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Review of Phase I Regular Preterite + Phase II Irregular Preterite

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1 Review of Phase I Regular Preterite + Phase II Irregular Preterite

2 Phase I Regular – Ar verbs in the Preterite
é amos aste asteis ó aron

3 Phase I Regular -Er/-Ir verbs in the Preterite
í imos iste isteis ieron

4 Phase I Spelling Changes in the Preterite -Car
Tocar- to play (instrument), to touch toqué tocamos tocaste tocasteis tocó tocaron

5 Phase I Spelling Changes in the Preterite -Gar
Jugar- to play (sports/games) jugué jugamos jugaste jugasteis jugó jugaron

6 Phase I Spelling Changes in the Preterite -Zar
Empezar- to begin/start empecé empezamos empezaste empezasteis empezó empezaron

7 Phase II Preterite Irregular Verbs
The acronym that refers to these verbs is: H A P P E S T Q D T V There are 16 verbs. They all have stem changes. These do not have Accent Marks. These verbs can be categorized into 3 sub-groups, a, b and c.

8 The 16 Irregular Preterite Verbs
1. Hacer to do/make H i c 2. Andar to walk A n d u v 3. Poder to be able/can P u d 4. Poner to put/place P u s 5. Estar to be E s t u v 6. Ser to be 7. Ir to go 8. Saber to know S u p 9. Tener to have T u v 10. Querer to want/wish Q u i s 11. Decir to say/tell D i j 12. Dar to give 13. Traducir to translate T r a d u j 14. Traer to bring T r a j 15. Venir to come V i n 16 Ver to see

9 Group A: Fraternal Twins
Conjugations have identical endings with different beginnings. Dar – to give Ver – to see di dimos vi vimos diste disteis viste visteis dio dieron vio vieron

10 Group B: Identical Twins
Conjugations are identical. Totally irregular – do not have accent marks. Ser – to be Ir – to go fui fuimos fuiste fuisteis fue fueron

11 Group C: HAPPE ST QDTV 1. Hacer to do/make H i c
2. Andar to walk A n d u v 3. Poder to be able/can P u d 4. Poner to put/place P u s 5. Estar to be E s t u v 6. Saber to know S u p 7. Tener to have T u v 8. Querer to want/wish Q u i s 9. Decir to say/tell D i j* 10. Traducir to translate T r a d u j* 11. Traer to bring T r a j* 12. Venir to come V i n Hybrid endings e imos iste isteis o ieron

12 Group C: Conjugation Formula
To conjugate: (1) Make stem change, then (2) 1st (yo) and 3rd (Ud., él, ella) singular take regular “-ar” preterite endings and drop the accent (3) Remaining are formed with regular “ir” endings. *HYBRID endings* There are 2 exceptions: No “loCOs” or “Monsters” (1)– The 3rd person of Hacer becomes “hizo”. (2)– The 3rd person plural drops the “i” when the stem ends in “j”. e imos iste isteis o ieron

13 No LoCOs! Conjugation Practice hizo e imos iste isteis o ieron hic
Hacer stem= hic hic e imos iste isteis o hizo ieron No LoCOs!

14 Conjugation Practice e imos iste isteis o ieron anduv 2. Andar
stem= anduv anduv e imos iste isteis o ieron

15 Conjugation Practice 3. Poder stem= pud pud e imos iste isteis o ieron

16 Conjugation Practice 4. Poner stem= pus pus e imos iste isteis o ieron

17 Conjugation Practice e imos iste isteis o ieron estuv 5. Estar
stem= estuv estuv e imos iste isteis o ieron

18 Conjugation Practice 6. Saber stem= sup sup e imos iste isteis o ieron

19 Conjugation Practice 7. Tener stem= tuv tuv e imos iste isteis o ieron

20 Conjugation Practice e imos iste isteis o ieron quis 8. Querer
stem= quis quis e imos iste isteis o ieron

21 NO MONSTERS! Conjugation Practice dijeron e imos iste isteis ieron o
9. Decir stem= dij* dij e imos iste isteis o ieron dijeron NO MONSTERS!

22 NO MONSTERS! Conjugation Practice tradujeron e imos iste isteis o
10. Traducir stem= traduj* traduj e imos iste isteis o ieron tradujeron NO MONSTERS!

23 NO MONSTERS! Conjugation Practice trajeron e imos iste isteis o ieron
11. Traer stem= traj* traj e imos iste isteis o ieron trajeron NO MONSTERS!

24 Conjugation Practice e imos iste isteis o ieron vin 12. Venir
stem= vin vin e imos iste isteis o ieron

25 Conjugation Practice 13. Ser fui fuimos fuiste fuisteis fue fueron

26 Conjugation Practice 14. Ir fui fuimos fuiste fuisteis fue fueron

27 Conjugation Practice 15. Dar di dimos diste disteis dio dieron

28 Conjugation Practice 16. Ver vi vimos viste visteis vio vieron

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