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The BRASS Project University of North Dakota Matthew Voigt Nathan Ambler Ron Fevig John Nordlie Tim Young Nirmal Patel (University of North Florida) Baike.

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Presentation on theme: "The BRASS Project University of North Dakota Matthew Voigt Nathan Ambler Ron Fevig John Nordlie Tim Young Nirmal Patel (University of North Florida) Baike."— Presentation transcript:

1 The BRASS Project University of North Dakota Matthew Voigt Nathan Ambler Ron Fevig John Nordlie Tim Young Nirmal Patel (University of North Florida) Baike Xi Joshua Peterson Clinton May David Delene Len Hillhouse November 17 th, 2008 Balloon and Rocket Atmospheric Sampling and Sensing Preliminary Design Review

2 Mission Overview The Objective The altitude of the mesosphere is from 50 km to approximately 90 km. It is a poorly studied since it is too high for the aircraft or balloons, and too low for the orbiting spacecraft. To measure concentrations of hydrogen (H 2 ), Oxygen (O 2 ), methane(CH 4 ), carbon monoxide (CO) and possibly nitrous oxide (N 2 O) in the mesosphere in nearly real-time using nanocrystalline oxide semiconductor sensors arrays and also simultaneously obtain information on the magnetic field strength. Additionally – two additional payloads are in consideration of being integrated To measure the number of particulates in the air, using a particle counter To inspect the ‘hardiness’ of prokaryotes or eukaryotes

3 To Prove Capability of in-situ atmospheric measurements on sounding rockets which has already been proven successful on high altitude balloons. To Discover The relative amounts of H 2, O 2, CH 4, CO, and possibly N 2 O gasses in the mesosphere. Magnetic field strength over the change in altitude. Gain a particle count for the New Insight Better data of H 2, O 2, CH 4, CO, and possibly N 2 O gaseous composition in the mesosphere, an area often ‘ignored’ and not taken into account ie. atmospheric models. Also the use of nanocrystalline sensors arrays for the detection of gases in mesosphere. Also the use of nanocrystalline sensors arrays for the detection of gases in the mesosphere. The particle counter can count the particulates (i.e.. Metal oxides, specifically aluminum oxides) Additional information from the bio payload. Related Research Nanocrystalline solid state gas sensor arrays developed and fabricated by Dr. Nirmal Patel at University of North Florida (U.S. patent pending) had three balloon flights so far: 2007 in Florida (telemetry issues) 2008 in North Dakota (telemetry issues) 2008 HASP – successful flight and data obtained Mission Overview

4 The theory of the payload Nanocrystalline Oxide semiconductors such as Indium-tin oxide s olid state sensor arrays with different types of catalytic layers and stimulators for the detection of specific gases. Sensors will be calibrated in the lab. Also, a selectivity algorithm will be determined. Change in the electrical resistance with change in the concentration of gas gives the electrical signal for the sensors Resistance values will be recorded using flash memory. After data recovery and analysis, the concentration of different gases will be determined using the calibrated plots and selectivity algorithm. The magnetic field strength can be measured with a simple magnetometer The particle counter will measure particles sized between 0.3 microns and 10 micron. 1-60 seconds count rate Some of the particulate will be collected on the adhesive surface of tape. The morphology of particulate will be examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM), while chemical composition will be determined using energy dispersive analysis of x-rays (EDAX) The bio payload will undergo an extreme change in physical The theory of the data The data can assist atmospheric models of our current atmosphere The magnetometer data will give field strength as a function of altitude The surface morphology of sensors before launch and after recovery will be examined using SEM, while EDAX will be used to check the chemical composition of the surface of sensors. Mission Overview

5 A U.S. patent on Nanocrystalline ITO sensors and arrays developed by Dr. Patel at University of North Florida is under pending. Sensors arrays will be fabricated using thermal deposition of oxide semiconductors such as Indium-Tin Oxide (ITO) thin films over glass or alumina substrates. Different types of ultra thin catalytic layers silver or gold or platinum or native oxides will be deposited over the surface of ITO thin films in order to enhance the detection of the specific type of test gas. Gold electrodes will be deposited over both the ends of films. The active surface area of each sensor will be 2 mm x2 mm. Gold electrodes will be used to connect the sensors with the printed circuit board (PCB). The PCB will be connected to electronic circuits using flat wires cable. The surface of sensor thin film will be examined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and chemical composition of thin film will be determined using Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-rays (EDAX) Fabrication of Sensors Arrays

6 Procedure for Testing Sensors Sensors will be calibrated under low pressure with the different concentration of test gases such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbon monoxide, and methane. The calibration of sensors and determination of parameters will be performed at University of North Florida (UNF) as well as University of North Dakota (UND). Sensors will be calibrated with different concentration of test gases under the similar conditions of mesosphere such as low pressure and low temperature. The change in the electrical resistance of sensors with change in the concentration of test gas will give the electrical signal for the sensors. The characterization parameters of sensors such as the lowest detection limit, sensitivity, selectivity, response time, linear range and stability will be evaluated by testing of sensors with different test gases. Using sensors parameters, a algorithm will be determined for the selectivity of sensors for different gases. There will be total eight sensors in one array. One array of eight sensors will be mounted in each vessel. Each pair of sensors will detect one specific test gas. So four pairs will detect four test gases simultaneously. During flight, the signal data will be recorded using flash memory. After data recovery and data analysis, the concentration of different test gases will be determined using the calibration plots and the selectivity algorithm.

7 Info Regarding Bio Payload Lettuce: 2 small plants of the Waldman’s Green species. Soil matrix: light weight artificial matrix containing water and microbes. Sample will be contained in a petre-dish and secured as proscribed for level 3 bio- hazards. This plant and all associated microbes are non-pathogens, the specimen container will be secured in this manner to prevent the escape of contents in flight. Total sample mass will not exceed 500 grams Preflight procedure Several plants will be grown 3-6 weeks prior to launch date. 2 will be selected for flight. The others will remain in the UND Space Studies Life Sciences lab as controls. Various samples will be taken before launch and stored for comparison with samples taken post-flight. Post-Flight procedure Plants and supporting microbes will be analyzed and compared with samples taken earlier and plants in the control group. The life sciences team will consult with other team leaders to collect any supporting data (radiation counts, particle interaction, atmospheric pressure, etc.) necessary for this analysis.

8 Mission Requirements Sense apogee and evacuate the six vessels Seal all six vessels Collect an air sample every 20km during descent in the 130km to 30km range. Only 6 of the 7 vessels will be used. The 7 th is a baseline sealed at apogee Record resistance of all sensors and magnetometer data to flash memory via a microcontroller Atmospheric density changes exponentially, so the sampling frequency of collection may be changed Pre-flight testing of payload as per the guidelines including vibration and thermal tests. Record particulates that ranged in size from 3 microns to 10 microns Retrieve the bio payload without contamination Mission Overview

9 Success Criteria Full evacuation of our six vessels Proper data fields acquired Data obtained from flash memory after recovery Particle count produced Bio payload recovered successfully Benefits Local and national weather and atmospheric scientists will have additional data to pull from when reviewing improved models and experiments Atmosphere above 50km is not well known Natural pollution can enter the mesosphere (ie) CO 2 Certain metal oxides can be dumped into the upper atmosphere Rocket motors can dump Aluminum oxides Mission Overview

10 Conditioning Circuit Gas sensor conditioning circuit Proven concept used on HASP

11 Special Requirements Could chambers be filled with an inert gas. - Ar Distance to the atmo-port Connection to the atmo-port (how) Volume of atmo-port tube Non-conductive tubing? Does the rocket control the atmo-port Flight of eukaryote/prokaryote

12 Subsystem Requirements Subsystem power and temperature ranges Solenoid Valves power requirements 3-24 VDC thermal ranges- 0° – 50° C Particle Counter power requirements 11-15 VDC 450 mA thermal ranges 0° to 50° C TC72-2.8MUA Temperature Sensor Power requirements 5 V 250μA Thermal ranges -55° to 125° C (+/- 3° C) Honeywell HEL-705-T-0-12-00 Temperature Sensor -200 °C to 260 °C temperature range Intersema MS5534B Pressure Sensor Power Requirements: 2.2-3.6 V, 1mA –40° C to 125° C

13 Payload Design Required Hardware 6 pressure vessels - 6 solid state sensor boards 8 sensors on each board 4 gasses sampled twice, for redundancy 48 resistors Possibly few additional sensors as a back up and “test” resistors Ohm meter Microcontroller – PIC controller Flash memory Battery unit – 2 Lithium Ion packs G-switch

14 Payload Design Required Hardware Continued Magnetometer Altimeter/timer board Atmospheric port manifold Piping and valves – Swagelok / non-reactive/conductive 6 solenoid valves – Tri-tech micro valves Mounting plate Mounting hardware Remove Before Flight – for safety purposes Nylon Harnesses for “loose” wires Thermal protections/dust protecting material

15 Functional Diagram


17 Vessels

18 Mass All of our allotted mass is required at this time A final mass is unknown at this time 189 gram particle sensor 500 gram Bio payload 1114 gram possible vessel chamber Volume All of our allotted volume is required, including a route to the atmospheric port 3.5x3.5x1.5in particle sensor Center of Gravity Our payload plate will have a CG located within a 1 inch of the center of radius of the canister Payload activation G-switch. Proven technique in past RockOn event The entire system will be powerless until the G-switch is activated A remove before flight “open” circuit will be used while the safety pin is plugged in. RockSat Payload Canister User Guide Compliance

19 Shared Can Logistics Plan Fellow Occupants of RockSat Canister University of New Mexico Consideration of splitting the canister rather than 2/3 still being considered Plan for collaboration on interfacing We plan to coordinate with the other Universities regarding location Structural interfacing Possibly consider RockOn structural design

20 Team Management

21 Schedule We are currently on time with the required schedule Upcoming Events CDR requirements to be met(12-12-08-prior to holiday s ) Important constraints of payload reviewed and solved Canister integration planned

22 Budget and Funding Funding is currently being acquired from: North Dakota Space Grant Consortium Additional funding if required is under consideration

23 Conclusions Some considerations noted again Could chambers be filled with an inert gas. - Ar Distance to the atmo-port Connection to the atmo-port (how) Volume of atmo-port tube Non-conductive tubing? Do they control the atmo-port Flight of eukaryote/prokaryote

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