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Published byWinifred Hicks Modified over 9 years ago
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Review of BaBar results L.Lista INFN - Napoli
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Outline PEP-II and BaBar experiment CP Violation: Direct CP violation Measurements of sin2 , and Measurements of |Vub| and |Vcb| Searches beyond the Standard Model Conclusions Many results skipped due to limited time…
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 PEP-II: Luminosity and Data Sample PEP-II is SLAC e e B factory running at the Y(4S) c.m. energy Y(4S) resonance decays to charged and neutral B-anti-B pairs Total: 244 fb -1 (Jul 31 st 04)
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 BaBar Detector DIRC (PID) 144 quartz bars 11000 PMs 1.5T solenoid EMC 6580 CsI(Tl) crystals Drift Chamber 40 layers Instrumented Flux Return iron / 18/19 planes of RPCs (muon / neutral hadrons) Silicon Vertex Tracker 5 layers, double sided strips e + (3.1GeV) e - (9GeV)
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 The Unitarity triangle CKM matrix measures Quarks mixing in weak interactions Unitarity relations lead to unitarity triangles in the complex plane B=(1,0) C=(0,0) A=( , ) B and (b cl ) 1
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 CP Violation (I, II) SM prediction for B mesons is very small: CP violation in mixing Direct CP violation in the decay CP first observed in kaon decays q/p A 2 2 If B decay amplitude to f is different from anti-B decay amplitude to anti-f. Requires a relative CP violating phase 2 and a CP conserving phase 2 q and p are the mass eigenstates coefficients in the flavor eigenstate basis; M - i½ is the 2 2 effective Hamiltonian
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 CP Violation (III) Time dependent CP Asymmetry: For a single amplitude Time dependent CP violation B0B0B0B0 f CP B0B0B0B0 b d WW d b t t B0B0 B0B0
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 B decay reconstruction and tagging m ES EE sideband s signal region m ES (GeV) Typical resolutions: (m ES ) 2.5 MeV ( E) 15 - 30 MeV B kinematics tag Inclusive tag (lepton, K, …): tag (1-2w) 2 30% rec 15 40% Exclusive tag: tag 0.1 0.2% 260 m z (RMS) 150 m CP
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Direct CP Violation hep-ex/0408057, submitted to PRL on B A B AR B flavor is tagged by the kaon charge B0KB0K A K = -0.133 0.030 0.009 (4.2 ) BK0BK0 A K = 0.06 0.06 0.01 Tree + Penguin contributions Pure Penguin Signal: 1606 51 events (227 10 6 BB pairs) E (GeV) First observation of CP violation in B meson decays!
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 CP Violation in Mixing-Decay interference J/ψ K L (CP even) mode (cc) K S (CP odd) modes S = sin2 = 0.722 0.040 0.023 C = | | = |A/A| = 0.950 0.031 0.013 7730 tagged CP events on 227 10 6 BB pairs =205fb -1 on peak Measured on a variety of cc decay modes Direct CP violation if 1
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 sin2 in the Unitarity Triangle plane cos2 > 0 at 87% C.L. Using an s- and p-wave interference in angular analysis of B J/ K *0 (K S 0 )
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 ? “sin2 ” channels probing new Physics Decays dominated by loop diagrams can exhibit contributions from new physics B 0 K 0 S Signal: 819 38 events 3 deviation from charmonium sin2 B 0 K 0 S B 0 K 0 S 0
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Comparison of sin2 modes 2.7 from s-penguin to sin2 (cc) 2.4 from s-penguin to sin2 (cc)
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Measurement of sin2 Interference of suppressed b u “tree” decay with mixing Penguin diagrams may be of the same magnitude. B 0 mixingB 0 decay: tree B 0 decay: penguin Isospin analysis could measure the amount of correction to
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 sin2 with B B 0 227 10 6 BB pairs S = -0.30 0.17 0.03 C = -0.09 0.15 0.04 B(B 0 ) = (5.80 0.06 0.40 ) 10 -6 A 0 = -0.01 0.10 0.02 Particle identification is fundamental p (GeV/c) C (rad) B(B 0 0 0 ) = (1.17 0.32 0.10 ) 10 -6 C 0 0 = -0.12 0.56 0.06 | - eff | < 35° 90% C.L. (Gronau, London) Belle observes C 0 0 = -0.58 0.15 0.07 …
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 sin2 with B Similar to , but smaller penguin pollution Not a CP eigenstate in principle, but observed to be almost pure CP = +1 B 0 122 10 6 BB pairs S long = -0.19 0.33 0.11 C long = -0.23 0.24 0.14 = ( 96 10 (stat) 4 (sys) 11 (peng) )° (Grossman, Quinn) B(B 0 ) = (22.5 +5.7 -5.4 5.8 ) 10 -6 B(B 0 0 0 ) < 1.1 10 -6 (90% C.L.) 277 10 6 BB 89 10 6 BB
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Combined Combined B , , (Dalitz) From CKM matrix fit (with no meas.): Fit + , , : “mirror” solutions become disfavored =( 98 16 )° =( 103 +10 -11 )°
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Gronau, London, Wyler, 1991: use B - D 0 CP (small D 0 B.r., 8-fold ambiguity) Atwood, Dunietz, Soni, 2001: interference in D and anti-D dec. to same final state Giri, Grossman, Soffer, Zupan, 2003: B D (*)0 K , D 0 K S Dalitz analysis Different methods to measure GLW The phase between b c and b u transitions is BB DD Color suppressed BABAR measurement, Phys.Rev.Lett.91:171801,2003 input: Size of CP asymmetry depends on:
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 B D (*)0 K , D 0 K ADS method No signal observed in 227 10 6 BB pairs A ADS not measured, limits on R ADS 90% C.L. Upper limit Any D, 1 on r D, 48°< <73° Any 68% C.L. area Small r B values make measuring hard D* D 0 0, D 0 R ADS rBrB rB*rB*
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 B D (*)0 K , D 0 K S Dalitz analysis B D (*)0 K , D 0 K S Dalitz analysis 68% 90% [deg] Sensitivity depends on r B ( * ) A posteriori r B (r B *) with uniform a priori Dalitz model syst. D* D 0 0, D 0
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 sin(2 + ) using B 0 D ( * )- + / + favored b c amplitudesuppressed b u amplitude Exclusive reconstruction of D - +, D* - +,D - + Partial reconstruction of D* - + Time-dependent asymmetry can be expressed in term of the parameters: ~ ~ Time-dependent CP violation in the mixing/decay interference a = 2rsin(2 )cos c = 2rcos(2 )sin No CP asymmetry observed yet…
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Vcb inclusive measurement Inclusive B → Xc l decays: measure hadron mass moments and lepton energy moments B (b→ cl )=(10.61 ± 0.16 exp ± 0.06 th,HQE, )% Partial B.F. Lepton energy momenta HQE predicts the moments up to 8 parameters to be fitted (including |V cb |, m b and m c )
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Vcb: HQE Fits to M X / E l moments M X moments E ℓ moments ● = used, ○ = unused in the nominal fit Red line Yellow band Red line: HQE fit Yellow band: theory errors B A B AR 2 /ndf = 20/15 M1xM1x M2xM2x M3xM3x M4xM4x M0lM0l M1lM1l M2lM2l M3lM3l
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Vcb exclusive measurements Exclusive B → D *+ l Decays B (B0→ D* - l + )=(4.90 ± 0.07 stat ± 0.36 syst )% w = prod. B, D* 4-velocities
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Vub measurements Inclusive: measure total Br(b ul ) Exclusive: measure selected decays (B l, l, …) Innovative technique: fully reconstruct one of the B Electron endpoint spectrum extrapolation using b s photon spectrum (CLEO) using HQET p (GeV/c) B(B X u e )=(1.73 0.22 exp 0.33 extr.syst ) 10 -3 |V ub | = ( 3.94 0.25 exp 0.37 extr.syst 0.19 th ) 10 -3 B(B 0 - l + )=(1.08 0.28 0.16) 10 -4 B(B 0 - l + )=(2.57 0.52 0.59) 10 -4 B(B + 0 l + )=(0.91 0.28 0.14) 10 -4
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Vcb and Vub averages |Vub| avg. = (4.70 0.44 stat+sys ) 10 -3 Exclusive modes LEP Inclusive studies |Vcb| avg. = (41.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 th ) 10 -3
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Radiative penguin decays Radiative penguin decays: b → s and b → d are FCNC transitions BF(b→s ) TH = 3.57 ± 0.30 x 10 -4 (SM NLO) BF(b→s ) EXP = 3.54 ± 0.30 x 10 -4 (HFAG average) Sum of 12 exclusive, self-tagging B → X s final states X s = K/K s + 1-3 pions E > 2.14 GeV b→sb→s b→sb→s A CP, b s = 0.025 ± 0.050 ± 0.015 A CP, B K* = -0.013 ± 0.036 ± 0.010 (prelim.) W could be replaced in the loop by new particles b → s rate agrees with SM prediction: No evidence of direct CP violation: b→d at discovery limits: BF(B → ) < 1.2 10 -6 |Vtd/Vts| < 0.19 (90% CL)
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Studies of D sJ properties D sJ *(2317) + and D sJ (2460) + discovered in 2003 Detailed studies properties and mass meas. B D sJ ( * )+ D ( * ) angular analysis spin Branching fraction measurements J=1J=2 D sJ (2460) + D s + elicity D sJ (2460) + D s1 (2536) + D sJ* (2317) + m(D sJ* (2317) + D s + 0 ) = 2318.9 0.3 0.9 MeV/c² m(D sJ (2460) + D s + , D s + 0 , D s + + - ) = 2459.4 0.3 1.0 MeV/c² m(D s1 (2536) + D s + + - ) = 2534.3 0.4 1.2 MeV/c² m(D s + + - ), GeV/c²
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Conclusions BaBar is exploring different aspects of CP violation in B meson Recent first evidence of direct CP violation sin2 is becoming a precision measurement First quantitative estimates of Technology for extracting is being established Some channels may probe new physics b sss penguins? The increase of statistics in the following years will improve the experimental precision and will make more rare channels accessible
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Pentaquark searches No evidence of pentaquarks in high statistics samples Cross section limits well below expectations c + (2285) No signal for 5 -- No signal for 5 0 123fb -1 m(pK S ) (GeV/c 2 ) 5 + (1540) 5 -- (1862) 5 0 (1862) No signal for 5 + nK + pK S
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Backup
Selex D sJ (2632) + state SELEX claims evidence of a state D sJ (2632) + decaying to D s + and D 0 K + (hep-ex/0406045) BaBar doesn’t observe such signal p * > 4.0 GeV/c M(D 0 K + ) GeV/c 2 Events/5 MeV/c 2 SELEX m = M(K - K + ) – M(K - + ) MeV/c 2 D sJ (2573) + D sJ (2632) +
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 Selex D sJ (2632) + state ( D s + ) No evidence of D sJ (2632) + in D s + , D 0 K +, D* + K S in 125 fb -1
Luca Lista, HEP-MAD 2004 (2S) X(3782) hchchchc J/ resonance at 3782 MeV/c 2 m X(3782) =3873.4±1.4 MeV/c 2 (B - →X(3872)K - ) ∙ (X(3872)→J/ + - )=(1.28±0.41) ∙ 10 -5 B (B - →X(3872)K - ) ∙ B (X(3872)→J/ + - )=(1.28±0.41) ∙ 10 -5 (2S) =556±30 No evidence of h c found Set an upper limit (B - →h c K - ) ∙ (h c →J/ + ) B (B - →h c K - ) ∙ B (h c →J/ + ) <3.4 ∙ 10 -6 (90% C.L.)
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