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by Bartosz Witek 5D Second World War Project Please enjoy! Please open this site for flash presentation and music. quadrons,%E2%80%93,Ko.

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2 by Bartosz Witek 5D Second World War Project Please enjoy! Please open this site for flash presentation and music.,s quadrons,%E2%80%93,Ko sciusko,squadron,,City,of, Poznan,squadron,,Hawker,,Hurricane,,Supermarine,,Spitfire,,Norholt,180.html Division 303

3 This is something that is out of the topic. On September 1939 there were two air forces from different historical epochs fought over Poland. German Luftwaffe (the most modern airplane in the world!) met the desperated Polish squadrons. They were better armed and equipped so it was hard for Polish pilots. Polish airmen courageously fought with numerous and better armed enemy. They achieved 147 aircraft confirmed" kills. Poland fell and nearly everything was lost. After that they escaped from Poland and went to France but after France surrounded. There only chance was United Kingdom (Great Britain).

4 No. 303 (‘‘Kosciuszko’’) Polish Fighter Squadron was one of 16 Polish squadrons in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. It was the highest scoring RAF squadron of the Battle of Britain. No.303 Squadron was formed on 10 th of July, in Northol and as you know 1940. There was another squadron called 302 This is the logo of the 2 squadrons there was all so another squadron called 304 but that was a bombing squadron. The pilots from squadron 303 were from 111 and 112 squadrons. The first commander of squadron 303 was Ldr Ronald Kellet and his Polish counterpart was Ldr Zdzisław Henneberg. The both units had Hawker Hurricanes Mk. The best Polish pilots were: Witold Urbanowicz Zdzisław Henneberg Jan Zumbach

5 Lets begin on 30 August 1940 when the squadron scored its first victory while still officially non-operational, against a German Bf 110 was shot down by Ludwik Paszkiewicz during a training flight. The wreck was first excavated in 1982. The squadron was declared operational next day by No.11 Fighter Group. It was the highest scoring RAF squadron of the Battle Of Britain! Yey!

6 No. 303 Squadron was scrambled in late after noon and it had its first operational sortie. It had a dogfight over Kent. There were to possible victory against Messerschmitt Bf 109 and LG2. Second September 1940, it was a good day when the No.303 Squadron got scrambled three times. Pilot Feric shot down a BF 109 at the last scramble and made a forced landing near Dover! (there is a port in Dover) while Czechoslovak Air Force pilot shot down a BF 110. Yey! The same day in Dover other pilot from No.303 Squadron had his second victory with the total of 17 victories. He was the top scoring Allied fighter pilot during the Battle Of Britain. Lieutenant Kazimierz Daszewski, or Joe Long (right), was miraculously saved when he shot down over Dover Messerschmitt. Seriously wounded, he jumped from the plane, and he managed to parachute to open at the last minute. In addition to Jan Zumbach, a pilot with nerves of steel.

7 On this day, nine No. 303 Hurricanes intercepted a German bombing formation escorted by BF 109s. The Polish pilot called Lapkowski that claimed five BF 109s and three Ju 88s. He get out but he was wounded. 126 German aircraft or "Adolfs" were claimed as shot down by 303 Squadron pilots during the Battle of Britain. This is the score of "Adolfs" chalked onto a Hurricane. Did you know?...

8 Nine Hurricanes were scrambled for a incoming bomber formation. During the fight they were bounced by Bf 109s of III. Pilots Kellet and Forbes force came out a bit wounded after the fight. Carabin bailed out wounded too. Sgt. Krasnodebski was a bit burned while other three Hurracanes were damaged. They shot down in total five Bf 109, 1 Do 17 and a He 111. After all it wasn’t that bad. Witold Urbanowicz was nominated as squadron commander! Hooray! h?v=Te7TG9ws--o It’s in Polish!

9 Germany tried to bomb London’s docks but Division 303 stopped It becoming reality. The Squadron claimed 12 Do 17s and two Bf 109s, with Zumbach, Feric, Szaposznikow and Wojtowicz all scoring double victories. Daszewski got shot down and got badly wounded. Pisarek made it and survived! ): and (:. The worst thing of all is his Hurricane crushed in a family’s back garden while they were in there shelters and three of them got killed. Its ok to be upset.

10 12 303 Hurricanes were scrambled for another fight. Two claims made over Bf 109s by Zumbach (both 109s of JG 53) and one from Frantisek and posibly a He 111 of KG 533, while Kent shot down a Bf 110. It was a hard fight and Sgt. Wunsche had a nasty burn on his head! That wasn’t nice. Frantisek had to crash-land. Total loss: 1 burn Victories: 3 (one more possibly, a He 111) Horrible facts 1’500 people tried to jam in the tube tunle just in 10 min! One women with a child in her hands tumbled and a man tripped over her, others slipped and the crowd behind started falling on each other! Then in 15 min the stairs were jammed with people! 175 people: 4 womens, 62 children and 27 men saficated in a terrible acident. Horrible death! Fact from Horrible Histories Blitz.

11 On 16.00 on the 11 th of September the Squadron attacked a bomb formation other London has been interrupted by squadron 303. Pilot Cebrzynski was faintly wounded by a return fire but he made it. Wojtowicz shot down two Messerschmitt Bf 110s before being shot down and killed. People still remember him on the remembrance day. All of the pilots claimed all together two Bf 110’s,1 Bf 109, three Do 17 and four He 111.

12 The Squadron was massively involved over a dogfight over London on 15th September 1940 and made it! It was occupied with 9 Hurricanes led by Kent. The raid started in mid morning and Squadron 303 destroyed Hitler’s plans. Nine kills are claimed: six Bf 109s, one Bf 110 and two Do 17s. In the afternoon a formation made by Kellet. They claimed four victories. During the day 303 Squadron claimed 15 victories! Five strong B-flights led by a leader called Urbanowicz claimed an extra two Do 17s. But two polish pilots were shot down and that was the loss. Brzezowski got killed and Andruszkow just about survived. Lokuciewski was wounded in the leg but he returned to base like nearly every one else.



15 The memorial is desingned by Mieczyslaw Lubelski. It is made from Portland Stone with bronze lettering and a bronze eagle-the symbol of the Polish airforce. The name of 1,243 Poles who died during the war were inscribed on the memorial.

16 Hurricane is a aeroplane used in Second World War. There were a few versions of Hurricanes Division 303 used Hurricanes Mk II. Battle of Britain is a battle between England and Germany for land. Brits -England Blitz -Germany U-boat is a German submarine. Dogfight is a fight with other aeroplanes. Luftwaffe is a German airforce. Blackout is a time when in England all lights are turned off.

17 Thank you for watching!

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