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 Professor in Yale’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies › Social Ecology › Anthropology  Has done research in both India and Pakistan (over.

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2  Professor in Yale’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies › Social Ecology › Anthropology  Has done research in both India and Pakistan (over 12 years)  College › Undergraduate at Northwestern University › Masters and PhD at Stanford University  Written many articles and books › Conservation Nature in Culture: Case Studies from Southeast Asia Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson http://environme e/dove/

3  “focuses upon the complex relations between people and their environment” (Panakhyo and McGrath)  Methods used in the article: › Literature review › Literature used includes a variety of anthropological works, which were probably based on participant observation Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson

4  Concepts of indigenous and modernity › Rise and critique of indigeneity  Indigenous peoples and the environment  Movements started by indigenous people › Rights › Environment  Alternative environmentalisms › Meshing conservation and society Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson

5  Defining indigenous › Do we need “modernity” for there to be “indigenous” people”? › Defined by politics and history?  Development discourse  Indigenous people shaped land (from /08/ancient-amazon-earthworks-seen-by-satellite/ /08/ancient-amazon-earthworks-seen-by-satellite/) Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson

6  Local environmental knowledge  Conservation  Myth of noble savage › There are “three essentialized myths about indigenous peoples: that of the exotic other, the intruding wastrel, and the noble savage or fallen angel.” (Dove, 197)  How does politics and the modern world fit in with indigeneity? › Integrated Conservation and Development Projects Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson

7  Zapatistas › Land reform  Chipko Movement › Preventing deforestation Chipko Movement From o_movement Zapatista Movement From http://www.beaverstatepermacul mexico-and-the-return Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson

8  Chose the article because it appealed to a wide variety of my interests  Limitations › Draws on a variety of sources, but who wrote them?  Indigenous peoples?  Educated, “modern” people  Might affect article Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson

9  More research on relationship between indigenous people and environment  Changing climate › How do people adapt?  Important to realize that indigenous people › Live in our world › Face the same problems Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson

10  Research on indigenous peoples is very important for understanding environmental sustainability  However, we must understand the ethics of doing so, as well as not idealizing certain groups of people Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson


12 !Kung people, from Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Politics by Michael Dove, presented by Elizabeth Anderson

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