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Bicycle Powered Water Pump Purple B Margaret Gentile Chris Grossman Charles Louison Jim Otten Jessica Rabl Chris Rivest.

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Presentation on theme: "Bicycle Powered Water Pump Purple B Margaret Gentile Chris Grossman Charles Louison Jim Otten Jessica Rabl Chris Rivest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bicycle Powered Water Pump Purple B Margaret Gentile Chris Grossman Charles Louison Jim Otten Jessica Rabl Chris Rivest

2 Overview Irrigation critically lacking in third world countries. Current pumps do not meet economic and ergonomic requirements of farmers. Bicycles are prevalent and relatively ergonomic mode of transportation. Bicycle powered pump answers irrigation need.

3 Potential Markets India People: 58% of population in agricultural labor force Equipment: ~100M bicycles Demand: need for irrigation water predicted to rise dramatically Potential Concern: not socially acceptable for women to ride bicycles China People: 50% of population in agricultural labor force Equipment: ~750M bicycles Demand: only 40% of cultivated land is irrigated, yet produces 67% of crops ( Many government sponsored irrigation projects fail due to poor efficiencies and lack of system maintenance Summary- $1 billion market for $50 pump (2.5% market penetration)

4 MoneyMaker Pump Benchmark max pumping rate = 1.5L/sec total pumping head = 13m max useable well depth = 6m max distance pumping across flat land = 200m max amount of land irrigated = 2.4acres pump weight = 20kg manufacture cost = $200 consumer cost = $50

5 Critical Issues Benchmarking Cost Goal: To be most cost effective human powered pump in third world market Bellows design makes piston a disposable commodity item Ergonomics Goal – To provide a more comfortable pumping system than MoneyMaker pump Proven that cycling lower impact than running Efficiency Goal – To design a pump of equal or better efficiency than MoneyMaker pump

6 Issues Addressed by Mockup Feasibility of low cost goal pump built for less than $25 Critical bellows component costs on order of pennies Still need to reduce cost of other components (valve etc.) Pump Design Various designs considered, bellows chosen on cost basis Bellows pump found to work best when two are run in parallel Efficiency Design for taking power off rear wheel – still needs testing Pump – still need to address valve and sealant issues

7 Mockup Design standard bicycle fits into universal stand power taken off rear wheel with roller roller transmits power via chain to crank shaft crank shaft powers positive displacement bellows pump

8 Pump Testing Charles RiverChapel Moat Difficulty achieving pump head, priming pump may improve performance Better flow rate, high inertial forces due to discontinuous pumping action

9 Test Results (Manual) Single bellows hand pumping rate =.75L/sec Inertia matters! Double out of phase bellows reduced force by ~6x Priming necessary Cheap pump feasible

10 Mock Up Demo

11 Future Work/Lessons Learned Install double pump technology/dual reservior to reduce inertial forces Reduce compliance in power transmission Implement drive reduction Extract quantitative data from mockup - measure efficiency Pumps are fun!

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