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AgroUP Vairão – Project Agrifood UP José Luís Santos.

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Presentation on theme: "AgroUP Vairão – Project Agrifood UP José Luís Santos."— Presentation transcript:

1 AgroUP Vairão – Project Agrifood UP José Luís Santos

2 2 Context What are the motivations of the approach AgroUP? Historic of University of Porto in the Agro Domain What are the guidelines of this strategy? On-going developments

3 3 Agrarian Sciences Historically associated to the Faculty of Sciences By 1994 was instituted in the Faculty of Sciences the degree Agrarian Sciences (Practical component in Vairão) Great difficulties of establishment Internal Factors Unfavourable external surrounding Historic At U. Porto there are important components in basic sciences relevant for the Agrarian domain (soils, water resources, biology, botany, food chemistry, nutrition, veterinary, food processing, engineering, etc)

4 4 Synthetically: At U. Porto (a university of horizontal profile) the AGRO activity, although present in various components, it has never been the subject of much attention. Reasons? Society focused on industry and services; idea that "advanced" society is already far from the primary sector; social devaluation,.... Historic

5 5 Recent Developments From 2008, in the context of the new economic and social realities, the U. Porto sought to streamline the Agro domain with a new framework Need to ensure territorial infrastructure where to anchor this activity Agrarian Campus of University of Porto (Vairão)

6 6 formalization Agrarian Campus of da U. Porto O campus Agrário de Vairão da Universidade do Porto, integra um conjunto de edifícios e parcelas agrícolas pertencentes ao Estado Português e cedidas à Universidade do Porto pelo período de 25 anos, para instalação de um Polo de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias, incluindo as valências de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação, Divulgação Científica, Incubação Empresarial, Ensino e Formação, todas elas ligadas à Veterinária, Agricultura, Silvicultura, Biodiversidade, Produção e Segurança Alimentar, orientadas para a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável do meio rural. (2 March 2011) Recent Developments

7 7 Campus U. Porto - Vairão INIAV Veterinária U. Porto Edifício Central (Centro de Atualização Propedêutica) Campo da Varziela Centro de Formação Quinta do Castro e Terrenos

8 8 The proximity of the Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinária - Vairão Vivarium Actual POLO DE VAIRÃO do INIAV (Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária)

9 9 AgroUP What Context Outlined the Development of the Strategy AgroUP at University of Porto? Two Central Problems

10 10 AgroUP How to feed nine billion people by 2050?... Without differentiation of latitude, longitude and with sustainability (future generations) The food problem

11 11 What does that mean? Intrinsically a rather more complex problem The Problem of the Social Sustainability What economic / social model who shall develop to provide opportunity to all Human Being to have access to work, as a condition of personal (and familiar) sustainability, but also as a structural condition of Human Dignity? AgroUP

12 12 A domain understood to be central in the handling of the food problem Plantas What perspective? Agro UP

13 13 Soils Activity of Relevant Added Value Vegetal Production All chain shall be considered Incorporation of Fundamental and Applied Scientific Knowledge + Advanced Technology Culture Law …. Harves Post-Harvest Processing Logístics Distribution Land Planning Social Organization Agro UP

14 14 Agro UP – PlantUP The Concept PlantUP Fundamental and Applied Research in Plants and in support technologies for the production of food and plant derived, in an environment territorially and socially sustainable, inducing added-value innovation, providing health and Community cohesion

15 15 Factors to Consider Competences of U. Porto Caracteristics of the Region Complementarity with other Schools … The though on this issue developed along two years, benefiting from an important collaboration with the University of Wageningen, Holand Agro UP – PlantUP How to advance with this Concept?

16 16 The option Greenhouse Cultures Reasons Agro UP – PlantUP The climate is adequate Enable the prodution of a vast range of cultures; Allows the integration of fundamental and applied knowledge associated with Geosciences, Botanics, Agrarian Sciences, Biochemistry, Engineering, Economics and Management, Genetics, Genomics, the University of Porto exhibiting in all these areas established com,petences. Is compatible with the production of products of high added value; The labour needed is not residual, indeed the other way around – generation of work/jobs Complements what happens in other Universities (UTAD, …)

17 17 Greenhouse Cultures – What they are? Much more than “simples estufas….” Window Cleaning

18 18 Pimento Cultura, colheita e calibração/embalagem por classes de tamanho Greenhouse Cultures – What they are?

19 19 Automation Greenhouse Cultures – What they are?

20 20 Lâmpadas Sódio Alta Pressão Ilumination LEDS Greenhouse Cultures – What they are?

21 21 Em Portugal Cultura de Rosas em Fibra de Coco (Vila Conde – ex aluno FCUP) Cultura de Pimento em Lã de Rocha (Odemira) Greenhouse Cultures – What they are?

22 22 Type of Plants Environmental Control Illumuination Energy Sources Distribution … (World Largest Plant Facory; Mirai Co.’s - Japão, 2014) It envolves Greenhouse Cultures – What they are?

23 23 On-Going Infrastructures Recovery Fotos (Fevereiro 2015) Conclusion Dezembro 2015

24 24 Infrastructures

25 25 Agro UP – Horizon 2020 Teaming Call The Candidature Institution of a Center of Excellence in Smart Agriculture and Florest “Tutorial” Pre-candidature approved Is going on the ellaboration of the full candidature

26 26 AgroUP PlantUP Food Technology Genomics Food and Animal Health Endogenous Resources Biodiversity ….. Agro UP


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