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What is research?. Does it mean to Google something, Miss? TASK: To research something is to … Look in books for stuff Look on the internet for stuff.

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Presentation on theme: "What is research?. Does it mean to Google something, Miss? TASK: To research something is to … Look in books for stuff Look on the internet for stuff."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is research?

2 Does it mean to Google something, Miss? TASK: To research something is to … Look in books for stuff Look on the internet for stuff Find stuff Teach ourselves stuff TASK: Why do we choose Google? It’s easy! It has all the answers I need! It fixes my spelling/typing It reads my mind …

3 What is an algorithm? Is it painful, Miss? An algorithm is a formula for solving a problem TASK: How often do you look on the 3 rd or 4 th page of a Google results list? Google uses algorithms to push certain websites to the top of the list - $$ or guesswork TASK: What can you do? KNOW about it!! Use the right tools for the right job

4 So what do we use instead, Miss? Online Encyclopedias Online databases Books Newspapers Anything that has had its facts already checked …

5 Please find answers … (and say which tool you used) The new princess’ name and when she was born (Kate and Prince William’s new daughter) 3 types of volcano Definition of ‘ambiguity’ 3 facts about Boris the pig in Dunedin and the events of this week

6 What is the C.R.A.P. test, Miss?


8 Why is it important that we use quality info, Miss? TASK: Jar ‘Edo Wens All about BBC The Tree Octopus How to make dehydrated water

9 What is BOOLEAN searching, Miss? How to make a peanut butter AND raspberry OR fig jam sandwich … crumbs! With BANANAS! TASK: Use the sheet to work out your search and then try it out on the internet. Find an answer and apply the CRAP test. When you find a good site, say where you got your information from.

10 A new secret language … - makes it NOT search for the word e.g. -wikipedia " " makes it search for the exact phrase e.g. “New Zealand” * makes it a wildcard search e.g. prince* of Wales TASK: Create a search string for: a New Zealand volcano but not anything from the GeoNet site Create a search string of your own which includes 3 of the following: 1. an exact phrase 2. a wildcard 3. a ‘not’ search 4. a synonym in brackets using ‘OR’ 5. an ‘AND’

11 What else can we do, Miss? Site: - searches within a site e.g. volcano AND site:www.teara.govt.nzvolcano AND Link: - searches for any site that has linked back to the site you mentioned e.g. volcano Related: - searches for other sites related to the one you like e.g. TASK: Try each of these searches and report back to the class what you found for each one. Use your own search topic.

12 What is Copyright and Fair Use, Miss? Copyright & Fair Use Copyright is there to protect the owner of the work: a picture, a song, a film, an article, a book, a website, a magazine … anything. They OWN it. If you want to BORROW it, you have to play by the rules. The rules of Fair Use mean that you can borrow/use images and information etc. as long as you do the following: 1. You can only use a small amount of the work 2. You have to add new meaning to the work to make it original 3. You need to rework it and use it in a totally different way 4. You must only use it for not-for-profit purposes

13 So where is a good place to get good pictures, Miss? 1. Get to the Google homepageGoogle 2. Search your subject e.g. cats 3. Go to ‘images’ 4. Click on ‘search tools’ 5. Click on ‘usage rights’ 6. Choose ‘labelled for non-commercial reuse’ 7. Choose a picture! OR: use TagGalaxy for Flickr photosTagGalaxy * Tip: Wikipedia ONLY uses copyright-free pictures, so they are a great place to get pictures from.

14 Fast Finishers … Complete the Mad Men task Report back to the class

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