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Understanding Material Safety Data Sheets University of Alaska Fairbanks Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management August 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Material Safety Data Sheets University of Alaska Fairbanks Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management August 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Material Safety Data Sheets University of Alaska Fairbanks Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management August 2012 1

2 UNDERSTANDING MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires manufacturers or distributors of hazardous materials to assess the physical and health hazards of the chemical or product This information must be included in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), which must be provided to the purchaser of the product with at least the initial shipment of the chemical Outlined in the Hazard Communication Standard, Code of Federal Regulations (29CFR 1910.1200) 2

3 UNDERSTANDING MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS An MSDS must be obtained and maintained for every chemical/product used in the workplace The MSDSs must be accessible to all personnel during their work hours 3

4 MSDS Information by Section The MSDS is typically organized into individual sections NOTE! Not all MSDSs are the same! Section numbers and contents can vary with each MSDS 4

5 MSDS Information: Section I I. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION  Product Name: Commercial or marketing name  Synonym: Approved chemical name and/or synonyms  Chemical Family: Group of chemicals with related physical and chemical properties  Formula: Chemical formula, if applicable; i.e., the conventional scientific definition for a material  CAS Number: Number assigned to chemicals or materials by the Chemical Abstracts Service. The number is unique to each chemical 5

6 MSDS Information: Section I I. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION (CONT.)  Name, address and phone number of the manufacturer  Date MSDS was written  National Fire Protection Association rating  Storage Color Code 6

7 MSDS Information: Section II II. COMPONENT DATA (HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFO)  Describes the percent composition of the substance, listing chemicals present in the mixture  If it was tested as a mixture, lists chemicals which contribute to its hazardous nature  Otherwise, lists ingredients making up more than 1% and all carcinogens 7

8 MSDS Information: Section II II. COMPONENT DATA (cont.)  The OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL).  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended exposure limit (REL)  The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) threshold limit value (TLV) will also be listed, if appropriate 8

9 MSDS Information: Section II  Regulated standard (it’s the law!)  Usually expressed in parts per million parts of air (ppm) or milligrams of dust or vapor per cubic meter of air (mg/m 3 )  Usually a time weighted average (TWA) - concentration averaged over an eight-hour day II. COMPONENT DATA (cont.): OSHA PEL 9

10 MSDS Information: Section II II. COMPONENT DATA (cont.): OSHA PEL  STEL or short term exposure limit may be listed  STEL is a 15 minute TWA that should not be exceeded  A ceiling limit (C), is a concentration which may not be exceeded at any time  A skin notation means that skin exposure (including mucous membranes or eyes) is significant in contributing to the overall exposure 10

11 MSDS Information: Section II II. COMPONENT DATA (cont.): NIOSH REL & ACGIH TLV  Recommended limits  TLV’s also use TWA, STEL, C  Often limits are lower than OSHA’s PEL  It is UAF’s policy to strive to meet the more conservative standards 11

12 MSDS Information: Section III  This section provides information for handling and storing a product. This information may be sometimes found under section VII (REACTIVITY) III. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING & STORAGE 12

13 MSDS Information: Section IV IV. PHYSICAL DATA  Outlines the physical properties of the material  The information may be used to determine conditions for exposure 13

14 MSDS Information: Section IV IV. PHYSICAL DATA (cont.)  The following information is usually included:  Boiling Point: temperature at which liquid changes to vapor state  Melting Point: temperature at which a solid begins to change to liquid  Vapor Pressure: a measure of how volatile a substance is and how quickly it evaporates 14

15 MSDS Information: Section IV IV. PHYSICAL DATA (cont.)  Vapor Density (air=1): weight of a gas or vapor compared to weight of an equal volume of air  Specific Gravity (water=1): ratio of volume weight of material to equal volume weight of water  Solubility in Water: percentage of material that will dissolve in water, usually at ambient temperature 15

16 MSDS Information: Section IV IV. PHYSICAL DATA (cont.)  Appearance/Odor: color, physical state at room temperature, size of particles, consistency, odor, as compared to common substances  Odor threshold refers to the concentration required in the air before vapors are detected or recognized 16

17 MSDS Information: Section IV IV. PHYSICAL DATA (cont.)  Decomposition Temperature: The temperature at which a substance will break down or decompose into smaller fragments  % Volatile by Volume: Percentage of a liquid or solid, by volume, that evaporates at a temperature of 70 °F 17

18 MSDS Information: Section IV  Evaporation Rate: rate at which a material will vaporize (change from liquid to vapor) compared to the rate of vaporization of a specific known material, usually n-butyl acetate. Expressed as a ratio  Viscosity: is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow IV. PHYSICAL DATA (cont.) 18

19 MSDS Information: Section IV IV. PHYSICAL DATA (cont.)  pH: describes the acidic or basic nature of a material. Scale ranges from 0 (acidic) to 14 (basic/alkaline) for an aqueous solution  Other Pertinent Physical Data: information such as freezing point is given, as appropriate 19

20 MSDS Information: Section V  Includes general information about appropriate personal protective equipment for handling this material V. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT  It is vital that this information be followed 20

21 MSDS Information: Section V ● V. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (cont.)  Eye Protection: recommendations are dependent upon the irritancy, corrosiveness, and special handling procedures  Skin Protection: describes the particular types of protective garments and appropriate glove materials to provide personnel protection 21

22 MSDS Information: Section V V. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (cont.)  Respiratory Protection: appropriate respirators for conditions exceeding the recommended occupational exposure limits  Contact EHS&RM (474-5413 or 474- 6771) for information prior to the use of ANY respiratory protection equipment 22

23 MSDS Information: Section V V. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (cont.)  Ventilation: The use of some products may require specific ventilation requirements  General Exhaust: A system for exhausting air containing contaminants from a general work area. May be referred to as dilution ventilation 23

24 MSDS Information: Section V V. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (cont.): Ventilation  Local Exhaust: A system for capturing and exhausting contaminants from the air at the point where the contaminants are produced i.e., capture style hoods for welding, grinding, sanding and operations or laboratory fume hoods for working with hazardous chemicals 24 canopy hoodsnorkel hood fume hood

25 MSDS Information: Section VI  Contains information regarding the recommended extinguishing media to be used in the event of a fire involving the material  It may also provide information regarding unusual fire and explosion hazards associated with the material VI. FIRE and EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA 25

26 MSDS Information: Section VI  Auto-ignition Temperature: the approximate temperature at which a flammable gas-air mixture will ignite without spark or flame  Flashpoint: the lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapor to ignite when a source of ignition is present VI: FIRE and EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA (cont.) 26

27 MSDS Information: Section VI VI. FIRE and EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA (cont.)  Combustible: A term used by NFPA, DOT and OSHA to classify liquids on the basis of a flash point range of 100 °F to 200 °F 27

28 MSDS Information: Section VI  Flammable:  Flammable Liquid is defined by NFPA as a liquid with a flash point below 100 °F  The OSHA definition is essentially the same  The DOT definition of flammable liquid means it has a flash point of 141 °F or less  The EPA identifies liquids with a flash point of 140 °F or less as flammable liquids VI. FIRE and EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA (cont.) 28

29 MSDS Information: Section VI VI. FIRE and EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA (cont.)  Flammable:  Flammable Solids, other than explosives, are solids that will ignite readily or are liable to cause fires under ordinary conditions of transportation through friction or retained heat from manufacturing or processing and which burn so vigorously as to create a serious transportation hazard (DOT Classification). 29

30 MSDS Information: Section VI VI. FIRE and EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA (cont.)  Flammable Limits:  LEL (Lower Explosive Limit): Lowest fuel-to-air concentration in which the flammable vapor will produce a flash of fire when an ignition source is present. At concentrations below the LEL, the mixture is too "lean" to burn  UEL (Upper Explosive Limit): Highest fuel-to-air concentration in which the flammable vapor will produce a flash of fire when an ignition source is present. At concentrations above the UEL the mixture is too "rich" to burn  LEL/UEL concentrations are typically expressed as a lower and upper percentage range in air 30

31 MSDS Information: Section VI VI. FIRE and EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA (cont.)  Extinguishing Media: appropriate extinguishing agent(s) for the material  Fire-fighting Procedures: Appropriate equipment and methods are indicated for limiting hazards encountered in fire situations  Fire or Explosion Hazards: Hazards and/or conditions which may cause fire or explosions are defined 31

32 MSDS Information: Section VII VII. REACTIVITY DATA  Includes information regarding the stability of the material and any special storage or use considerations  Information may also be found in Section 3 Handling and Storage. 32

33 MSDS Information: Section VII VII. REACTIVITY DATA (cont.)  Stability:  ”Unstable" indicates that a chemical may decompose spontaneously under normal temperatures, pressures, and mechanical shocks  Rapid decomposition produces heat and may cause fire or explosion  Conditions to avoid are listed in this section  Incompatibility:  Certain chemicals, when mixed may create hazardous conditions. Incompatible chemicals should not be stored together. 33

34 MSDS Information: Section VII VII. REACTIVITY DATA (cont.)  Decomposition Products: chemical substances which may be created when the chemical decomposes or burns  Polymerization: a chemical reaction in which smaller molecular constituents combine with themselves to form larger, long-chain molecular structures. Rapid polymerization may produce enough heat to cause containers to explode 34

35 MSDS Information: Section VIII VIII. First Aid  Describes first aid procedures to be taken in the event of an exposure  Caution needs to be exercised so that those applying first aid do not become exposed to the material for which they are attempting treatment  In the event of an exposure, call 911 to request medical assistance 35

36 MSDS Information: Section IX  Defines the medical signs and symptoms that may be encountered with normal exposure or overexposure to the material or its components  Information on the toxicity of the substance may also be presented IX. TOXICOLOGY & HEALTH HAZARD DATA 36

37 MSDS Information by Section IX IX. TOXICOLOGY & HEALTH HAZARD DATA (cont.)  Acute Effect: An adverse effect on a human or animal body resulting from a single exposure with symptoms developing almost immediately or shortly after exposure  Chronic Effect: An adverse effect on a human or animal body resulting from prolonged or repeated exposure with symptoms that develop slowly over a long period of time 37

38 MSDS Information: Section IX IX. TOXICOLOGY & HEALTH HAZARD DATA (cont.)  Corrosive: A liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible alterations in human skin tissue  Irritation: An inflammatory response or reaction of the eye, skin or respiratory system  Allergic sensitization: A process whereby on first exposure a substance causes little or no reaction, but upon repeated exposure may cause a marked adverse response 38

39 MSDS Information: Section IX IX. TOXICOLOGY & HEALTH HAZARD DATA (cont.)  Carcinogen: A substance or agent capable of causing or producing cancer in humans or animals  Mutagen: A substance or agent capable of altering genetic material in a living organism  Teratogen: A substance or agent to which exposure to a pregnant female can result in malformations to the skeleton or soft tissue of the fetus 39

40 MSDS Information: Section IX IX. TOXICOLOGY & HEALTH HAZARD DATA (cont.)  Results of animal studies are most often given.  LD50 (lethal dose 50): is the dose of a substance which will cause the death of 50% of the experimental animals  LC50 (lethal concentration 50): is the concentration of the substance in air which will cause the death of 50% of the experimental animals 40

41 MSDS Information: Section IX IX. TOXICOLOGY & HEALTH HAZARD DATA (cont.)  LD LO (Lethal Dose Low): The lowest dose of a substance introduced by any route other than inhalation reported to have caused death in humans or animals  LC LO (Lethal Concentration Low): The lowest concentration of a substance in air that has been reported to have caused death in humans or animals 41

42 MSDS Information: Section IX IX. TOXICOLOGY & HEALTH HAZARD DATA (cont.)  TD LO (Toxic Dose Low): The lowest dose of a substance to which humans or animals have been exposed and reported to produce a toxic affect other than cancer.  Based upon LD 50, LC 50, LD LO, LC LO and TD LO, an estimate of the potential effects on human health is obtained. 42

43 MSDS Information: Section X  This section contains information pertinent to DOT (Department of Transportation) regulations governing the transport of hazardous materials. These regulations can be found in 49 CFR parts 100 to 177  Please contact EHS&RM (474-5617 or 474- 6771) if more information is needed or if shipping hazardous materials X. TRANSPORTATION DATA 43

44 MSDS Information: Section XI XI. SPILL & LEAK PROCEDURES  Outlines general procedures, precautions and methods for cleanup of spills.  Clean-up procedures for spills and leaks of hazardous materials are governed by a number of regulatory agencies.  Do not put yourself or others at risk if you are not trained or equipped to clean-up a spill. Contact EHS&RM for assistance or to report a spill. 44

45 MSDS Information: Section XII XII. WASTE DISPOSAL DATA  Contains guidelines for the disposal of the product or product container if it becomes a waste.  Hazardous waste is regulated by the EPA, (Environmental Protection Agency) under RCRA (Resource Conservation Recovery Act) regulations found in 40 CFR parts 260-272.  Provisions for civil and criminal penalties for the improper storage and disposal of hazardous waste are included in these regulations. 45

46 MSDS Information: Section XIII XIII. ADDITIONAL REGULATORY INFORMATION  Contains information relevant to compliance with other Federal or state laws such as TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act), FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act) and others. 46

47 MSDS Information: Section XIV XIV. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  This section, if present, will contain additional information regarding the product, which was not indicated in previous sections. 47

48 MSDS Information: Sections XIV & XV XV. MAJOR REFERENCES  Lists some of the major references that have been consulted in preparation of the MSDS. XIV. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  This section, if present, will contain additional information regarding the product, which was not indicated in previous sections. 48

49 Understanding Material Safety Data Sheets Where to go for more information? 49

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