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R EADING A P OEM. T YPES OF P OEM Lyric- A short poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker. It is often written in first person. Narrative-

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Presentation on theme: "R EADING A P OEM. T YPES OF P OEM Lyric- A short poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker. It is often written in first person. Narrative-"— Presentation transcript:


2 T YPES OF P OEM Lyric- A short poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker. It is often written in first person. Narrative- A poem that tells a story. Ballads and epics are two common forms of narrative poem. Dramatic- A poem written as a speech made by a character at some decisive moment. Didactic- A poem intended to teach a moral lesson or impart a body of knowledge.

3 T YPES OF I RONY Irony- In language, a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant. In life, a discrepancy between what is expected and what occurs. Verbal Irony- A mode of expression in which the speaker says the opposite of what is really meant, such as saying, “Great story!” in response to a boring, pointless anecdote. Sarcasm- A style of bitter irony meant to mock or hurt its target.

4 T YPES OF I RONY Dramatic Irony- A situation in which the larger implications of the character’s words, actions, or situation are unrealized by that character, but seen by the readers or the audience. Cosmic Irony- The contrast between a character’s position or aspiration and the treatment she or he receives at the hands of a seemingly hostile fate.

5 I MPORTANT T ERMS Verse- May refer to any single line of poetry or any composition written in a regular rhythm, in contrast to prose. Paraphrase- The restatement in one’s own words of what one understands a poem to suggest. Summary- A brief condensation of the main idea or plot of a work. A summary is less detailed than a paraphrase.

6 I MPORTANT T ERMS Subject- The main topic of a work; what the work is ‘about’. Theme- A recurring subject or idea noticeable in a work. Not all subjects are themes, only the central ones. Tone- The mood or manner of expression that conveys an attitude toward the work’s subject. It may be playful, ironic, sad, sarcastic, etc. It helps to establish the reader’s relationship to the characters or ideas presented.

7 I MPORTANT T ERMS Satiric Poetry- Poetry that blends criticism with humor to convey a message, usually through the use of irony and a tone of detached amusement, contempt, and implied superiority. Persona- Latin for “mask.” A fictitious character created by an author to be the speaker in a literary work

8 I NDIVIDUAL A SSIGNMENT Please read the following poems and answer the questions that follow each: Rite of Passage pg 661 The Golf Links pg 662 Making it in poetry pg 663 Please turn in your work before you leave today!

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