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Breathing behavior and turn projection in conversation Francisco Torreira Sara Bögels Stephen Levinson Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen,

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Presentation on theme: "Breathing behavior and turn projection in conversation Francisco Torreira Sara Bögels Stephen Levinson Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Breathing behavior and turn projection in conversation Francisco Torreira Sara Bögels Stephen Levinson Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen, The Netherlands

2 In conversation, short gaps and overlaps form the majority of turn transitions. (e.g. Sacks et al. 1974) B’s turn A’s turn

3 Turn-transition times in Q & A sequences in 10 languages: Stivers et al. 2009

4 Projection vs. Reaction Projection (Sacks et al. 1974) : Interlocutors anticipate turn ends based on linguistic information (syntax, prosody) and plan their turns in overlap with their interlocutors’ turns. Reaction (e.g. Duncan 1972, Heldner & Edlund 2010; Heldner 2011) : Interlocutors simply react to turn ends. Short transition times occur when turns are simple and do not require much planning time.

5 A psycholinguistic puzzle Planning and producing language takes time: - word-picture naming: 600 ms (Levelt et al., 1999) - simple sentence production: 1500 ms (Griffin & Bock, 2000) B’s turn A’s turn B’s production planning > 600 ms 100-300 ms

6 Instrumental evidence for overlapping speech planning and comprehension during conversation is scarce. Can the breathing behavior of interlocutors provide such evidence?

7 In read speech, deeper and longer inbreaths before longer utterances Whalen & Kinsella-Shaw, 1997; Fuchs et al. 2013 What about spontaneous conversation? What is the timing of speakers’ inbreaths relative to their interlocutors’ turns? Breathing and speech planning

8 In read speech, deeper and longer inbreaths before longer utterances Whalen & Kinsella-Shaw, 1997; Fuchs et al. 2013 What about spontaneous conversation? What is the timing of speakers’ inbreaths relative to their interlocutors’ turns? Breathing and speech planning

9 Breathing in conversation Schegloff (1996) treats inbreaths as turn prebeginnings projecting upcoming spoken elements. Audible inbreaths are routinely transcribed in CA work. But we are interested in inaudible inbreaths too. We’re also interested in accurate measures of breathing activity (inbreath depth, timing).

10 Breathing in conversation Schegloff (1996) treats inbreaths as turn prebeginnings projecting upcoming spoken elements. Audible inbreaths are routinely transcribed in CA work. But we are interested in inaudible inbreaths too. We’re also interested in accurate measures of breathing activity (inbreath depth, timing).

11 Conversational corpus with Respitrace inductive plethysmography

12 Initial observations As in controlled experiments (e.g. McFarland 2001) : – Vital cycles – Speech cycles But also (as in Bailly et al. 2013 for collaborative reading) : – Speech-adapted vital cycles – Apneas: listeners often stop breathing for several seconds!

13 Materials Adjacency pairs : Q & A sequences We identified Q & A sequences in 8 dyadic conversations (~ 5 h) We focused on a subset defined on these criteria: – Syntactically marked (wh-word, SV inversion) or intonationally marked (final rising intonation) – Answer is relevant to the question n=175

14 Aja ze hebben op zich wel chille dingen staan yes they kind of have cool things want ik zag ook bij ze zoeken voor ABN zoeken ze heel because I saw that they are looking for ABN looking for veel mensen ABN Amro, many people at ABN Amro Bja. yes Aen dan servicemedewerker of zo. and then service employees or so Bmaar ben je ook binnen geweest. but have you also been inside Aja bij ASA gewoon en toen heb een afspraak gemaakt yes at ASA and then I made an appointment ik moet nog even mijn eh cv opsturen, I still have to my send my CV

15 Aja ze hebben op zich wel chille dingen staan yes they kind of have cool things want ik zag ook bij ze zoeken voor ABN zoeken ze heel but I saw that they are looking for ABN looking for many veel mensen ABN Amro, many people at ABN Amro Bja. yes Aen dan servicemedewerker of zo. and then service employees or so Bmaar ben je ook binnen geweest. but have you also been inside Aja bij ASA gewoon en toen heb een afspraak gemaakt yes at ASA and then I made an appointment ik moet nog even mijn eh cv opsturen, I still have to my send my CV Q A

16 Breathing in Q&A sequences B’s answer A’s question Time maar ben je ook binnen geweest? ‘but have you also been inside?’ ja bij ASA gewoon en toen […] ‘yes just at ASA and then […]’

17 B’s inbreath Breathing in Q&A sequences B’s answer A’s question Time Answerers’ inbreaths that occurred after the beginning of the question maar ben je ook binnen geweest? ‘but have you also been inside?’ ja bij ASA gewoon en toen […] ‘yes just at ASA and then […]’

18 Inbreaths before answers INBREATH NO INBREATH Not all answers are preceded by an inbreath n=175

19 Inbreaths and answer length β = 1114, t = 4.39, p <.0001 NO INBREATH INBREATH

20 Inbreath depth and answer duration

21 Answer duration (ms) Speaker-normalized Inbreath depth β = -0.03, t = -0.19, p = 0.85

22 Timing relative to question end B’s answer A’s question Time B’s inbreath

23 Inbreath timing Answer Question question Inbreath n = 95

24 Inbreath timing ~0 ms n = 95 Answer Question question Inbreath

25 Inbreath timing But could this be due to chance? n = 95 Answer Question question Inbreath ~0 ms

26 Observed data vs. Random distributions 1000 random distributions Observed data ~-400 ms ~0 ms

27 Inbreath We examined the relationship between: -Gap duration -Inbreath timing to answer start Answer Question question Is the timing of answerers’ inbreaths sensitive to where questions end? Answer Question question Inbreath

28 As gap duration increases, the distance from the beginning of inbreaths to the start of answers increases too: Distance to answer start (ms) Gap duration (ms) β = 0.48, t = 10.4, p < 0.0001

29 Summary The timing of answerers’ inbreaths is sensitive to the timing of question ends, and is aligned with it very often. >respiratory evidence of interlocutors’ orientation to TRPs >speech planning often starts early during the interlocutor’s turn

30 Summary The timing of answerers’ inbreaths is sensitive to the timing of question ends, and is aligned with it very often. >respiratory evidence of interlocutors’ orientation to TRPs >speech planning often starts early during the interlocutor’s turn

31 Projection vs. Reaction B’s answer A’s question B’s inbreath

32 Projection vs. Reaction B’s answer A’s question B’s inbreath

33 Projection vs. Reaction B’s answer A’s question B’s inbreath Inbreath preparation 140-320 ms Draper et al., 1960

34 Projection vs. Reaction B’s answer A’s question B’s inbreath Inbreath preparation Decision to take an inbreath contingent on answer length 140-320 ms Draper et al., 1960

35 Projection vs. Reaction B’s answer A’s question B’s inbreath Inbreath preparation Decision to take an inbreath contingent on answer length 140-320 ms Draper et al., 1960 Questions?

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