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aguja needle inyección shot; injection novocaína novocaine.

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Presentation on theme: "aguja needle inyección shot; injection novocaína novocaine."— Presentation transcript:


2 aguja needle

3 inyección shot; injection

4 novocaína novocaine

5 aguda sharp

6 muela molar

7 encías gums

8 diente tooth

9 sacar to take out

10 fresa drill

11 pulir to polish

12 taladrar to drill

13 caries cavities

14 escupidor spittoon

15 escupir to spit

16 saliva

17 sangre blood

18 alergia allergy

19 estilo de vida lifestyle

20 el estrés stress

21 fumar to smoke

22 herir to wound, injure

23 el mordisco a bite

24 la picadura a sting, bite

25 peligro danger

26 el cáncer cancer

27 congestión congestion

28 desmayarse to faint

29 el dolor pain

30 estornudar to sneeze

31 fallecer to die

32 la fiebre fever

33 la fractura fracture

34 hipos hiccups

35 la incapacidad inability

36 infarto heart attack

37 insomnio insomnia

38 muerto/a dead

39 padecer to suffer

40 nauseabundo/a nauseated

41 palpitar to palpitate

42 recurrir to reoccur Not again!

43 romper to break

44 torcer to twist

45 el tirón pull Results from damage to a muscle from excessive physical activity. Proper treatment includes a cold compress, rest, and elevation of the damaged muscle above the level of the heart.

46 el remedio la curación cure, remedy

47 aliviarse to relieve

48 consultar to consult

49 cuidar to care for

50 descansar to rest

51 dormir to sleep

52 energía energy

53 enyesar to put on a cast

54 la higiene hygiene

55 el masaje massage

56 las muletas crutches

57 doctor/a médico/a doctor

58 enfermo/a paciente sick person patient

59 especialista specialist

60 experto/a expert

61 herido/a la víctima wounded person victim

62 matasanos quack doctor Bob's Medical School

63 minusválido/a handicapped person

64 pediatra pediatrician

65 psicólogo/a psychologist

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