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1/16 H2 Piedmont Network F. Profumo Politecnico di Torino.

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1 1/16 H2 Piedmont Network F. Profumo Politecnico di Torino

2 2/16 The Region …. People: 4.291.441 Surface: 25.399 km 2 Morphology: 43% mountain 30% hill 27% plain Internal Gross Product:107 Billions of (31% Industry)

3 3/16 …….the Scientific Authorities……. Politecnico di Torino Università di Torino Università del Piemonte Orientale Environment Park – HySy_Lab

4 4/16 …….and the Industrial R&D Centers Centro Ricerche F.I.A.T. (CRF) Edison Fabbricazioni Nucleari (FN) – ENEA Gas Turbine Technologies (GTT Siemens)

5 5/16 Natural gas infrastructure - network and fuelling stations: one of the largest in Italy Co-generative heating network in Torino: one the largest in Europe EVs fleet: more 250 cars in Torino! Hydro and renewable energy: more than 25% of the required energy is produced by renewable The Sustainable Energy…….

6 6/16 R&D in the Hydrogen Field High complexity systems New technologies (i.e. nanotechnologies) Multidisciplinary problems Large human and financial resources for medium-long term activities Convergence of intentions and uniqueness of projects among authorities, companies and research institutions

7 7/16 The Local Authorities Role … REGIONE PIEMONTE DISTRICTS and MUNICIPALITIES Priorities and funding INDUSTRIAL R&D and UNIVERSITIES Development and demonstration projects ENVIRONMENT PARK Scouting and testing Training UNIVERSITIES Scientific analysis and advising Education COMPANIES Applications and funding Marketing

8 8/16 The Universities Role ….. To contribute to create a leading role of Piedmont in the field of sustainable energy development in cooperation with local authorities and companies: Regional Network of H2 Labs Multidisciplinary Skills: Politecnico di Torino & Università Coordinated Research Topics: basic and applied research Laboratories in Network: basic research - technology testing - application development - demonstration experience Regional Funds Policy: basic equipments - human resources - prototypes projets – long- term projects Education and Training: undergraduated and graduated programmes

9 9/16 New Startup Companies The Network of Laboratories and Projects….. Basic Research Labs IN.TE.S.E Applied Research Lab HySy_Lab CRF Lab Edison Lab FN Development Projects Celco YACHT Micro-Combined Heat & Power Unit Demonstration Projects Fuel Cell Bus Combined Heat & Power SOFC Unit

10 10/16 Laboratories IN.TE.S.E. Lab: Politecnico di Torino Fundamental research on hydrogen systems (production, transport, storage and final use) People: 30 Researchers Areas of excellence: Nanotechnolgies (carbon nano tubes) Innovative PEMs Micro structured reformers Combined liquid H 2 /electricity transport in superconductors Nanotechnologies

11 11/16 Laboratories HySy_Lab: Environment Park, Gruppo SAPIO, Politecnico di Torino, GTT Applied research, components and systems testing, training People: 18 Researchers and technicians Areas of excellence: Test benches for FC components Modelling laboratory Training and dissemination

12 12/16 Development Projects Celco YACHT: Industries (End User Companies, Suppliers), Politecnico, HySy_Lab 20 kW Noiseless Fuel Cell Power Unit for Yachts People: 8 Researchers and technicians CHP: Industries (End User Companies, Suppliers), Politecnico, HySy_Lab 4kW Fuel Cell based micro-Combined Heat & Power Unit People: 8 Researchers and technicians

13 13/16 Demonstration Projects HydrogenBus: IRISBUS, GTT, Ministero dellAmbiente, Regione Piemonte, Comune di Torino, ENEA, Sapio, Ansaldo, C.V.A. Hybrid-drive system with a 60kW fuel cell bus Road test phase EOS:Industries (End User Companies, Suppliers), Politecnico, HySy_Lab 250kW SOFC Fuel Cell for co-generation applications People: 8 Researchers and technicians

14 14/16 Demonstration Projects Progetto Primo Settimo: ASM S.p.A. di Settimo Torinese, Pianeta, others Building integration of an Hydrogen production plant from renewable energy sources (solar) to be used for stationary energy production and for fuel cell vehicles

15 15/16 New Startup Companies Pianeta: Design and realization of production, storage and utilization H2 plants Location: Environment Park HySy_Tech: Reformers design and production Location: Environment Park Others are coming soon……

16 16/16 Education High Schools: 8 demonstration H2 laboratories 8 technical high schools in Piedmont and teaching staff training Universities: Bachelor Degrees in Chemestry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Energetic Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Material Science Universities: Master Degrees in Chemestry, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Energetic Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Material Science Universities: New Ph.D. programmes in the H2 field (2004 - 15 Fellowships funded by Regione Piemonte)

17 17/16 Networking Today …. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies for Road Transport (V- VI European Framework Programme, FISR and PRIN National Programmes) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies for portable equipments (Direct methanol fuel cells, VI European Framework Programme) Research and Training Networks on Hydrogen and Renewables related Systems (Marie Curie RTN Programme of VI European Framework Programme) And more ……

18 18/16 Networking Tomorrow …. New Projects will start soon (FISR projects, PRIN projects, VI Framework Projects, etc.) New interdisciplinary research activities will be started (nanotechnologies, renewable energies, ……) New fellowships will be funded for students and researcher mobility among University/Company Laboratories New advanced technology companies will be interested in the research result applications A new Network with the 14 Universities linked by the Marathon will be launched in October 2004 ….

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