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Secondary Pre-Service Elk Grove Unified School District English-Language Arts Emily Diehl Kristina Richardson 9 th -12 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Pre-Service Elk Grove Unified School District English-Language Arts Emily Diehl Kristina Richardson 9 th -12 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Pre-Service Elk Grove Unified School District English-Language Arts Emily Diehl Kristina Richardson 9 th -12 th Grade

2 Historical Reference Trainings Preparing for The CCSS: Pre Service 2012 January 2013 Release day

3 GRR is not always linear! Pre Service 2012

4 ELA CCSS Release Days Winter 2013 Speaking and Listening Standards as foundational for all instruction Reading literature and creating text dependent questions Reading informational text and defining close reading using Saying-Doing graphic organizer Connecting reading to writing…with a research layer Brief overview of the shifts in assessment (Smarter Balanced)

5 Implications for Diverse Learners Pro-social Interactions and practice Academic Language practice Synthesizing Information Communicating in a variety of contexts English Language Learners Students with Disabilities Underperforming Groups

6  Implement close reading instruction with various text mediums  Infuse structured student interaction into instruction of close reading  Connect reading instruction, speaking and listening, and writing

7 New Evaluation Form

8 Your Role Today Structure of the Day Active participant (as a “student” ) Critical consumer of resources Consider diverse learners We will participate as students We will debrief as teachers o CCSS lens o GRR lens We will continue examining materials in “chunks”

9 CPL Accompanying Resources Your gift with purchase! Odell teacher instructional materials Student texts CPL created prompts and graphic organizers Editable resources for optional use

10 But Wait! There’s More! Order by August 28 th and each student will receive his/her OWN copy of Odell texts!

11 Odell Units Aligned to CCSS and teaches close reading Developed by New York Regents as free curriculum More curriculum is in development

12 Text Overview CONTENTS: Text titles Authors Citation info Lexile level Odell writing task Extended reading

13 Unit Overview Each part of the unit is intended to explicitly and gradually teach how to approach, question, and analyze text.

14 In Reviewing Odell… we found… An excellent variety of grade-appropriate informational text. A good model of a close reading unit. An expanded definition of “text”. Opportunities for collaborative work we did not find… Detailed strategies for instruction (e.g., SSI, annotation). Opportunities for more substantial writing tasks. Graphic organizer support for all close reading tasks.

15 “Close Reading” What is it? Reading for the gist/central idea Re-Reading What does the text reveal to us?

16 Purpose for Close Reading Deep understanding – getting to the heart of the text – Content meaning – Organization/structure – Author’s purpose – Integration of ideas – Informed personal decisions

17 Implications for Diverse Learners The lessons are targeted and specific: – vocabulary, syntax, and language – deepening understanding of the content – critical thinking skills for comprehending texts English Language Learners Students with Disabilities Underperforming Groups

18 Where to Begin? Classroom Lesson One: What is close reading? Close reading is… 1.Approaching texts 2.Questioning texts 3.Analyzing Details And throughout the process… Communicating what you learned Through written marginalia Through partner and classroom discussions Through graphic organizers In formal written responses (on demand and process) These are steps we take with each text.

19 Assessing Student Progress: Writing – Approaching texts (meta-cognitive prompts) – Questioning texts (student generated questions) – Analyzing Details (using a graphic organizer and/or paragraph writing) – Communicating what you learned Look at student marginalia Class discussions, Socratic Seminars Collect and assess graphic organizers CCSS writing rubric for standards 1, 2, and 3

20 Menu of Prompts The prompts provide direction for your lesson design (a compass!) Read through these prompts to orient yourself.

21 Approaching Texts Reading Purpose - Reading for the gist Photo 1: – What is the text mainly about? – What stands out to me as I examine the text?

22 Read for the Gist

23 Approaching Texts Reading Purpose: reading for the gist Photo 1 Partner A: What is the text mainly about? Partner B: What stands out to me as I examine the text? Pair-Share

24 Repeat! Photo 2 Read for the Gist

25 Questioning Texts In partners, record re- reading observations. Second Read Photo 1: Questioning What is this photo communicating about education?

26 Questioning Texts Share out. Second Read Photo 1: Questioning

27 Repeat! Photo 2 Questioning Text

28 Table Share Protocol Your group is your grade level team Each of you gets a number (1,2,3,4…) We will call on your grade level team with our popsicle sticks. A different number will respond each time your school is called.

29 Third Read: Analyzing Photo 1 Analyzing based on text evidence. NOTE: Opposing conclusions may be supported!

30 Third Read: Examining Photo 1 I Do/We Do

31 Repeat! Photo 2 Analyzing Text

32 Check for Understanding What is the message conveyed in this photo? Photo 1– You do it together Photo 2 – You do it alone Writing Task

33 Teacher Debrief How were these common core standards reflected in the activity this morning? Where was GRR evident? Table Talk

34 Purposeful Reading 1.First read: explicit understanding 2.Next reads: inferential understanding for deeper learning How Many Reads?

35 Odell’s Guiding Questions for Good Readers Communicating Throughout Approaching Questioning Analyzing

36 Annotation Guidelines What it is Putting pencil to paper/active reading Making meaning of text Purpose-driven Individual What it isn’t Highlighting for highlighting’s sake An obstacle Random Conformist

37 Approaching Texts Reading Purpose - Reading for the gist with annotation (RI 1) Text 2: Hellen Keller – What is the text mainly about? – What stands out to me as I examine the text? First Read: Approaching Text 2

38 Between a First and Second Read… Some Quick Ways to Check for Student Understanding Whip Around (with a select group) Pair-Share Ticket in/out the door Numbered Heads Together Jigsaw Gist Summary(by paragraph) Pieces of a Pie Communicating Throughout

39 Reading Purpose: Annotate considering the following questions (RI 4) Text 2: Hellen Keller What words or phrases stand out to me as I read? What words or phrases are powerful to me or unique What do the author’s words cause me to see or feel? Questioning Texts Second Read: Questioning Text 2

40 Analyzing Texts Reading Purpose: Analyze text to examine how the author uses language to convey meaning (RI 1,4; L5). Third Read: Analyzing Text 2, Hellen Keller

41 Continue to analyze the text by completing one row of this graphic organizer. You may work alone or in partners Model

42 Debrief Let’s share your analysis

43 Teacher Debrief As a teacher, what challenges with vocabulary do you anticipate for your students? How were these common core standards reflected in the activity this morning? Table Talk

44 Getting Your Student Consumables: Ordering date: Aug. 28 via 7-12 ELA Steering Rep  Take time to review student texts.  Notify your site’s Steering rep. if you wish copies.  Site rep. will complete order form (hard copy or electronically) and bring/send to LaRae Blomquist on Aug. 28.  Any alternative site without Steering rep should designate one person from site to complete order form and submit to LaRae by Aug. 28. ELA Steering Rep!

45 break

46 Text 3: Ted Talk Listening Purpose – Listening for the gist with annotation (RI 1)

47 Text 3: Ted Talk Viewing Options: 1.Just watch with guiding questions in mind 2.Take notes (words and phrases or ideas that stand out) Remind students that they WILL view it again.

48 TED Talk Lesson Listen One: Debrief (RI 1, 2) Listen Two: 2 column chart (RI 6) Listen (or transcript) Three: (RI 2,5) What were their initial observations? Communicating Throughout What is the central idea? How does the speaker develop his ideas?

49 Teacher Debrief What strategies would you use for using this type of medium in your classroom? Table Talk

50 Texts 5 and 6 Colin Powell Maria Montessori CCSS RI 1,2, 4, 6

51 Approaching Texts Students can use metacognitive reflections to communicate to their teacher (and to themselves) how they approached a text. What strategies did they use? What questions did they ask? To what extent did they apply effective effort?

52 Teacher Debrief In what way is this prompt different from or similar to prompts we have used in the past?

53 Texts 7-9 Continue to gradually release the close reading tasks These texts are more complex Teachers will want to anticipate possible reader needs or challenges.

54 Lesson Plan Thomas Jefferson First Read: RI 1 and 4 gist (consider providing chunks) Second Read: RI 1 annotate and summarize the chunks Third Read: RI 9 Graphic organizer with analysis of text

55 Chunking the Text We chunk texts to make the information more accessible for students. Not only does it ease students anxiety about challenging texts, but it also allows for students to make meaning of part-to-whole.

56 Chunking Strategies Natural breaks in texts (like paragraphs and subtitles) Rhetorical choices Shifts in tone Saying-Doing Chart Say-Do-Mean

57 Chunking the Text Text 8: Jefferson Purpose: Read for the gist (RI 1) First Read In anticipating your students needs, where would you chunk the text? why? About lines 1-30. Second Read Consider your diverse learners

58 Third Read: Analyzing Text What is Jefferson’s argument for stating “an amendment to our constitution must here come in aid of the public education?” What is the ultimate purpose for education according to him? RI 9 Cite Evidence!

59 Teacher Debrief Put on your diverse learner ‘hat.’ How would the chunks you selected support diverse learners?

60 The BIG Picture

61 Menu of Prompts The prompts provide direction for your lesson design (a compass!) Read through these prompts to orient yourself

62 What strategies did we use to help students closely read? Annotation Graphic organizer Collaborative work Checks for Understanding Sentence frames Writing tasks/Assessments Chunked texts

63 Resources for You Student consumables Midyear training coming up Odell website EGUSD Blog

64 Closure – This hasn’t been our experience as past learner Based on what you learned today, how will you incorporate these materials in your instruction? Table Talk

65 C/PL Evaluation Please take some time to respond to the evaluation and survey provided.

66 Getting Your Student Consumables: Ordering date: Aug. 28 via 7-12 ELA Steering Rep  Take time to review student texts.  Notify your site’s Steering rep. if you wish copies.  Site rep. will complete order form (hard copy or electronically) and bring/send to LaRae Blomquist on Aug. 28.  Any alternative site without Steering rep should designate one person from site to complete order form and submit to LaRae by Aug. 28. ELA Steering Rep!

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