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Stem-Changing Verbs: e  ie; Direct Object Pronouns

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1 Stem-Changing Verbs: e  ie; Direct Object Pronouns
Unidad 4 Lección 1

2 querer – to want quiero queremos quieres queréis quiere quieren

3 cerrar – to close cierro cerramos cierras cerráis cierra cierran

4 empezar – to begin empiezo empezamos empiezas empezáis
empieza empiezan

5 entender – to understand
entiendo entendemos entiendes entendéis entiende entienden

6 pensar – to think, to plan
pienso pensamos piensas pensáis piensa piensan

7 preferir – to prefer prefiero preferimos prefieres preferís
prefiere prefieren

8 Direct-Objects Pronouns
Direct objects answer the questions… whom? what? Direct objects receive the action of the verb in a sentence.

9 Direct object pronouns
Direct object pronouns can be used to replace the direct object. Use the following: me = me nos = us te = you os = you lo = you, him, it (masc.) la = you, her, it (fem.) los = you, them (masc.) las = you, them (fem.)

10 Direct object pronoun placement…
DO pronouns are placed directly before a conjugated verb When an infinitive follows a conjugated verb, the DO pronoun can be placed either before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive.

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