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L 195 Pronunciation of the letter G Pronunciation of the letter G.

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Presentation on theme: "L 195 Pronunciation of the letter G Pronunciation of the letter G."— Presentation transcript:

1 L 195 Pronunciation of the letter G Pronunciation of the letter G

2 G pronounced as g in great in front of any consonant (including h)+vowels a,o,u Galileo ligustro lago ghianda Guardo il lago = I look at the lake.

3 G pronounced as j: in front of e and i gelati giraffa La giraffa è un animale gigantesco = The giraffe is a gigantic animal.

4 What happens with gia, gio and giu? You can hardly hear the i !(unless the i is the emphasised letter) giardinogiocare Mi piace giocare a carte in giardino = I like playing cards in the garden.

5 A bit more practice: G as in great spaghetti Mangio gli spaghetti = I eat(the) spaghetti. valanga Pericolo valanga = Danger avalanche lagoAbito vicino al lago = I live near the lake. gufo Il gufo è sul ramo = The owl is on the branch.

6 G as in j gelato Voglio un gelato = I want an ice cream. girareDevi girare a sinistra = You have to turn to the left. giaccaMetto la giacca blu = I put the blue jacket on. giorno Oggi è un giorno importante = Today is an important day.

7 Buongiorno a tutti

8 Pictures have been taken from: ClipArt for Microsoft Power Point for the picture of avalanche

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