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Introduction to Library Resources and Research Methods for DRAMA 1701 September 2013 Jeff Lilburn Public Services Librarian Mount Allison University Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Library Resources and Research Methods for DRAMA 1701 September 2013 Jeff Lilburn Public Services Librarian Mount Allison University Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Library Resources and Research Methods for DRAMA 1701 September 2013 Jeff Lilburn Public Services Librarian Mount Allison University Libraries & Archives

2 Today’s class Primary and Secondary Sources Scholarly and non-scholarly Sources Most common secondary sources in Literary/Theatre Studies How to Find Secondary Sources (books, articles, performance reviews, contextual and historical information) Keyword Selection (interactive exercise)

3 Primary Sources A primary source provides first-hand information on the topic. The author or artist personally participated in the event under discussion, such as a science experiment, a humanitarian mission, or the creation of a work of art. The work has not been changed or analyzed by another person or organization.

4 Examples of Primary Sources: Original research (results of an experiment, an archeological dig) Government Records (Parliamentary Proceedings, Bills, Acts) Personal works (diaries, letters) Works of Art (paintings, sculptures, photographs)

5 Secondary Sources Secondary sources present an argument, interpretation, conclusion, or summary based on information found in primary sources.

6 Examples of Secondary Sources: A biography A book review Commentary and criticism (of a work of music or a work of art) Histories

7 In Literary Studies Examples of primary sources?

8 In Literary Studies Examples of primary sources? …A novel, short story, poem or play

9 In Literary Studies Examples of primary sources? …A novel, short story, poem or play Examples of secondary sources?

10 In Literary Studies Examples of primary sources? …A novel, short story, poem, play Examples of secondary sources? …A book about the plays of David Mamet …A scholarly journal article about Hamlet …A book review or review of a performance _____ Source for previous 8 slides (and where to find more information and examples): – Primary and Secondary Resources: A Research Guide,

11 Scholarly vs. Non-scholarly Secondary Sources Not every book or article about a literary work is necessarily a scholarly source. An article about Margaret Atwood published in The Globe and Mail or Macleans magazine, for example, would not be considered a scholarly source. Why not?

12 What is a Scholarly Source? Are generally written by experts in the field (look for: credentials, author affiliations)

13 What is a Scholarly Source? Are generally written by experts in the field (look for: credentials, author affiliations) Are generally peer-reviewed (critically assessed by other scholars and experts in the field prior to publication)

14 What is a Scholarly Source? Are generally written by experts in the field (look for: credentials, author affiliations) Are generally peer-reviewed (critically assessed by other scholars and experts in the field prior to publication) Engage and build on previous research on the same subject (see next bullet)

15 What is a Scholarly Source? Are generally written by experts in the field (look for: credentials, author affiliations) Are generally peer-reviewed (critically assessed by other scholars and experts in the field prior to publication) Engage and build on previous research on the same subject (see next bullet) Always cite all sources quoted or referenced in the book or paper (articles and books aimed at a non-academic audience don’t normally do this)

16 What is a Scholarly Source? Make a contribution to the field (present an original argument or interpretation)

17 What is a Scholarly Source? Make a contribution to the field (present an original argument or interpretation) Are generally published in a peer-reviewed journal (articles) or by a university press or publisher specializing in scholarly works (example: Oxford University Press)

18 What is Peer-Review? “Scrutinizing Science: Peer Review.” Understanding Science. University of California Museum of Paleontology. 4 October 2011.

19 Most Common Secondary sources in Literary Studies?

20 Most Common Scholarly Secondary sources in Literary Studies? Books, essays published as chapters in edited collections, and journal articles (articles published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals)

21 Most Common Scholarly Secondary sources in Literary Studies? Books, essays published as chapters in edited collections, and journal articles (articles published in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals) Examples: Nischik, Reingard M. Engendering Genre: The Works of Margaret Atwood. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2009. Deery, June. “Science for Feminists: Margaret Atwood’s Body of Knowledge.” Twentieth Century Literature 43.4 (1997): 470–86.

22 What about book reviews? Scholarly or non-Scholarly?

23 What about book reviews? Scholarly or non-Scholarly? Book reviews typically present one person’s opinion about a newly published book. Book reviews do not normally engage with (or cite) existing scholarship on an author or attempt to present an argument or interpretation. Same for reviews of a play?

24 How to Find Secondary Sources Where to search for Books: MtA Library Catalogue WorldCat Other Library Catalogues Other books (scan the bibliographies of books and articles you’ve already found) Browsing library shelves Google Books

25 Example of a “STARTS WITH” TITLE search: cambridge introduction to shakespeare



28 Example of a KEYWORD search: Shakespeare and politics

29 Your search Number of items found


31 How to Find Secondary Sources Where to search for Journal Articles: Library Databases such as the MLA Database, Project Muse, JSTOR… Also: the bibliographies of books or other articles that you have already found.

32 How to Find Secondary Sources Where to search for Journal Articles: Library Databases such as the MLA Database, Project Muse, JSTOR… Also: the bibliographies of books or other articles that you have already found. Online? An increasing number of academic peer-reviewed journals are available for free online and can be accessed through Google Scholar, the DOAJ, or through other Open Access Collections, but many journals can still only be accessed in library databases or in print format at the library.Google ScholarDOAJOpen Access Collections



35 MLA Database Index to scholarly research in several languages covering topics in language, literature, linguistics, folklore and film. Also indexes (selectively) books and essays published in edited collections (chapters). Not a full-text database, but will help you identify articles (and books, chapters…) that exist, and which we may have in print or in another database (such as JSTOR, Project Muse).

36 MLA Database In case you were wondering… Yes, the “MLA” in the name of this database is the same as that in the MLA Handbook, and MLA citation style. No, the MLA Database does not use MLA Style. You will have to supply the Style.

37 Shakespeare and macbeth


39 Added Keyword: ecology Shakespeare and Macbeth and ecology


41 edward albee and virgina woolf

42 Article Title

43 Journal Title








51 Finding Articles Once You Have a Citation (but don’t yet have the full text) Use the Library Catalogue and/or Journal Finder to search for the title of the journal (not title of the article). Sample citation: Deery, June. “Science for Feminists: Margaret Atwood’s Body of Knowledge.” Twentieth Century Literature 43.4 (1997): 470–86.

52 Finding Articles Once You Have a Citation (but don’t yet have the full text) Use the Library Catalogue and/or Journal Finder to search for the title of the journal (not title of the article). Sample citation: Deery, June. “Science for Feminists: Margaret Atwood’s Body of Knowledge.” Twentieth Century Literature 43.4 (1997): 470–86.

53 Finding Articles In other words…  Use a library database to search for articles on a topic (and access the full text, when available)  Use the Library Catalogue and/or Journal Finder to find out if the Journal in which an article was published is available at the library (when the full text is not immediately available)

54 Interlibrary Loan When the book or article you need isn’t available… You can request them using the library’s interlibrary loan service.


56 Other Databases MLA JSTOR Project Muse World Shakespeare Bibliography Online CBCA and Canadian Periodicals (ProQuest) more For performance reviews: LexisNexis Academic




60 Other Databases Video Streaming Databases Digital Theatre Plus Streaming video of contemporary British theatre performances. Digital Theatre Plus Theatre in Video Streaming video of more than 250 performances + more than 100 film documentaries. Theatre in Video Both accessible from the: Find Articles and More: Drama page. Find Articles and More: Drama





65 Includes over 250 plays and 100 documentaries

66 What about Encyclopedias? There are many specialized and discipline-specific encyclopedias in the Library. Examples: The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature Encyclopedia of Feminist Literature The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism A Dictionary of Stage Directions in English Drama, 1580 - 1642

67 Encyclopedias Encyclopedias are often considered “tertiary” sources. These are sources that compile, summarize or repackage information found in primary and secondary sources. Typically, the contents of encyclopedias are based on the work of other scholars.

68 Encyclopedias Can help you: Find an overview of a topic Find a summary of the critical reception of a work or author Find additional secondary sources (articles in encyclopedias sometimes include a bibliography) Indentify the names of scholars who have published on a topic Become familiar with concepts and terminology that can help with your search strategy (i.e. help you identify good and relevant keywords!)

69 Encyclopedias Can also help you find contextual information (historical, biographical, political, etc.) Examples: Companion to English Renaissance Literature and Culture France and the Americas: Culture, Politics and History: A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia Greenwood Encyclopedia of Daily Life in America

70 Search Tip! Truncation Symbol $ in the Library Catalogue * in most other library databases Example: Canad $ will find: Canada, Canadian, Canadians, Canadiana, canadien…

71 Keyword Selection Sample essay topic: Discuss the depiction of the poor in the works of American playwrights. What are the relevant keywords?

72 Keyword Selection Sample essay topic: Discuss the depiction of the poor in the works of American playwrights. What are the relevant keywords?

73 Keyword Selection Sample essay topic: Discuss the depiction of the poor in the works of American playwrights. However… Keyword search: poor and american and playwrights = 0 items !

74 Keyword Selection What to do… Try using synonyms, related words (broader or more specific), variant spellings (theatre, theater), etc. In other words: try to account for the various ways different authors may express the same or similar ideas or topics.

75 Keyword Selection Our original keyword search: poor and american and playwrights = 0 items Using a few synonyms and related words: (poor or poverty or class) and (america$ or united states) and (play$ or drama or theatre or theater) = 52 items!

76 Keyword selection matters. Search strategy matters. A few tips: Don’t rely on just one or two searches The first words used to describe a topic are probably not the only words you could use to search for information on that topic Take time to think about other ways to search for information on your topic (to find items that were not retrieved the first time) The sources you find first or most easily may or may not be the best sources for your topic

77 How to Get Help Ask me: Research Help Desk – In Person: Mon.-Thurs. 9:00-5:00 & 6:30-10:00; Fri. 10:30-4:30; Sun. 1:00-4:30 – Email: – Live Chat: Chat link on the Libraries’ home page – Phone: 364-2564

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