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Quick & easy warmers to get everyone speaking in the TL within 5 minutes of entering the room!

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Presentation on theme: "Quick & easy warmers to get everyone speaking in the TL within 5 minutes of entering the room!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick & easy warmers to get everyone speaking in the TL within 5 minutes of entering the room!

2 1. Throw a soft ball

3 2. Roll the dice Real dice Smartboard dice 1.Les animaux 2.Les matières 3.Les passe-temps 4.Les pays 5.Mots qui commencent par M 6.À toi de choisir!

4 3. Distribute coins Real coinsSmartboard coins

5 4. Use question flippers

6 5. Pop word balloons

7 6. Become a bouncer Password?


9 “One of the surest tests [of the superiority or inferiority of a poet] is the way in which a poet borrows. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different than that from which it is torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion. A good poet will usually borrow from authors remote in time, or alien in language, or diverse in interest.” T.S. Eliot


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