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-ir ‘shoe verbs’ in the Preterite tense -ir ‘shoe verbs’ that change from e>ie or e>i in the Present tense have a change from e>i in the third person (he/she/it/ud/ellos/ellas/uds)

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Presentation on theme: "-ir ‘shoe verbs’ in the Preterite tense -ir ‘shoe verbs’ that change from e>ie or e>i in the Present tense have a change from e>i in the third person (he/she/it/ud/ellos/ellas/uds)"— Presentation transcript:

1 -ir ‘shoe verbs’ in the Preterite tense -ir ‘shoe verbs’ that change from e>ie or e>i in the Present tense have a change from e>i in the third person (he/she/it/ud/ellos/ellas/uds) in the Preterite tense.

2 PresentPreterite pref ie ropreferimospreferí preferimos pref ie respreferiste pref ie reprefierenpref i rió pref i rieron p i dopedimospedipedimos p i despediste p i depidenp i diop i dieron

3 -ir ‘shoe verbs’ that have a change from o>ue in the Present tense have a change frome o>u in the third person in the Preterite tense. PresentPreterite d ue rmodormimosdormí dormimos d ue rmesdormiste d ue rmed ue rmend u rmió d u rmieron

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