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POTABLE WATER CVEN 451 Term Project. Demand Estimate Water Use Average Flow (GPD/Capita ) # of People ADD (GPD ) MDD^ (ADD*2.4) PHD^ (MDD*1.85) Residential.

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Presentation on theme: "POTABLE WATER CVEN 451 Term Project. Demand Estimate Water Use Average Flow (GPD/Capita ) # of People ADD (GPD ) MDD^ (ADD*2.4) PHD^ (MDD*1.85) Residential."— Presentation transcript:

1 POTABLE WATER CVEN 451 Term Project

2 Demand Estimate Water Use Average Flow (GPD/Capita ) # of People ADD (GPD ) MDD^ (ADD*2.4) PHD^ (MDD*1.85) Residential 10010,0001,000,0002,400,0004,440,000 Commercial/ Retail 251,50037,50090,000166,500 TOTALGal/d1,037,5002,490,0004,606,500 TOTALMGD1.042.494.6065 Assuming that there are an average of 4 people per house, then a total of 2,500 service connections will be required. ^TCEQ RG-195.

3 Service Level Measures Surface Water Supply System 0.6 gpm/unitRaw water pump capacity with largest pump out of service 0.6 gpm/unitTreatment plant capacity 200 gal/unitTOTAL Storage Capacity 100 gal/unitElevated Storage Capacity 10 gal/unitPressure Tank Storage Capacity 35 gal/unitGround Storage TCEQ 290.45

4 Service Level Measures Ground Water Supply System 1.0 gpm/unitWell capacity; <100 units w/o ground storage 0.6 gpm/unitWell Capacity; <100 units with ground storage Well capacity which meets or exceeds the MDD Ground storage capacity equal to 50% of the MDD At least two service pumps with total capacity of 3X the MDD Minimum pressure tank capacity of 220 gallons TCEQ 290.45

5 Service Level Measures TCEQ 290.44 Pressure (PSI) Flowrate (GPM/connection) Minimum35 (normal) 20 (fire flows) 1.5 Maximum80-

6 Alternative Methods of Service Alternative 1: Drill a new water well to be operated by CS utilities Water will be treated at existing treatment facilities, and citizens will purchase water from CS Alternative 2: Drill a new water well and treat the water at new treatment facilities Alternative 3:Use surface water and construct a treatment plant Alternative 4: Shared water wells located in the development

7 Schematic

8 Infrastructure Required ItemType Storage TankElevated Water Well100 GPM Pipes6” PVC, 18” and 24” concrete Pumps/StationsBooster, 1500 GPM centrifugal ValvesIsolation, 6” and 18” Hydrants Treatment Plant2.5 MGD (Option 2)

9 Estimate of Facilities and Cost – Option 1 Capital Costs ItemDescriptionQuantityUnit CostTotal Cost 1000 GPM water wells21,000,0002,000,000[1] site work1100,000 [1] PipingBooster pump station237,00074,000[1] 6" PVC64,000503,200,000[2] 18" Concrete9,5002001,900,000[3] Piping to Community (24" Concrete)52,80020010,560,000[3] ValvesBooster pump station213,00026,000[1] 6" valves2,5001,0002,500,000[4] 18" valves804,800384,000[5].75 MG EST12,000,000 [6] PumpsAdd to Sandy Point Pump Station430,000120,000[7] Booster Pump Sta on site – 1500G GPM Centrifugal Pumps430,000120,000[7] Booster Pump Building185,000 [1] electrical and controls1138,000 [1] Hydrants5002,3501,175,000[5] TOTAL$24,382,000

10 Estimate of Facilities and Cost – Option 2 Capital Costs ItemDescriptionQuantityUnit CostTotal Cost 1000 GPM Water well21,000,0002,000,000[1] Site work1100,000 [1] PipingBooster pump sta237,00074,000[1] 6" PVC64,000503,200,000[2] 18" Concrete9,5002001,900,000[3] Piping to Community (24" Concrete)158,40020031,680,000[3] ValvesBooster pump sta213,00026,000[1] 6" valves2,5001,0002,500,000[4] 18" valves804,800384,000[5].75 MG EST12,000,000 [6] PumpsBooster Pump Sta on site430,000120,000[7] Booster Pump Sta by well430,000120,000[7] Booster Pump Building285,000170,000[1] electrical and controls1138,000 [1] Hydrants5002,3501,175,000[5] TOTAL$45,587,000

11 Summary Option 1 was selected as providing the lowest cost. Recommendation: Drill a new water well to be operated by CS utilities Water will be treated at the existing treatment facilities, and citizens will purchase water from CS OptionTotal Per New Household Per Capita in College Station 1 $31.7 M$12,700$300 2 $59.3 M$23,700$560

12 Questions? Acknowledgements Thank you to Dr. Stockton for taking the time to join our class, and for teaching us about Public Works

13 Works Cited [1] Atkinson Engineering Cost Data [2] [3] Texas Water Development Board [4] Vermont Agency of Natural Resources [5] Riverdale City Public Works Department [6] Houston Engineering, Inc. [7] City of South St. Paul, MN Feasibility Study

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