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 -ar -aba-ábamos -abas -aba-aban  -er/-ir -ía-íamos -ías -ía-ían.

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2  -ar -aba-ábamos -abas -aba-aban  -er/-ir -ía-íamos -ías -ía-ían

3  ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Sólo hay tres irregulares para todo el imperfecto!!!!!!!!!!! !!

4  ser eraéramos eras eraeran  ir ibaíbamos ibas ibaiban  ver veíaveíamos veías veíaveían

5  When do we use this crazy thing?!?

6  …was doing…  …were doing…  …used to do…

7  Also when you would say:  …did…  Except you can use the preterit for that too.

8  A problem?  Yes.  The biggest problem for English-speaking Spanish learners?  Yes.  Use the imperfect to describe actions in the past that are still in the process of happening, except they are in the past, so technically they have ended.  Make sense?  Good.

9  Cuando era niño, iba a la playa todos los veranos.  When I was a boy, I used to go to the beach every summer. Or  When I was a boy, I went to the beach every summer. Or  When I was a boy, I would go to the beach every summer. Or  When I used to be a boy, I used to go to the beach every summer.  Etc.

10  When I was young, I used to believe in things too.  Yesterday while I was watching TV, I was also watching the skies.  It was a dark and stormy night…

11  I used to dive a lot.  Yesterday at 2:00 we were releasing torpedoes.  The alligators lived in a river.  The men sailed and tied and blocked.

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