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Leçon 2 Les pages vingt-six à trente-sept. Les personnes Masculin: Un is the masculine way to say “one” or “a” [uh gar soh] [uh nah mee] [uh coe pah]

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Presentation on theme: "Leçon 2 Les pages vingt-six à trente-sept. Les personnes Masculin: Un is the masculine way to say “one” or “a” [uh gar soh] [uh nah mee] [uh coe pah]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leçon 2 Les pages vingt-six à trente-sept

2 Les personnes Masculin: Un is the masculine way to say “one” or “a” [uh gar soh] [uh nah mee] [uh coe pah] [uh miss yuhr] [uh profe] Notes

3 Les personnes Féminin: Une is the feminine way to say “one” or “a” [ewwn fee yeh] [ewwn nah mee] [ewwn coe peen] [ewwn dohm] [ewwn profe] Une sounds more like EWW!!! Like you say something gross… Notes

4 To introduce or point out someone: Notes [vwah see] [vwah lah]

5 To ask/tell who someone is: Notes [key ess] [say]

6 To get someone’s attention or express surprise: Notes [tee yah] Rhymes with BIEN

7 How to inquire about people: Tu connais …?[tyou cone ay] Do you know...? Ex: Tu connais Jean-Paul? Comment s’appelle...? [kommeh sap pell] What’s the name of... Comment s’appelle la fille? Elle s’appelle...[elle sap pell] Her name is... Il s’appelle... [eel sap pell] His name is... Notes


9 Other Family Members to know: (these will not be on a test, but you need to know them for a quiz over family trees) Half-brother: demi-frère [dehmee frehher] Step-brother: beau-frère [boe frehher] NOTES Step-father: beau-père [boe pehher] Step-mother: belle-mère [bell mehher] Step-sister: belle-sœur [bell suhrr] half-sister: demi-sœur [dehmeel suhrr]

10 Saying “my” and “your” NOTES [moh] [toh] [mah] [tah]

11 NOTES [kell ahzj ah to] [zjhay …. ahn] [kell ahzj ah toh pehher] [Eel ah …. ahn] [Ell ah …. ahn] [kell ahzj ah tah mehher]

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