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Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 7 – 50 mins Señora Carl -Warm-up Conjugation PowerPoint -30 Batalla de los.

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Presentation on theme: "Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 7 – 50 mins Señora Carl -Warm-up Conjugation PowerPoint -30 Batalla de los."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 7 – 50 mins Señora Carl -Warm-up Conjugation PowerPoint -30 Batalla de los Barcos handouts -Whiteboards & markers -HW worksheets -To remind students about the Imperfect Conjugations that we learned yesterday, they will complete the Conjugation Activity in their Repasito Sheet. While they are working, I will walk around and check their HW sentences. We will then go over the answers to the Warm-up. Conjugation Activity (5 minutes) Describe people, places, and situations in the past using the imperfect tense Childhood/ Toys vocabulary -Ask and answer simple questions and give reasons for answers. -Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization. - Talk about personal preferences, emotions and opinions with some explanation. -Identify childhood experiences in the target culture. -Participate in children's games practiced in the target culture.

2 Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 7 Señora Carl UDL Strategies Multiple Means of Representation _X__ Visuals, diagrams, & charts ____ Color-coding _X__ Formatting variations ____ Highlighting ___ Concept Attainment ____ Metaphors ____ Checklists ____ Video/Audio Clips Multiple Means of Expressions _X__ Manipulatives _X__ Technology _X__ Sentence starters & cloze paragraphs ____ Organizers ____ Illustrations ____ Role-play ____ Think alouds Multiple Means of Engagement ____ Music & movement _X___ Games & puzzles _X__ Student choice ____ Personalized questions ____ Cooperative learning groups ____ Rubrics _X__ Prompts, reminders, & guides 1.Students will then take out their 3 sentences that they wrote for homework. We will create an Inner/Outer circle for students to share their sentences with their classmates. Students will start by sharing their 3 sentences about their childhood with the person standing across from them. I will give students 2 minutes and display a timer on the board so students know how much time they have left. When time is up, students will trade their sentences with their partners. The inner circle will walk counter-clockwise and the outer circle will walk clockwise until the music stops. When the music stops and they have a new partner, they will know them him/her about the childhood of their previous partner, and vice verse. This will continue until they have switch papers and talked with 4 different students. (10 minutes)timer 2.We will then discuss what they learned about the childhood of different students in the class. ¿El ninez de los otros estudiantes era similar o diferente? (5 minutes) 3.Next, students will get a Batalla de los Barcos board to fill out using Imperfect conjugations. Once their board is filled out, students will find a partner and play battleship practicing the imperfect conjugations. Instead of saying “C-5”, students will say “Yo corría” to make their choices. Students will slide their sheet into the whiteboard so they can play more than 1 game. (30 minutes)Batalla de los Barcos Closure/AssessmentHomework Ticket Out: Students will answer the following questions before leaving class today. 1.The endings for an –AR verb in the Imperfect tense are ______________________________. 2.The endings for an –ER/-IR verb in the Imperfect tense are ____________________. Choose 1 of the 2 options: 1.Go to the Realidades webpage and complete the 2 Imperfect Tense practice activities and email me a screenshot of their answers.Realidades webpage 2.Complete the Imperfect Review worksheet.Imperfect Review worksheet

3 Screen shot of online timeronline timer

4 Screenshot of the Realidades website Imperfect Practice Activities website

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