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Our presentation on visiting VCSM By Maisie,Millie,Lucy,Kimberley and Codie.

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Presentation on theme: "Our presentation on visiting VCSM By Maisie,Millie,Lucy,Kimberley and Codie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our presentation on visiting VCSM By Maisie,Millie,Lucy,Kimberley and Codie

2 Facts about our tour ● The company use 16 thousand cubic metres of water per day ● The people of szolnok were worried about the company back in 2000 because the water level rose very high and there was very little sandbags. ● There is 8 pumps but they only use one because that one pump provides for the 8 cities. ● They also lower a bucket into the water of the river to test the water.

3 More facts about our tour ● They try to use a very low amount of chlorine in their water and they use the PH scale to see how much chlorine is in the water ● They add chlorine also to kill bacteria and keep the water clean ● A chemical called Bopac is also added to get rid of the objects in the water for example rocks and mud. ● Each basin has 1350 filters and there are 9 basins which filter through sand.

4 The process of changing the water ● The company use this process to take the dirty water and clean it for everyone to drink, this process is: ● 1) pump out the water from the river ● 2)Add chlorine to kill the bacteria ● 3)filter the water through sand traps to get rif of things like stones ● 4) add Bopac- depending on how much they need ● 5) add Ozone which is the second stage to killing the bacteria.

5 Why use Ozone? ● They use Ozone because its more environmentally friendly than chlorine and they try to use as little chlorine as possible. ● Also the Ozone is cheaper and healthy too.

6 ● Here are some photos from our tour:



9 Thank you for watching our presentation ● From the British people:)

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