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Español en la granja spanish on the farm by: Miranda Whiteford.

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Presentation on theme: "Español en la granja spanish on the farm by: Miranda Whiteford."— Presentation transcript:

1 español en la granja spanish on the farm by: Miranda Whiteford

2 duckchicken dog horse rabbit roostersheepcowgoatpig pato cerdo cabravaca gallo ovejas conejo caballo perro pollo en la granja fly valor now you’re ready to start your quiz…

3 1.What is the Spanish name for farm? A.ValorValor B.PerroPerro C.GranjaGranja D.ConejoConejo

4 I’m sorry that is incorrect! please try again..

5 Correct! You really know your Spanish! go to the next question

6 2. What is the Spanish name for cow? A.VacaVaca B.PatoPato C.GalloGallo D.CerdoCerdo

7 Correct! You really know your Spanish! go to the next question

8 I’m sorry that is incorrect! please try again..

9 3. What is the Spanish name for horse? A.PolloPollo B.CovejasCovejas C.CabraCabra D.CaballoCaballo

10 Correct! You really know your Spanish! go to the next question

11 I’m sorry that is incorrect! please try again..

12 4. What is the Spanish name for fly? A.GranjaGranja B.ValorValor C.PatoPato D.ConejoConejo

13 Correct! You really know your Spanish! go to the next question

14 I’m sorry that is incorrect! please try again..

15 5. What is the Spanish name for goat? A.CerdoCerdo B.VacaVaca C.CabraCabra D.CaballoCaballo

16 I’m sorry that is incorrect! please try again..

17 You did excellent! Your quiz is all done now…you’re almost a professional at the Spanish language!

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