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Copyright (c) 2015 CompTIA Properties, LLC. All Rights Reserved. | IT Employment Snapshot IL and Chicago – Q1 2015.

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1 Copyright (c) 2015 CompTIA Properties, LLC. All Rights Reserved. | IT Employment Snapshot IL and Chicago – Q1 2015

2 Table of Contents Slide # About this Summary3 Key Points – U.S.4 U.S. IT Job Postings / Number of IT Job Openings6 Historical Number of Postings – Year over Year7 Labor Force Turnover9 Top Locations / IL & Chicago Totals10 Illinois IT Job Openings12 Quarter over Quarter13 Top Skills & Titles14 Certification16 Top Employers & Industries17 Chicago IT Job Openings19 Quarter over Quarter20 Top Skills & Titles21 Certification & Education23 Top Employers & Industries25 U.S. IT Employment & Future Outlook27 IT Industry Employment vs. IT Occupation Employment28 IT Occupation Employment, Projections & Salaries29 Appendix33

3 About this Summary The online job posting data in this summary is from Burning Glass Technologies. When citing Burning Glass data use: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights. Other important information to note where applicable: time period, core IT occupations, location (e.g. US, Chicago MSA), etc. The data highlighted in this summary was pulled April 2015 and primarily focuses on Q1 2015 data for IL and the Chicago metropolitan statistical area (MSA), i.e., the Chicago-Joliet-Naperville, IL-IN-W MSA. Data highlights for the entire US are included as well. This information complements many other workforce-related research studies CompTIA produces (see Additional Resources). For the purposes of this summary, core IT occupations include positions related to those listed in the following tables. This report excludes certain telecommunications occupations, such as positions responsible for installing or maintaining cellular towers. Additionally, this report excludes ‘knowledge worker’ type positions, such as technical writer and graphic designer. Note: the data found in this report uses a slightly different industry and occupational definition than what is found in Cyberstates. The CompTIA data covers core IT, while Cyberstates covers a broader set of tech occupations, including positions such as engineers, engineering technicians and assemblers working in tech manufacturing. Job posting data is a useful, but an imperfect proxy for job demand. Not every posting translates to a new job; hiring firms may change their plans, post multiple times for the same job, hire internally, try different approaches to find the right candidate and so forth (see Notes area). Also, one ad may be posted for multiple openings. Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights addresses many of these issues, but not all. Additionally, within a time period, there may be situations where a worker is hired, the person isn't the right fit and is let go, and a firm starts the process over again. In the aggregate there is single position, but using job posting data, it may appear there are 2 positions (see labor turnover data to gauge the frequency of this practice). CompTIA recommends using job posting data in conjunction with BLS data to get a more complete picture of labor dynamics for a given occupation category. CompTIA is responsible for all content contained in this report. Any questions regarding the study should be directed to CompTIA Research & Market Intelligence staff at More information about Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights can be found here:

4 Job Openings During Q1 2015 there were 851,063 core IT job openings in the US, according to Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights. In comparison to the entire US job market, there were 5,848,101 total openings for the same Q1 2015 time period. IT postings now represent 15% of all job openings (up from 13% in Q4, 12% in Q3 and Q2, and 11% in Q1 2014). IT postings have increased by an astounding 55% over the same Q1 last year. (Compared to +17% for all job ads, including non- IT.) Note: not all postings translate to a hire. It’s important to also consider net separations (job loss) and net hires (job gains) to fully understand the IT jobs landscape. Employment / Unemployment According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U.S. unemployment rate for March 2015 remained unchanged at 5.5 percent. Compared to the national unemployment rate, the rate for computer related occupations remains very low at 2.0 percent for March. (A decrease of 0.8 percent from March 2014.) An estimated 5.0 million job openings existed the last business day of January versus 8.6 million* unemployed people looking for work. The hires rate (3.5%) and separations rate (3.4%) changed little in January. Over the 12 months ending January 2015, hires totaled 59.1m & separations totaled 56.0m, yielding a net employment gain of 3.1m. Quarterly Number of U.S. Core IT Job Postings Key Summary Points – U.S. Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015 *Note: this excludes the segment of discouraged workers that have stopped looking for work and thereby not counted in official unemployment statistics.

5 ONET CodeCore IT Occupations # Postings Q1 2015 # Postings Q1 2014# Change% Change 11-3021.00Computer & Information Systems Managers 12,8919,9822,90929% 15-1111.00Computer & Information Research Scientists 4,0582,5261,53261% 15-1121.00-.01Computer Systems Analysts & Informatics Specialists 71,45547,88823,56749% 15-1122.00Information Security Analysts 24,15012,85811,29288% 15-1131.00Computer Programmers 33,00923,6099,40040% 15-1132.00Software Developers, Applications 241,909145,05396,85667% 15-1133.00Software Developers, Systems Software 28,16618,02310,14356% 15-1134.00Web Developers 46,12226,45919,66374% 15-1141.00Database Administrators 44,85027,69717,15362% 15-1142.00Network & Computer Systems Administrators 43,70330,03113,67246% 15-1143.00-.01Computer Network Architects & Telecom Engineers 19,28810,9088,38077% 15-1151.00Computer User Support Specialists 64,51849,82414,69429% 15-1152.00Computer Network Support Specialists 4,1193,30081925% 15-1199.00 -.12Computer Occupations, All Other 209,236136,96072,27653% 17-2061.00Computer Hardware Engineers 2,0051,60639925% 49-2011.00Computer, Automated Teller, & Office Machine Repairers 1,5841,729-145-8% Total 851,063548,453302,61055% Current quarter vs. same quarter last year Number of US IT Job Openings – Quarter over Quarter Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

6 Section 2: US IT Job Postings

7 Total Number of IT Job Openings – Q1 Year over Year Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

8 Labor Force Turnover Background and Context The U.S. labor force is dynamic with a constant state of hiring and separations. Workers may leave an employer for a new opportunity, geographic relocation, family needs, retirement, or any number of other reasons. Similarly, employers may layoff workers because of poor economic conditions, performance, structural changes in their product lines or any number of other reasons. During any given quarter, approximately 10-15% of the national labor force separates from their employer, either voluntarily or involuntarily. In a growing economy the number of new hires will exceed the number of separations as employers add new headcount. Conversely, in a contracting economy, separations exceed new hires. o Separations in the IT services sector (encompassing solution providers, MSPs, VARs, integrators, customer software development services and related) are about 24% lower than the national average. This may stem from IT professionals being more career oriented or being attracted to the higher than average wages. Industry sectors such as fast food, retail and hospitality tend to have have highest rates of labor turnover. The civilian labor force participation rate was little changed at 62.7% in March 2015. Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 126,000 in March 2015. Job growth averaged 269,000 per month over the prior 12 months. In March, job growth occurred in many industries including professional & business services, health care, and retail trade. Professional & business services added 40,000 jobs* in March; with 4,000 jobs added in computer systems design plus another 4,000 added in management and technical consulting services. As of the last business day of January, there were 5.0m job openings, little changed from 4.9m in December. The hires rate (3.5%) and separations rate (3.4%) also changed little in January. Over the 12 months ending January 2015, hires totaled 59.1m & separations totaled 56.0m, yielding a net employment gain of 3.1m. *See the Cyberstates 2015 report for more details.

9 Historical Number of IT Job Openings – Year over Year ONET CodeCore IT Occupations # Postings 2014 # Postings 2013 # Postings 2012 # Postings 2011 # Postings 2010 11-3021.00Computer & Information Systems Managers 38,31538,19530,71635,50924,520 15-1111.00Computer & Information Research Scientists 12,03310,0417,7507,8135,663 15-1121.00-.01Computer Systems Analysts & Informatics Specialists 206,836191,227167,188198,204156,314 15-1122.00Information Security Analysts 58,13248,95139,92043,34930,280 15-1131.00Computer Programmers 91,99191,20680,398100,16883,658 15-1132.00Software Developers, Applications 606,927585,461516,424587,882463,421 15-1133.00Software Developers, Systems Software 74,98477,78671,55580,79763,247 15-1134.00Web Developers 109,029101,33591,726102,78489,764 15-1141.00Database Administrators 113,962112,40798,807117,91297,347 15-1142.00Network & Computer Systems Administrators 122,491118,695113,028123,22896,903 15-1143.00-.01Computer Network Architects & Telecom Engineers 44,19743,54739,78948,19036,989 15-1151.00Computer User Support Specialists 194,957194,713153,373168,625125,715 15-1152.00Computer Network Support Specialists 11,97013,76412,34213,2819,858 15-1199.00 -.12Computer Occupations, All Other 581,082542,579448,172509,533404,540 17-2061.00Computer Hardware Engineers 6,1206,4906,2857,3855,795 49-2011.00Computer, Automated Teller, & Office Machine Repairers 6,5175,1304,1024,1244,102 Total 2,279,5432,181,5271,881,5752,148,7841,698,116 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

10 Top States for Core IT Job Postings 1.California 2.New York 3.Texas 4.Illinois 5.New Jersey 6.Virginia 7.Florida 8.Georgia 9.Massachusetts 10.Ohio Top MSAs* for Core IT Job Postings 1.New York-Northern New Jersey 2.Washington-Arlington-Alexandria 3.Chicago-Joliet-Naperville 4.San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont 5.Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana 6.San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara 7.Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington 8.Boston-Cambridge-Quincy 9.Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta 10.Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue *MSA = Metropolitan Statistical Area Top Locations for IT Job Postings – Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015 851,063 total US IT job postings in Q1 2015.

11 Quarterly Number of IT Job Openings in IL & Chicago Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

12 Section 3: Illinois

13 ONET CodeCore IT Occupations # Postings Q1 2015 # Postings Q1 2014# Change% Change 11-3021.00Computer & Information Systems Managers 1,01561440165% 15-1111.00Computer & Information Research Scientists 1747698129% 15-1121.00-.01Computer Systems Analysts & Informatics Specialists 5,7752,9442,83196% 15-1122.00Information Security Analysts 1,6786181,060172% 15-1131.00Computer Programmers 2,0201,34167951% 15-1132.00Software Developers, Applications 16,3537,4968,857118% 15-1133.00Software Developers, Systems Software 1,447695752108% 15-1134.00Web Developers 2,6301,2221,408115% 15-1141.00Database Administrators 2,9311,3081,623124% 15-1142.00Network & Computer Systems Administrators 2,3951,3391,05679% 15-1143.00-.01Computer Network Architects & Telecom Engineers 1,171581590102% 15-1151.00Computer User Support Specialists 3,8742,4961,37855% 15-1152.00Computer Network Support Specialists 2731918243% 15-1199.00 -.12Computer Occupations, All Other 14,0017,3476,65491% 17-2061.00Computer Hardware Engineers 57441330% 49-2011.00Computer, Automated Teller, & Office Machine Repairers 68501836% Total 55,86228,36227,50097% Current quarter vs. same quarter last year Number of IT Job Openings – IL Quarter over Quarter Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

14 Top Specialized Skills in IT Job Postings 1.SQL 2.JAVA 3.Oracle 4.JavaScript 5.Repair 6.LINUX 7.Computer Aided Drafting/Design (CAD) 8.Graphic Design 9.Microsoft C# 10..NET Programming Top Skill Clusters in IT Job Postings 1.Common: Communication and Coordination 2.Common: Problem Solving 3.IT: Programming, Development, and Engineering 4.Common: Business Environment 5.IT: Databases and Data Warehousing 6.IT: Business Intelligence 7.IT: Web Design and Technologies 8.Common: Project and Process Flow 9.IT: Network Administration and Security 10. Digital Media and Design: Tech Development and Design 55,862 IL IT job postings in Q1 2015, of which 20% do not specify specialized skills. 55,862 IL IT job postings in Q1 2015, of which 24% do not specify skill clusters. Top Skills Cited in IT Job Postings – IL Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015 Technical Support cited in 4,021 Q1 IL IT job postings. IT: Network Administration and Security related skills cited in 10,459 Q1 IL IT job postings and IT: Support (13 th ) related skills cited in 7,909 postings.

15 Top Job Titles Listed in IT Job Postings 1.Software Development Engineer 2.Java Software Developer 3..Net Developer 4.Network Engineer 5.Software Developer 6.Solutions Architect 7.Applications Developer 8.Systems Engineer 9.Web Developer 10.Data Analyst Top Job Titles in IT Support and Network Administration and Security Skill Clusters 1.Network Engineer 2.Systems Administrator 3.Software Development Engineer 4.Systems Engineer 5.Java Software Developer 6.Security Engineer 7..Net Developer 8.Software Developer 9.Applications Developer 10.Network Administrator 55,862 IL IT job postings in Q1 2015. 14,706 IL IT job postings in Q1 2015 within the IT Support (7,909) and Network Admin. & Security (10,459) skill clusters. Top Titles Cited in IT Job Postings – IL Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

16 Job Postings with Certification Information – Q1 2015 5,848,101 Total US job postings Q1 2015 55,862 Total IL IT job postings Q1 2015 Note: as it relates to job posting data, certifications include voluntary professional certifications and mandated certifications (aka licensure) Top certs cited in IL IT ads include CISSP, Cisco, PMP, CISA, Microsoft, CISM, ITIL and CompTIA Security+ (10 th ), Network+ (11 th ), & A+ (17 th ). Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015 See CompTIA’s HR Perceptions of IT Training and Certification study for insights on why IT job postings may exclude certifications in the listing

17 55,862 Total IL IT job postings during Q1 2015, of which 51% do not specify employer. Employers with the Most IT Job Ads – IL Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

18 55,862 Total IL IT job postings during Q1 2015, of which 65% do not specify industry. Industries with the Most IT Job Ads – IL Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015 Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services cited in 8,413 Q1 IL IT job postings.

19 Section 4: Chicago MSA

20 ONET CodeCore IT Occupations # Postings Q1 2015 # Postings Q1 2014# Change% Change 11-3021.00Computer & Information Systems Managers 93358235160% 15-1111.00Computer & Information Research Scientists 1336469108% 15-1121.00-.01Computer Systems Analysts & Informatics Specialists 4,9992,5522,44796% 15-1122.00Information Security Analysts 1,439547892163% 15-1131.00Computer Programmers 1,7171,02269568% 15-1132.00Software Developers, Applications 14,3036,6107,693116% 15-1133.00Software Developers, Systems Software 1,233585648111% 15-1134.00Web Developers 2,3101,1001,210110% 15-1141.00Database Administrators 2,5381,1891,349113% 15-1142.00Network & Computer Systems Administrators 1,92299992392% 15-1143.00-.01Computer Network Architects & Telecom Engineers 99751348494% 15-1151.00Computer User Support Specialists 3,2872,0561,23160% 15-1152.00Computer Network Support Specialists 2291676237% 15-1199.00 -.12Computer Occupations, All Other 12,3626,5615,80188% 17-2061.00Computer Hardware Engineers 45301550% 49-2011.00Computer, Automated Teller, & Office Machine Repairers 56381847% Total 48,50324,61523,88897% Current quarter vs. same quarter last year Number of IT Job Openings in Chicago – QoQ Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

21 Top Specialized Skills in IT Job Postings 1.SQL 2.JAVA 3.Oracle 4.Repair 5.JavaScript 6.Computer Aided Drafting/Design (CAD) 7.Graphic Design 8.LINUX 9.Microsoft C# 10..NET Programming Top Skill Clusters in IT Job Postings 1.Common: Communication and Coordination 2.Common: Problem Solving 3.IT: Programming, Development, and Engineering 4.Common: Business Environment 5.IT: Databases and Data Warehousing 6.IT: Business Intelligence 7.IT: Web Design and Technologies 8.Common: Project and Process Flow 9. Digital Media and Design: Tech Development and Design 10.IT: Network Administration and Security 48,503 Chicago IT job postings in Q1 2015, of which 21% do not specify specialized skills. 48,503 Chicago IT job postings in Q1 2015, of which 24% do not specify skill clusters. Top Skills Cited in IT Job Postings – Chicago Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015 Technical Support cited in 3,347 Q1 Chicago IT job postings. IT: Network Administration and Security related skills cited in 8,860 Q1 IL IT job postings and IT: Support (13 th ) related skills cited in 6,525 postings.

22 Top Job Titles Listed in IT Job Postings 1.Software Development Engineer 2.Java Software Developer 3..Net Developer 4.Network Engineer 5.Solutions Architect 6.Software Developer 7.Applications Developer 8.Web Developer 9.Systems Engineer 10.Data Analyst Top Job Titles in IT Support and Network Administration and Security Skill Clusters 1.Network Engineer 2.Systems Administrator 3.Systems Engineer 4.Java Software Developer 5.Security Engineer 6.Software Development Engineer 7..Net Developer 8.Software Developer 9.Applications Developer 10.Network Administrator 48,503 Chicago IT job postings in Q1 2015. 12,351 Chicago IT job postings in Q1 2015 within the IT Support (6,525) and Network Admin. & Security (8,860) skill clusters. Top Titles Cited in IT Job Postings – Chicago Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

23 Certification, Experience & Job Type – Chicago Q1 2015 Top certs cited in Chicago IT ads include CISSP, Cisco, PMP, CISA, Microsoft, CISM, ITIL, and CompTIA Network+ (11 th ) & A+ (16 th ). 48,503 Total Chicago IT job postings Experience Requirements for IT Job Postings 9% < 2 Years 38% 2-5 Years 38% 5-8 Years 15% 8+ Years Percentages among 27,299 ads with experience specified. (44% of 48,503 do not specify experience.) Job Types for IT Job Postings 68% Permanent 32% Temporary Percentages among 21,637 ads with type specified. (55% of 48,503 do not specify type.) Additionally, 98% specify Full-time, 2% Part-time. Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

24 Educational Requirements in IT Job Ads – Chicago Q1 2015 Preferred / Required Education Listed in IT Job Postings Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015 Note: a job posting may cite more than one educational preference/requirement. Percentages among 22,677 ads with education specified. (53% of 48,503 do not specify education.) Top Majors Listed in IT Job Postings 1. Computer Science 2. Business Administration & Management 3. Engineering 4. Accounting 5. Computer Engineering 6. Information Technology 7. Electrical & Electronic Engineering Technologies A great majority (83%) of Chicago IT job postings do not specify a major. More educational requirement details for IL & Chicago can be accessed via:

25 48,503 Total Chicago IT job postings during Q1 2015, of which 52% do not specify employer. Employers with the Most IT Job Ads – Chicago Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

26 48,503 Total Chicago IT job postings during Q1 2015, of which 64% do not specify industry. Industries with the Most IT Job Ads – Chicago Q1 2015 Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015 Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services cited in 7,964 Q1 Chicago IT job postings.

27 Section 5: IT Employment & Future Outlook

28 IT Industry Employment IT Occupation Employment Within the IT industry, there are many IT occupations and IT workers An estimated 5.48 million workers were employed in the U.S. information technology industry in 2014. This includes technical and non-technical positions in employer firms and non- employer firms. An estimated 4.88 million workers were employed in core IT occupations, across the full spectrum of U.S. industry sectors and the government sector in 2014. This figure includes non-employers, such as the self-employed or sole proprietors. IT Industry Employment vs. IT Occupation Employment Sources: EMSI | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages | CompTIA April 2015

29 Sizing the U.S. IT Workforce Sources: EMSI | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages | CompTIA April 2015 SOC CodeOccupation20132014% Change 11-3021Computer and Information Systems Managers 350,788361,181 3.0% 15-1111Computer and Information Research Scientists 26,37327,016 2.4% 15-1120NET Computer and Information Security Analysts 670,320695,271 3.7% 15-1121Computer Systems Analysts 591,108612,817 3.7% 15-1122Information Security Analysts 79,21282,454 4.1% 15-1130NET Software Developers and Programmer 1,705,5701,763,907 3.4% 15-1131Computer Programmers 385,469393,369 2.0% 15-1132Software Developers, Applications 691,847718,869 3.9% 15-1133Software Developers, Systems Software 402,638416,102 3.3% 15-1134Web Developers 225,617235,567 3.4% 15-1140NET Database and Systems Administrators and Network Architects 656,781670,389 2.1% 15-1141Database Administrators 123,383126,831 2.8% 15-1142Network and Computer Systems Administrators 384,726392,529 2.0% 15-1143Computer Network Architects 148,672151,029 1.6% 15-1150NET Computer Support Specialists 831,453854,239 2.7% 15-1151Computer User Support Specialists 643,060662,602 3.0% 15-1152Computer Network Support Specialists 188,392191,637 1.7% 15-1190Computer Occupations, All Other 231,948234,223 1.0% 17-2060Computer Hardware Engineers 84,63186,899 2.7% 49-2010Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers 193,740194,924 0.6% TOTAL CORE IT OCCUPATIONS EMPLOYMENT 4,751,6044,888,049 2.9% Data represents Core IT occupations; knowledge worker and other periphery occupations are not included. The table is an aggregation of employer data – firms with payroll [4,337,195 core IT workers] + non-employer data covering the self-employed or sole proprietors [550,854 workers) See Appendix for 2014 vs. 2015 Forecast.

30 IT Occupations Mapping Sources: EMSI | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages | CompTIA January 2015 1.California 2.Texas 3.New York 4.Virginia 5.Florida 6.Illinois 7.Pennsylvania 8.Massachusetts 9.New Jersey 10.Washington 11.Ohio 12.Georgia 13.North Carolina 14.Maryland 15.Michigan 16.Colorado 17.Minnesota 18.Arizona 19.Missouri 20.Wisconsin 21.Indiana 22.Tennessee 23.Oregon 24.Connecticut 25.Alabama The top 25 states for IT occupations account for 88% of the country’s 4.88 million IT jobs

31 Using Shift Share Analysis to Assess Regional Job Growth 2013 Core IT Jobs 2014 Core IT Jobs Actual Change Predicated Change*VarianceInterpretation California569,463589,98120,51814,6945,824Outperformed expectations Texas346,122362,25216,1308,7147,416Outperformed expectations Virginia209,194204,111-5,0835,495-10,578Underperformed expectations Illinois173,380175,9032,5234,182-1,658Underperformed expectations Ohio145,117146,7291,6123,735-2,124Underperformed expectations What is Shift Share Analysis? According to EMSI, shift share is a standard regional analysis method that attempts to determine how much of regional job growth can be attributed to national trends and how much is due to unique regional factors. Shift share provides context that can be useful in interpreting data. For example, is 3% job growth in a particular state good or bad? The answer of course depends on how the national economy is performing, as well as other states. If national employment was flat, then 3% is very good. However, if national employment grew by 5%, then 3% could be viewed as underperforming. In the table above, the ‘predicted change’ column is based on analysis conducted by EMSI. Their economic model takes into consideration national employment trends, regional trends and other factors to predict how an industry or occupational category might be expected to perform. While Illinois and Ohio experienced IT job growth, the model predicted they could have done slightly better. Conversely, California and Texas grew their base of IT workers faster than expected, which translates to outperforming expectations. Outperforming expectations could be a function of momentum, policy decisions, the presence of tech hubs or robust technology ecosystem clusters, investments in human capital or any number of other factors. Underperformance could be the absence of these factors or other limitations that inhibit job growth in some way. Source: EMSI | April 2015

32 Salaries and Job Growth for Core IT Positions Salaries10 Year Job Growth Projections ONET CodeCore IT Occupation Average Annual Salary Projected NET New Jobs 2012 - 2022 2012 – 2022 % Change 11-3021.00Computer and Information Systems Managers$120,950 50,90015% 15-1111.00Computer and Information Research Scientists$102,190 4,10015% 15-1121.00Computer Systems Analysts$79,680 127,70025% 15-1122.00Information Security Analysts$86,170 27,40037% 15-1131.00Computer Programmers$74,280 28,4008% 15-1132-1133.00Software Developers$93,350 222,70022% 15-1134.00Web Developers$62,500 28,50020% 15-1141.00Database Administrators$77,080 17,90015% 15-1142.00Network and Computer Systems Administrators$72,560 42,90012% 15-1143.00Computer Network Architects$91,000 20,90015% 15-1150.00Computer Support Specialists$48,900 123,00017% 15-1199.00Computer Occupations, All OtherNA 7,8004% 17-2061.00Computer Hardware Engineers$100,920 6,2007% 49-2011.00Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers$36,620 5,1004% TotalNA 713,50017% Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Employment Statistics, January 2014

33 Section 6: Appendix

34 ONET CodeOther Core IT Occupations # Postings Q1 2015 # Postings Q1 2014# Change% Change 15-1199.00Computer Occupations, All Other408566-158-28% 15-1199.01Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers33,34821,45711,89155% 15-1199.02Computer Systems Engineers/Architects43,94126,56217,37965% 15-1199.03Web Administrators2,8621,91794549% 15-1199.04Geospatial Information Scientists and Technologists2,4221,85057231% 15-1199.05Geographic Information Systems Technicians1,15489825629% 15-1199.06Database Architects10,9676,2504,71775% 15-1199.07Data Warehousing Specialists9,2836,1883,09550% 15-1199.08Business Intelligence Analysts64,92343,31921,60450% 15-1199.09Information Technology Project Managers29,13218,56610,56657% 15-1199.10Search Marketing Strategists4,5913,69589624% 15-1199.11Video Game Designers243222219% 15-1199.12Document Management Specialists5,9625,4704929% Total209,236136,96072,27653% Current quarter vs. same quarter last year Number of Other US IT Job Ads – Quarter over Quarter Source: Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, April 2015

35 Computer User Support Specialists – US 2014 Demographics Years of Age Sources: EMSI | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages | April 2015 Educational Attainment 1%Less than high school diploma 11%High school diploma or equivalent 28%Some college, no degree 17%Associate's degree 35%Bachelor's degree 8%Master's degree 1%Doctoral or professional degree 71% of Computer User Support Specialists are Male; 29% are Female.

36 Source: CompTIA’s 2 nd Annual IT Career Insights study Base: 1,440 U.S. IT professionals 94% of IT pros plan to pursue more training in at least one area. Top IT Skills IT Professionals Plan to Pursue Note: Nearly all respondents (95%) are already certified in CompTIA A+ (68%), Network+ (51%), or Security+ (48%). IT knowledge / skills IT pros would like to further develop over the next two years

37 Source: CompTIA’s Post Exam Survey Q4 2014 Base: 17,330 A+, Network+, Security+ & Server+ candidates 96% of CompTIA certification candidates plan to pursue one or more other IT certification areas over the next few years. Top IT Certification Areas Candidates Plan to Pursue IT certification areas candidates plan to pursue over the next few years

38 Additional Resources  Cyberstates 2015: The Definitive State-by-State Analysis of the U.S. Tech Industry  CompTIA US IT Employment Snapshot Q1 2015  CompTIA’s 2 nd Annual IT Career Insights study (profiling survey of CompTIA certification holders): – US full report – Canada summary – South Africa summary – UK summary  CompTIA IT workforce-related industry research that’s been published, for example: – IT Industry Outlook and Quarterly IT Industry Business Confidence Index – HR Perceptions of IT Training and Certification – Teen Views on Tech Careers – Military Career Path Study: Assessing the role of training and certifications – Information Security Trends – International Technology Adoption & Workforce Trends – Generational Research on Technology and its Impact in the Workplace  CompTIA premier members, partners & registered users can access research here: – CompTIA website – CompTIA Partner Portal

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