaltas Adjectives that end in “o” have four forms: Masculine, feminine, singular, and plural Adjectives that end in “e” or a consonant have only two forms. CingularPlural Adjectives that end in “e”inteligenteinteligentes ConsonantPopularpopulares

8 Adjectives ending in “z” Ejemplo  Feliz – felices (happy)  Capaz – capaces (capable)  Precoz – precoces (precocious)  Audaz – audaces (daring)  Incapaz – incapaces (incapable)  Please note that the letter “C” sounds like ‘k’ when paired with “a, o, and u”  It makes the soft ‘c’ sound when paired with “e and i”

9 How to conjugate verbs Vocabulary Verb base (stem or root): All infinitives (the verb in its pure form) end in eitheir -ar, -er, or -ir. When you drop these, you are left with the verb base. Conjugation of verbs means changing the verb from its infinitive so that it agrees with the subject (actor) For example: “to sing” (infinitive- no action) to “Mary sings” We conjugate verbs in Spanish by first taking the “base” from the infinitive form of the verb and adding the new “verb ending” (what you add to the verb base in order to conjugate the verb)

10 Conjugation of verbs Once we have the base of the verb, we add the appropriate ending. The ending we add to the verb will depend on the tense of the verb. For example: hablar is an infinitive Habl is the base of the verb, because the “ar” ending has been removed from the infinitive. There are 3 types of infinitive verb endings in Spanish: 1. “ar” 2. “ir” 3. “er”

11 Regular –ar endings Common –ar verbs Amar to loveAndar to walkmirar to watchtomar to drink Bailar to danceEntrar to enterpreparar to prepare haba Subject + Verb base + Verb ending Yo habl o = Yo hablo Yo hablo = I speakNosotros/as hablamos = we speak Tú hablas = You speakVosotros/as habláis = we speak El/ella/ Ud. Habla = He/she/You speak Ellos/ellas/Uds hablan = they speak Hablar – to talk

12 Regular –er endings Yoo Túes Éle Ellae Ustede CingularPlural Nosotros/asemos Vosotros/aséis Ellos/asen Ustedesen Common –er verbs Aprender to learncomprender to understand Beber to drinkromper to break Comer to eatleer to read

13 Regular –ir verbs Cingular Yoo Túes Éle Ellae Ustede Plural Nosotros/asimos Vosotros/asís Ellos/asen Ustedesen Common –ir verbs vivir to liveescribir to write abrir to openunir to unite decidir to decidediscutir to discuss subir to climbrecibir to receive

14 Vocabulario- write these down and conjugate them in all 5 (subject pronouns) forms Hablar (to speak) Comprender (to understand) Estudiar (to study) Cantar (to sing) Vender (to sell) Trabajar (to work) Vivir to (live) Existir (to exist) Escribir (to write) Cometer (un error) (to make a mistake) Leer (to read)

15 Práctica -write these questions and answer them in your Spanish journal. Please write your answers in Spanish Remember that when the subject pronoun is understood, you may omit it. Ejemplo Do you speak English? Sí hablo ingles. Do you understand? Sí entiendo. 1. Do you (plural familiar) study a lot? 2. Does he sing well? 3. Does he work here? 4. Do they live there? 5. Do unicorns exist? 6. Does she write books? 7. Does he make many mistakes? 8. Do you read in the library? 9. Does she understand?

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