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Quantum Dosimeter CERN November 2008 Ingrid Vik Vineet Sharma Ane Christophersen.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantum Dosimeter CERN November 2008 Ingrid Vik Vineet Sharma Ane Christophersen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantum Dosimeter CERN November 2008 Ingrid Vik Vineet Sharma Ane Christophersen

2 Problem Exposure of radiation Need Devices measuring radiation doses Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment

3 Solution Quantum Dosimeter Separation of different types of radiation Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment


5 Solution Quantum Dosimeter Separation of different types of radiation Real Time IPR Application filed in March 2007 Medipix Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment

6 Segmentation Nuclear power plants Hospitals Homeland Security Oil industry Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment

7 Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment MarketProblem areaRadiation Use per today QD ± Nuclear power plants -Nuclear reactions creating power -Gamma -Neutrons -Portable real- time/passive -Stationary neutron -One device for all radiation -Real-time -”Safe enough”

8 Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment MarketProblem areaRadiation Use per today QD ± Nuclear power plants -Nuclear reactions creating power -Gamma -Neutrons -Portable real- time/passive -Stationary neutron -One device for all radiation -Real-time -”Safe enough” Hospitals -Cancer treatment/nucle ar medicine -Radiograhpy -Mainly gamma-Portable gamma -Real-time -Wireless finger detectors -Little need for excessive info

9 Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment MarketProblem areaRadiation Use per today QD ± Nuclear power plants -Nuclear reactions creating power -Gamma -Neutrons -Portable real- time/passive -Stationary neutron -One device for all radiation -Real-time Hospitals -Cancer treatment/nucle ar medicine -Radiograhpy -Mainly gamma-Portable gamma -Real-time -Wireless finger detectors -Little need for excessive info Homeland Security -Prevention and detection -Accidents and attack -Gamma -Neutrons -Isotopes -Portals for scanning -Handheld, real- time -Existing technology

10 Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment MarketProblem areaRadiation Use per today QD ± Nuclear power plants -Nuclear reactions creating power -Gamma -Neutrons -Portable real- time/passive -Stationary neutron -One device for all radiation -Real-time Hospitals -Cancer treatment/nucle ar medicine -Radiograhpy -Mainly gamma-Portable gamma -Real-time -Wireless finger detectors -Little need for excessive info Homeland Security -Prevention and detection -Accidents and attack -Gamma -Neutrons -Isotopes -Portals for scanning -Handheld, real- time -Existing technology Oil industry -Neutron sources to detect oil (AmBe) -Neutron -Gamma -Passive/realtime -All employees on project -Real-time -Cost optimal

11 Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment Competitors ManufacturersGamma & Neutron portal detectors Handheld gamma detectors Handheld neutron detectors Handheld gamma and neutron detectors CanberraYes Unknown RAE SystemNoYes BerkeleyNucNoYes SAICYes

12 Organisation Technology is ready to be licensed out Exclusivity possible if necessary for commercial success Two potential licensees: – A startup company – Establish dosimeter manufacturer Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment

13 Business model for a start up Key aspects – Collaboration between CERN and the new company – Outsourcing of manufacturing. Core focus on marketing and sale – The company should in the long run be able to do their own R&D CERN Sale & Marketing Production & Assembly R & D Customers End-Users Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment

14 Not able to pinpoint a segment were need is absolute More cost-effective solutions today Still need for more market analyze within some segments More reasonable for CERN to license out to an established actor Technology Market Organisation Our Assessment

15 Thank you.

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