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Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 1 – 50 mins Señora Carl -World-wide day of play video -30 World-wide day of.

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Presentation on theme: "Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 1 – 50 mins Señora Carl -World-wide day of play video -30 World-wide day of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 1 – 50 mins Señora Carl -World-wide day of play video -30 World-wide day of play wkst & 1 answer key -Vocab PowerPoint -30 copies of vocab list -Paper/Index Cards -30 copies of Unit Organizer -Whiteboards -Different color highlighters -To introduce the new unit, we will watch the “Día Internacional de Juego 2012” video twice.“Día Internacional de Juego 2012 -The first time students will simply watch the video, the second time they will fill in the question sheet.question sheet -Discuss answers/thoughts as a class. Answer sheetAnswer sheet (10 minutes) Childhood/ Toys vocabulary Present tense -Ask and answer simple questions and give reasons for answers. -Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development. -Identify childhood experiences in the target culture. -Describe practices that recognize the importance of play. -Access authentic materials in the target language

2 Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 1 Señora Carl UDL Strategies Multiple Means of Representation __X_ Visuals, diagrams, & charts __X_ Color-coding ____ Formatting variations __X_ Highlighting ____ Concept Attainment ____ Metaphors ____ Checklists _X__ Video/Audio Clips Multiple Means of Expressions ____ Manipulatives _X__ Technology ____ Sentence starters & cloze paragraphs __X_ Organizers ____ Illustrations ____ Role-play ____ Think alouds Multiple Means of Engagement ____ Music & movement ____ Games & puzzles _X__ Student choice ____ Personalized questions ____ Cooperative learning groups ____ Rubrics __X__ Prompts, reminders, & guides 1.To begin the new unit, we will fill in the Unit Organizer together as a class. By using the document camera, students will be able to follow along. Sections #1-4 will already be filled in for each student. Students will be completing sections #5, 7, & 8. Sections 9 & 10 will be completed at a later time. (10 minutes)Unit Organizer 2.Next, we will begin the new vocabulary words for the unit. Students will be given a vocabulary list to fill in as we go through the vocabulary PowerPoint. Today we will be learning #1-26. As we are going through the vocabulary words, question students -¿Alguien tiene una colección? ¿Quién tiene un animal? (20 minutes)vocabulary list vocabulary PowerPoint 3.Once students have #1-26 filled in on their vocabulary list, I will pass out three different colored highlighters and ask them to go through each word and decide if it is a noun, verb, or adjective. Nouns will be highlighted in yellow, verbs in blue, and adjectives in pink. (5 minutes) Closure/AssessmentHomework ¿Cierto o Falso? – Students can choose to use thumbs up/down, whiteboards, or stand up/down for this activity. -Using the following PowerPoint, I will put a picture up on the screen and say a statement aloud about it. Students will show me if the statement is cierto (true) or falso (false). (3 minutes)PowerPoint Students will make flashcards for vocabulary words #1-26. They have the option to use my flashcard sheet, index cards, or online using StudyBlue’s digital flashcard maker (see screenshot) and print a copy.flashcard sheet

3 Studyblue’sStudyblue’s Flashcard Maker - Screenshot

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