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Fecha: 24 de septiembre CALENTAMIENTO (5 min) Título: Project Roles Pregunta: Define what each of the following roles does when we work as a team: (1)PILOTO.

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Presentation on theme: "Fecha: 24 de septiembre CALENTAMIENTO (5 min) Título: Project Roles Pregunta: Define what each of the following roles does when we work as a team: (1)PILOTO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fecha: 24 de septiembre CALENTAMIENTO (5 min) Título: Project Roles Pregunta: Define what each of the following roles does when we work as a team: (1)PILOTO (2)COPILOTO (3)AZAFATO-A (4)PASAJERO-A

2 24 de septiembre de 2013 Pregunta Esencial: How do I work collegially in a team in order to show what we know? Objetivos: Demonstrate mastery over unit objectives and practice for Unit 1 final skit Menú del Día: Calentamiento (10) Project Work time (20) Project Practice (30) Review for Quizzes (20) Volunteers for practice presentation ? Exit ticket (7)

3 Tarea PARA EL JUEVES, 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1.Finish memorizing your lines. You will NOT be allowed to use notes when you present. 2.Write up your own draft of the skit NEATLY. You may type it if you wish.

4 Groupwork Norms  No one is done until everyone is done.  No one has all the abilities necessary to complete this task.  Everyone has some of the abilities necessary to complete this task.

5 Groupwork Norms  Everyone’s opinions and ideas matter.  Use all your resources (notes, activities, peers, ask teacher last)  Have fun!  ¡Sólo hablen en español! Make yourselves understood as much as possible using gestures and Spanish words.

6 Rotating Group Roles  PILOTO : you must listen to directions and read the task card instructions out loud to the group. Make sure your group follows directions and stays on task.  CO-PILOTO : speaks to the teacher for clarifying questions and submits drafts to the teacher.  AZAFATO/A: you must keep track of time, and remind your group how much time remains.  PASAJERO: ensures that everyone’s voice is heard, and that everyone contributes equally.

7 Work time 20 min

8 Practice time 30 min

9 Practice for Quizzes 3 short quizzes on Thursday Numbers Ser Subject pronouns

10 Numbers practice (5 min) Complete the crossword puzzle. In the quiz, you will have to spell out the numbers as well.

11 SER and SUBJECT PRONOUNS (15 min)

12 Do you know what ’ s meant by 1 st person, 2 nd person, 3 rd person? Think of examples in English

13 Do you know what ’ s meant by 1 st person, 2 nd person, 3 rd person? 1 st person is the person who is speaking – I 2 nd is the person to whom one is speaking – you 3 rd is the person about whom one is speaking -- he, she, it I, you, he, she, it are all singular pronouns. Each refers to one person. But we also have plural pronouns: 1 st person plural = I + another person = we 2 nd person plural = you + another person = y ’ all 3 rd person plural = he/she/it + another person = they

14 These pronouns are called SUBJECT PRONOUNS: Iwe youy ’ all he, she, itthey What that means is that these pronouns are used as the SUBJECT of the sentence: I read a book. (Not *Me read a book.) You read a book. (Not *Your read a book.) He reads a book. (Not *Him reads a book.)

15 singular plural 1 st person Iwe 2 nd personyouy ’ all 3 rd personhe, she, itthey Pronouns are always, always, ALWAYS in this order. When you learn pronouns in any language, this is the order in which you ’ ll find them. When you learn the verbs that go with the pronouns, the verbs will always, always, ALWAYS be in this order.

16 TAKE NOTES!! singular plural 1 st person ___________ 2 nd person ___________ 3 rd person ___________ Question: How often are pronouns found in this order? Answer: Always, always, ALWAYS.

17 Following are the Spanish subject pronouns: yonosotros túvosotros él, ellaellos They correspond to the English subject pronouns: Iwe youy ’ all he, shethey

18 Spanish has two additional pronouns: usted (Ud.) and ustedes (Uds.). “ Ud. ” means “ you. ” “ Uds. ” means “ y ’ all. ” “ Ud. ” is used with people to whom you should show respect, people who are older than you are or in a position of authority. It ’ s pretty safe to say that if you call the person Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss/Dr./Prof. + last name rather than by his first name, you should use “ Ud. ” rather than “ tú. ” If you call the person by his first name, you should probably use “ tú ” with him. “ Uds. ” is used in Spain to show respect just like Ud. is. However, “ vosotros, ” the familiar form you use with friends (people you address by their first name), doesn ’ t exist in Latin America, and they use “ Uds. ” no matter who they ’ re talking to.

19 In spite of the fact that “ Ud. ” means the same thing “ tú ” does ( “ you ” ), it ’ s treated like a third person pronoun: yonosotros túvosotros él, ella, Ud.ellos What that means is that anything that applies to the third person (like verb endings and OBJECT pronouns) also applies to “ Ud. ”

20 The same is true of “ Uds. ” Even though it means the same thing as “ vosotros ” ( “ y ’ all ” ), it goes with the 3 rd person plural: yonosotros túvosotros él, ella, Ud.ellos, Uds.

21 One more note about subject pronouns: the -os in three of them can change to –as if every member of the group is female: yonosotros, nosotras túvosotros, vosotras él, ella, Ud.ellos, ellas, Uds.

22 SER “ Ser ” means “ to be. ” It ’ s the most irregular verb there is in both English and Spanish. amareare is are soysomos eressois es son

23 Iweamare youy ’ allareare he, shetheyisare yonosotrossoysomos túvosotroseressois él, ellaellosesson Just as “ I ” takes the verb that ’ s in its position ( “ am ” ), “ yo ” takes the verb that ’ s in its position ( “ soy ” ). In other words, “ yo soy ” is “ I am, ” “ tú eres ” is “ you are, ” etc.

24 However, you don ’ t have to use the pronouns. Look at the Spanish forms of “ ser ” : soysomos eressois esson Why do you think it’s not necessary to use the subject pronouns when speaking?

25 However, you don ’ t have to use the pronouns. Look at the Spanish forms of “ ser ” : soysomos eressois esson All of them are different. So “ soy ” all by itself means “ I am. ” “ Soy alto ” means “ I am tall. ” “ Eres ” all by itself means “ you are. ” “ Soy ” can never mean anything but “ I am, ” and “ eres ” can never mean anything but “ you are. ” You never have to use a subject pronoun in Spanish, because when you look at the verb, you know what the subject has to be. If you say “ yo soy, ” it doesn ’ t mean “ I am ” ; it means “ I am. ” In other words, it emphasizes the pronoun. However, you can say “ él es ” or “ ella es ” or “ Ud. es ” or “ ellos son ” or “ Uds. son ” to clarify the subject. That is, “ soy ” can mean only “ I am, ” so the only time you use “ yo ” is if you want to emphasize it, but “ es ” can mean “ he is, ” “ she is, ” or “ you are, ” so you can use the pronoun to show whether you mean “ he, ” “ she, ” or “ you. ”

26 Let’s practice, I ’ ll give you a subject and a blank. You ’ ll put in the correct form of “ ser ” : Ellos _______ Juan _______ (Note: “ Juan ” is the same as “ él. ” ) Elena y yo ______ (Note: “ Elena y yo ” is the same as “ nosotros. ” ) Ud. ___________ Tú ___________ son es somos es eres

27 Pase de Salida Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why? Many students take Spanish in middle school and high school, but they never actually believe they can learn to speak it. I submit to you that if you believe you can (and trust me, you can), and if you put forth the necessary effort, you WILL speak Spanish. It all starts with those two little words: I can. Or I can’t yet, but I will in the future.

28 Tarea PARA EL JUEVES, 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1.Finish memorizing your lines. You will NOT be allowed to use notes when you present. 2.Write up your own draft of the skit NEATLY. You may type it if you wish.

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