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The impact of drugs on the human body. DAMAGING EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON THE BRAIN Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times,

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Presentation on theme: "The impact of drugs on the human body. DAMAGING EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON THE BRAIN Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The impact of drugs on the human body

2 DAMAGING EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON THE BRAIN Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory: Clearly, alcohol affects the brain. Some of these impairments are detectable after only one or two drinks and quickly resolve when drinking stops. On the other hand, a person who drinks heavily over a long period of time may have brain deficits that persist well after he or she achieves sobriety. Exactly how alcohol affects the brain and the likelihood of reversing the impact of heavy drinking on the brain remain hot topics in alcohol research today.

3 The impact of drugs on mental health How does taking drugs affect your mental health? Some people say that using drugs doesn't affect their mental health negatively, whereas other say it can make them stressed, trigger mental illness or exacerbate existing illness. Drugs can causes stress, psychosis and depression.Sometimes people use drugs more when they are depressed as a way to cope with their feelings. Some people find that reducing or eliminating drug use can improve their depression.

4 The impact of drugs on physical health 1.When you are under the influence of drugs you might find yourself doing things that you wouldn't normally do which can increase your chance of getting hurt or having an accident. Drug-related injuries can come from things like fights, falling over, operating machinery at work, car accidents, or falling off a skateboard. 2. Heavy use of some drugs can damage the liver. The brain, lungs, throat and stomach can be damaged by drug use too.

5 3. Sharing needles used for injecting drugs is a major risk for getting diseases like Hepatitis C or B or HIV, which are spread through blood-to-blood transmission. 3. Sharing needles used for injecting drugs is a major risk for getting diseases like Hepatitis C or B or HIV, which are spread through blood-to-blood transmission.

6 Diseases caused by smoking Cancer of the lung, kidney, pancreas, cancer of the lip, tongue, mouth, esophagus and larynx, bladder cancer, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, respiratory diseases, hypertension, Arteriosclerosis, stroke, stomach ulcers and duodenal lcers, intestinal hernia.

7 The impact of coffee Consumption of too much coffee can cause a feeling of nervousness, anxiety and irritability, It affects teeth – they become yellow, and can lead to tooth decay, Coffee increases blood cholesterol levels

8 The impact of amphetamine Enlarged pupils, Loss of appetite, High mobility Disturbances in thinking, Fast talking, High arousal state



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