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Properties of Real Numbers. Closure Property Commutative Property.

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Presentation on theme: "Properties of Real Numbers. Closure Property Commutative Property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Properties of Real Numbers

2 Closure Property


4 Commutative Property


6 Associative Property


8 Identity Property


10 Inverse Property


12 Distributive Property


14 Examples


16 Definitions of Subtraction and Division

17 Examples

18 Justification Definition of division Distributive Property Commutative Property for Multiplication Associative Property for Multiplication Multiplication Commutative Property for Addition

19 Examples Justification Definition of subtraction Commutative Property for Addition Associative Property for Addition Inverse Property of Addition Identity Property of Addition

20 Examples Justification Definition of Division Commutative Property for Multiplication Associative Property for Multiplication Inverse Property for Multiplication Identity Property for Multiplication

21 Examples Justification Definition of Division Distributive Property Commutative Property for Multiplication Associative Property for Multiplication Inverse Property for Multiplication Identity Property for Multiplication Addition

22 Examples Justification Commutative Property of Addition Associative Property of Addition Distributive Property (Factoring) Addition Commutative Property for Addition

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