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GUSTAR = TO LIKE actually…to be pleasing to. When conjugating GUSTAR, use the following indirect object pronouns to tell who likes something. Me Te Le.

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Presentation on theme: "GUSTAR = TO LIKE actually…to be pleasing to. When conjugating GUSTAR, use the following indirect object pronouns to tell who likes something. Me Te Le."— Presentation transcript:

1 GUSTAR = TO LIKE actually…to be pleasing to

2 When conjugating GUSTAR, use the following indirect object pronouns to tell who likes something. Me Te Le Nos Os Les I likeWe like You like (informal) Y’all like He/she/you (formal) like(s) They, you all like ***Then just add GUSTA or GUSTAN (depending on what is being liked!!)*** Nos gusta el bistec. Nos gustan los cereales.

3 In general, the rules for choosing GUSTA or GUSTAN are: GUSTAGUSTAN 1 single like (la pizza, la clase de historia, el pollo frito) 2(+) likes (las pizzas, las clases, el pollo frito y el queso) an activity (unconjugated verbs)

4 When you use le / les, the subject is often not clear. Ex: Le gusta la comida china. Who likes Chinese food?? Les gusta la comida italiana. Who likes Italian food?? In order to be clear, clarify who likes something by using: A + (subject) + le/les gusta(n)…

5 Now, look at the sentences before, but this time we know who likes what: A Billy Bob le gusta la comida china. Who likes Chinese food? Billy Bob A Juan le gusta la comida italiana. Who likes Italian food? Juan

6 If you do not like something, place “NO” before the pronoun. No me gusta la fruta. I do not like fruit. When answering a direct question, use “NO” twice. ¿Te gusta la limonada? No, no me gusta la limonada. (No, I don’t like lemonade.)

7 Vamos a Practicar Complete each sentence with the correct form of gustar. 1.A Luisa __ ___ bailar y cantar. 2.A ti __ ___ los guisantes. 3.A los chicos __ ___ el pollo. 4.A mí __ ___ comer los guisantes. 5.A nosotros __ ___ el bistec. 6.Al profesor __ ___ la leche y el cereal.

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