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Ww w.c oic a.o rg. ec Sevilla N24– 358 y Guipuzcoa, La Floresta Quito– Ecuador COICA Teléfono:+ 593-322-6744

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1 ww w.c oic a.o rg. ec Sevilla N24– 358 y Guipuzcoa, La Floresta Quito– Ecuador COICA Teléfono:+ 593-322-6744 E-mail: Mayo 2015 2015 Vida Plena Amazónica y Objetivos Desarrollo Sustentable post 2015 (ó SDGs)

2 La mayor organización indígena territorial en el mayor bosque del planeta APA Guyana OIS Surinam FOAG Guyana Francesa ORPIA Venezuela COIAB Brasil CONFENIAE Ecuador OPIAC Colombia AIDESEP Perú CIDOB Bolivia

3 Unity of C ulture, Identity, Forests and Territories There are no Nations without Territory There are no Territories or Forests without Nations There are no Territories without Self-Determination There is no “Full Life” without Self-determination of “Unified Nations-Territories”

4 Amazonía Indígena: Menos deforestación que resto de actores 240 mill has * 26,250 mill TM de Carbono * 96,075 mill TM de CO2 Eficacia, eficiencia y sostenibilidad para enfriar el planeta ¡ Son todas las emisiones globales de C02 del 2010, 2011 y 2012 ! ¡ Con menos Amazonía… habrá más Calor y menos Agua en el mundo !

5 No “Sustainable Development” (SDGs) without Legal Recognition of Indigenous Territoriality Land titles still to be granted for 100 million hectars in the nine Amazonic countries Titles must be granted not only for communities, but also to full Indigenous nationalities Titles must be granted not only for land surface but also underground, water and forests Lack of state support for the harmonious management of 240 million hectars of Amazonian property for Indigenous ownership Management of agroforestry, fisheries, and Indigenous bio-industries Lack of state support for Indigenous territorial governance Governance means Self-determination to Live Well (el Buen Vivir) Governance means Consultation and Free and Prior Consent Wastefulness, bureaucracy and corruption in climate funds and international cooperation Climate Funds should prioritize Indigenous Territoriality: Land Titles, Management and Governance

6 No "Sustainable Development " ( SDGs ) without Gender Equality Lack of respect for Indigenous knowledge, especially women’s knowledge related to health, agriculture, and education Failure to sanction abuses against Amazonian women (presence of large multinational companies) Lack of cultural appropriateness of the concept “Gender Equality” Concepts of “ Gender” and “Families” have different significance in Switzerland, Beijing and 400 different Indigenous cultures Malaria, hepatitis, dengue, and HIV are advancing in the Amazon State health care facilities do not reach remote communities

7 Partnership between the Amazon and First Nations Common global and national Agenda between COICA y AFN Effective application of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ILO Convention 169 Indigenous trade between the Amazon and Canada Bio-industries of new foods and medicines produced with Living Cultures of the Forest without Bio - Piracy Agro-forestry and Fisheries in 240 million hectars Organization, training and marketing for the Indigenous Economy Organize Meeting with the Indigenous of the Amazon and First Nations — “Full Life for Humanity”

8 Peoples and Jungles We are all Connected somos Uno Solo Indigenous Nations and Territories - Stopping the Climate Crisis Edwin Vásquez ( Huitoto People) General Coordinator )

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